Title: TradElect Conceptual Training
1TradElect Conceptual Training
- Introduction
- Objectives
- Focus
- Functional Segments and Sectors
- Participant Structure
- The Order Book
- Characteristics of the Order Book
- Order Types
- Validity
- Price time priority
- The Trading Day
- Trades
The objectives are
- To ensure an understanding of the trading model
- To describe the overall structure of the market
segments - To understand the trading rules
This course will focus on
- Order Types
- Anonymity
- Market depth
- Order suspension and modification
- Auctions
- Price monitoring
- Closing Prices
- Trade types
- Publication delays
5Functional Segments
- The trading platform has been divided into five
functional segments to facilitate trade and
efficient running of the market. - Functional segments and sectors facilitate the
setting of common trade parameters for
instruments with similar characteristics. - The segments are determined by grouping stocks
with similar liquidity classifications as they
have similar characteristics.
JSE Top Companies ZA01
JSE Medium Liquid ZA02
JSE Less Liquid ZA03
Specialist Products ZA04
- TOP40 equities and related instruments.
- Functional sectors obey the same trading
schedules and similar trade period rules.
- Liquid and Medium liquid equities and related
instruments which are not part of the TOP40. - Functional sectors obey the same trading
schedules and similar trade period rules.
- Less liquid equities
- Exchange Traded Funds
- Alternative Exchange (ALTX)
- Other products
- Functional sectors obey the same trading
schedules and trade period rules. - Intra-day liquidity auctions are used to
facilitate trade.
- NSX instruments.
- Functional sectors may obey different trading
schedules and trade period rules. - Intra-day liquidity auctions will be used to
facilitate trade.
- Warrant Instruments
- Investment products
- Functional sectors obey the same trading
schedules and trade period rules.
6Functional Sectors
JSE Market
Functional Segment
Top Companies (ZA01)
Medium Liquid (ZA02)
Specialist Products (ZA04)
Less Liquid (ZA03)
NSX (ZA11)
TOP 40
Specialist Products
High Liquid
Less Liquid
Dual Listed NSX
Dual Listed UK
Functional Sector Definition
Medium Liquid
Local NSX
Top Companies
VC DC Boards
Main Board
Note - Intra-day Auctions included.
7Participant Structure
A new level has been introduced to the
participant structure viz. Trader Group. This
structure can be used to support the
identification of desks and/or individuals
within a trading entity, such as cash desk,
arbitrage, international brokerage, direct
market access and automated trading systems.
8Characteristics of the Order Book
- Buy and sell orders are placed into a central
order book - Full depth of the order book is visible
- During continuous trading, orders are matched
continuously on a price-time priority basis - Matching (Uncrossing) of the order book occurs at
the end of auction periods - Pre and post trade anonymity
- Standard settlement terms only (T5) i.e. no
same day settlement and other special terms
9Order Entry Parameters
When entering orders, there are certain
parameters within which your order is entered.
The most important ones are highlighted here
- Dealing Capacity
- Order Size
- Order Price
- Trader Group
- Trader ID
- Buy Or Sell Indicator
- Client Account Number
- Validity
- Instrument Alpha code
- Foreign currency indicator will default to no
There are essentially two order types that may
appear on the order book, namely limit orders
and market orders
11Time Based Validity
- Immediately entered into the order book upon
entry by a Participant and is removed once the
expiry date/time specified in the message has
been reached (unless fully executed or deleted
prior to the specified time) - The two types of time based validity are Good
Till Time (GTT) and Good Till Cancelled (GTC).
These are shown below. - Good Till Time (GTT) Allows an expiry date and
time to be specified on the message up to a
configurable maximum - Good Till Cancelled (GTC) No expiry date and time
is specified but will default to the configurable
maximum for the instrument - Note An expiry date and time is only specified
with GTT validity and both fields must always be
populated. - GTC orders will have their expiry date set to the
maximum number of calendar days allowed in the
segment after the day of entry. If a GTC order
has either the date or time populated, it will be
rejected by the system. - GTT orders will expire using the date and time
specified in the date and time validity fields.
12Period Based Validity
- This validity type introduces the concept of
Parked Orders, allowing both the entry and
removal of the order to be based upon a specific
period based transition. - GFD - Good for Day orders are immediately posted
to the book deleted at start of runoff (RNOF)
for instruments in ZA01, ZA02, ZA03 ZA11 or end
of continuous trading (CTDG) for instruments in
ZA04 - ATO - At the Open orders are Parked for injection
at the start of the next opening auction period
and deleted at end of opening auction for
instruments in ZA01, ZA02, ZA03, ZA04 ZA11 - ATC - At the Close orders are Parked for
injection at the start of the next closing
auction deleted at end of closing auction for
instruments in ZA01, ZA02, ZA03 ZA11 or end of
continuous trading for instruments in ZA04 - GFA - Good for Auction Parked for injection for
the next available auction (Open, close,
Intra-day or Volatility) deleted at end of
auction for instruments in ZA01, ZA02, ZA03
ZA11 or end of continuous trading for instruments
in ZA04
13Period Based Validitycont
- GFX - Good for Intra-Day Auction Parked for
injection at the next scheduled intra-day auction
(IDAX) Deleted at end of auction for instrument
in ZA03 ZA11 - Orders with period based validity can be entered
into the market during the period it is based
upon and will be visible to the order book e.g.
GFA can be entered during the Auction
14Parked Orders
- An order submitted by a Participant will be held
in the system until the applicable period is
reached, at which point it is passed onto the
order book - Whilst the order is held by the system it is not
publicly visible and does not participate in
continuous trading/auctions - It may still be modified and deleted
- Whilst parked, the order will maintain time
priority in line with all other orders that have
been parked for that particular instrument.
Also, when modified, it follows the same rules as
it would on the order book to determine whether
price/time priority is maintained - The ability to park orders prior to the period
they are intended for, ensures that they have a
higher priority when going into the period - This is because they are entered prior to any new
orders being able to be submitted for that period
15Injected Orders
- As the period becomes effective the order will be
injected into the order book as if the
Participant had at that point submitted the order
themselves - The order will then either execute against any
valid orders or remain on the book - The transitioning of the period can also control
the removal of the order, if it has not already
been fully executed - Validity types such as At the Open (ATO) will
be entered at the start of the Auction Call
period and if not executed, removed before
transitioning into continuous trading. - Any live orders already active on the order
book will always have higher priority than the
parked orders being injected
16Execution Based validity
- Fill or Kill (FOK) validity ensures orders are
matched immediately and fully upon order entry.
If full execution is not possible immediately,
the entire order is rejected from the trading
platform. - Execute and Eliminate (ENE) validity ensures
orders are matched immediately and as fully as
possible upon order entry with any remaining,
unexecuted volume being deleted from the trading
17Order Execution Constraints
The following descriptions are used to
distinguish between the different order type /
execution constraint combinations
18Price/time priority
19Summary part 1
- Instruments are logically grouped into functional
market segments and sectors according to their
characteristics - Full depth of the order book is available
- Pre and post trade anonymity
- Two main order types
- Market Orders
- Limit Orders
- They can be subject to
- Execution Based Validity (execute and eliminate /
fill or kill) - Time Based Validity (GTT GTC)
- Period Based Validity (GFD, ATO, ATC, GFA GFX)
- No Market Orders without Execution based validity
or period based validity accepted during
Continuous Trading
20The Trading Day(ZA01, ZA02, ZA03, ZA11)
A normal trading day consists of several key
Opening Auction
Closing Auction
Continuous Trading
Post-trade run-off
Intra-day Liquidity Auction
Volatility Auction
The continuous trading period for functional
segment ZA03 and local NSX instruments in ZA11
will include one scheduled intra-day liquidity
focusing auction from 12h00 to 12h15.
21The Trading Day
The Trading Day(ZA04)
A normal trading day consists of several key
Opening Auction
End of Continuous Trading
Continuous Trading
Closing price disseminated
22Opening Auction Period
The trading day will begin with an Opening
An indicative uncrossing price and volume will
be published during the auction.
23Random Periods
Random periods make the start of the next period
No Random Period
Random Period Applied
24Call Extensions
Unusual events in auctions are brought to the
attention of the market through the
implementation of auction call extensions
e.g. 09h0027
e.g. 09h0252
Would there be unexecuted market orders (MOs)?
Check order book before match
Would there be excessive price movement?
e.g. 09h0543
25Call Extensions
An Opening Auction can have a maximum of one
market order and one price monitoring extension.
5 min if PME 2 min if MOE
5 min if PME 2 min if MOE
0-30 sec
0-30 sec
0-30 sec
Opening Auction 25 min
Market Order Extension
Price Monitoring Extension
Price Monitoring Extension
Market Order Extension
Market Order Extension
Price Monitoring Extension
Random Element
Maximum Extension of 7 minutes plus two random
periods of up to 30 seconds each
Auction Match
26Auction Call Extensions
Volatility Auctions and Intraday Liquidity
Auctions are used for Price Monitoring Controls
Opening Auction
Closing Auction
Continuous Trading
Intra-day Liquidity Auction
Volatility Auction
Market Order Extension
Price Monitoring Extension
No extension
No extension
27Price Discovery
- Price discovery during an auction is based on the
following principles
Maximum Execution
Minimum Surplus
Market Pressure
Reference Price
The auction price is calculated based on the
orders on the book at the time of uncrossing
28Price Discovery
Up to four principles can be applied to determine
the uncrossing price and volume
29Auctions Published Information
Auction trades in JSE TradElect are identified
by a trade type, UT (auction trade)
Market Single trade price and volume
Trading Participants Individual trade details
30Summary part 2
- The Trading day starts with an Opening Auction
during which order execution is disabled. - An indicative uncrossing price and volume will be
published throughout the auction. - Random periods of up to 30 seconds will minimise
market manipulation. - Two call extensions
- Market Order Extension
- Price Monitoring Extension
- Price Discovery (Uncrossing Algorithm)
- Maximum Execution
- Minimum Surplus
- Market Pressure
- Reference Price
31Continuous Trading
After the price determination at the end of the
Opening Auction to day goes into Continuous
- Market Orders without Execution based validity or
Period based validity will be rejected during
Continuous trading - Orders match on price-time priority
- Client Reference field may be modified without
the loss of price-time priority - The continuous trading period for functional
segment ZA03 and local NSX instruments in ZA11
will include one scheduled intra-day liquidity
focusing auction each from 12h00 to 12h15
32Order Size
The maximum order size is governed by a multiple
of the average agency trade volume per instrument
except for ZA03 ZA04 which is 0.5 of the
Shares in Issue. Maximum order size is set at a
segment level
33Volatility Auctions
Volatility Auctions are used to maintain orderly
price formation
34Volatility Auctions
The Volatility Bands are defined around the Last
Traded Price
Interruptions to continuous trading
Last Trade
e.g. 5
Volatility Band
Dynamic range (set by last AT)
Trade will not execute
e.g. - 5
35Volatility Bands
Volatility bands are pre-set at functional market
segment level.
36Closing VWAP
Closing VWAP is calculated during the last ten
minutes of continuous trading.
- VWAP Volume Weighted Average Price
- Where no closing auction price can be determined
in the auction, the VWAP will be used as the
closing price - The Closing VWAP is calculated as
- Where
- Pn price of trade n
- Vn volume of trade n and
- VT V1 V2 V3 Vn.
37Closing Auction
The period of Continuous Trading is always
followed by a Closing Auction.
Closing price disseminated
- The uncrossing price calculated during the
Closing Auction will form the closing price of
the day - The Closing Auction lasts only ten minutes and
two price monitoring extensions and one market
order extension are possible - If a closing price cannot be determined during
an auction then the official closing price is the
VWAP of last 10 minutes of trading (the Closing
VWAP) - If there is no Closing VWAP, then the last AT is
taken as the official closing price
38Closing Price(ZA01, ZA02, ZA03 ZA11)
The closing price may be based on Closing Auction
Price, Closing VWAP or Last Automatically
Executed Trade price.
Closing Auction
Call phase
- Closing price Auction price
- Orders executed at closing price
Can Closing Auction Price be determined?
- Closing price 10 min VWAP
- No order execution
Can Closing VWAP be determined?
- Closing price Last Automatically Executed Trade
39Closing Price Warrants Investment Products
- The closing price for Warrants (WR) and
Investment Products (IP) within functional
segment ZA04 will be determined based on the best
bid or offer (BBO) methodology.
End of Continuous Trading
- Closing price Best Bid price Best Offer price
divided by two
Is there a Bid and Offer on the book?
If there is only a Best Offer on the book?
- Closing price Best Offer price
If there is only a Best Bid on the book?
- Closing price Best Bid price
40Closing Pricescont Warrants Investment
Products (ZA04)
End of Continuous Trading
No Bids and Offers on the book?
- Please note when an instrument in any of the
Segments is suspended the a closing price will be
disseminated at the time of suspension.
Thereafter no closing price will be disseminated
for the duration of the suspension.
41Post Trade Run-off
At the end of the trading day there is a Post
Trade Run-off .
- Trade Reporting
- Order Deletion
- Modification of client reference field on Open
Orders or Trades
42Summary Part 3
- No Market Orders without Execution Based validity
or Period Based validity may be entered during
Continuous Trading. - Intra-day Auctions to increase liquidity in ZA03
and local ZA11 securities. - Volatility controls enhances market integrity.
- Volatility bands are set at segment level.
- There is a Post Run-off Phase for Trade
Reporting, Order Deletion and Modification of the
Client Reference Field.
43Trade Types
System generated For NSX market only
44Trade Publication
Exercise of options, exercise of warrants,
exercise of traded options and option delta
trades are the only trades which are not
- Reported transactions
- If conducted during trading hours must
immediately be reported by the member to the JSE
equities trading system. Where two members are
involved, in the transaction, the selling member
must report the transaction - If conducted after trading hours, must be
reported to the JSE equities trading system on
the next business day within the first 15 minutes
of the day (i.e. by 08h45) and - Are immediately published unless it meets the
criteria for publication delay (only on OP)
45Trade Publication Delays
Unless trades meet the criteria for a publication
delay they will have to be published immediately
- Trade publication delays are governed by two
things - trade type
- trade size (based on a multiple of EMS, currently
6) - OP is the only trade type which may be delayed
- EMS set by JSE
- EMS is a figure calculated for each instrument
based on a of average daily agency trade volume - Used to determine maximum order size
46Trade Publication Delays
- An OP Trade is systemically delayed for one
business day if it is greater than 6 times the
EMS - It is up to the participant to pre-release trade
information earlier according to the rules as a
position is unwound. - Must be released to the market when 80 of risk
is unwound
47Contra Trades
The criteria for Contra Trades are set out in the
- Criteria
- Request received by Director Surveillance within
20 minutes from the time of the erroneous trade
and - Trade price is 5 or more away from the reference
price at the time that the order was placed and - The difference between the aggregate value of the
trades that qualify in terms of rule and
the value that would have resulted had such
trades been executed at the reference is R50 00
or more or - the quantity of shares traded exceeds 5 of the
equity security in issue
Because of anonymity, Surveillance will contact
the counter-party.
48Summary Part 4
- Late trades have to be reported by 08h45 on the
following business day. - Only OP trades are eligible for delay.
- It is the participants responsibility to release
information to the market when 80 of the
position has been unwound. - A Contra Trade (CT) is used to correct an
erroneous AT or UT.
E-mail tradingservices_at_jse.co.za