Title: Quantitative Methods:
1Quantitative Methods
- Introductory Overview How To Guide
- by
- Steven B. Auerbach, MD, MPH, FAAP
- Health Resources Services Administration
- Deputy Director Medical Epidemiologist
- Office of Data Analysis
- NorthEast Cluster (Regions I, II, III)
- Room 3337, 26 Federal Plaza, New York, NY 10278
- T 212-264-2550
- F 212-264-2673
- E sauerbach_at_hrsa.gov
2What We Will Cover
- Why you need to do Quantitative Methods
- How Why it is feasible practical
- Reasons to do Quantitative Methods
- Getting started organizationally
- Ethics IRBs
- Format of Protocol
- Types of Study Designs
- Questionnaires and Measurement
- Subjects Sampling
- Measurement Error, Validity Reliability
- Association Causation
- Descriptive Statistics
- Inferential Statistics
- References Resources Software, Books, Web Sites
3Data Competencies
- Ability to develop primary data-sets.
- Ability to utilize secondary data-sets.
- Ability to conduct statistical analyses.
- Ability to use computer systems and packages.
- The ability to conduct needs assessments.
- The ability to develop program evaluation and
research designs. - The ability to conduct economic analysis,
cost-effectiveness/utility/benefit. - The ability to develop, and maintain, quality
assurance, monitoring, tracking, and management
information systems.
4Ecology of Illness Health
5Why it is important for you to do
- Need analysis in the community health and primary
settings to find out what works in the real
world. - Most biomedical research is set in university
medical centers, and is too selective and too
controlled, idealized ivory tower, to be
directly applicable in real world settings. - Much of public health research is too
large-scale population-based, too broad to be
directly programmatically applicable or
clinically applicable in real-world community
health or primary care settings. - E.g,. Do the Guidelines or Best Practices
established from research in other settings,
apply and can be implemented, really, in your
6Why it is useful for you to do
- Collect your own performance data.
- Market yourself to policy makers, payers and
patients. - Increased strength and autonomy of your
organization. - Promotes horizontal linkages with similar
organizations (network). - Promote vertical links with universities,
foundations, advocacy groups. - Learn skills useful in variety of applications,
capacity building for organization and staff
grant writing, analytic thinking, etc. - Document that given program is important,
working, worth funding. - Document that program is cost-effective.
- Document providing good care and outcomes.
- Document effect of managed care.
- Only way to know program works outcomes good,
is to MEASURE it! - Best way to communicate your work success is to
7Doable even given limited resources other
- Academics, Industry Others want to work with
you - They need access to data, interesting questions,
and possible answers. - You need funding, technical assistance, warm
bodies to do the work. - Get Free Help
- Medical, Nursing, Public Health, Economics,
Sociology, Psychology - Profs Grad Students Let their needs and skill
work for you. - Make it Pay
- Linkage, grants, cooperative agreements with
variety of third parties Federal Agencies (NIH,
CDC, AHRQ, HRSA), Disease Associations,
Foundations, Drug Companies, Managed Care
Insurance Companies, as well as Universities
8Research and Publish are not dirty words
- Might as well do it better more formally so
that its quality and meaning is better. - Turn the program assessment, QA/QI, you need to
do anyway into intervention or outcome study. - If make it research and publish, it can pay for
itself with additional funding to do own
performance data, program assessment, outcome. - One persons assessment is anothers research
Publish. - Publishing is how we document communicate
success to others. - Add to generalizable knowledge.
- Promotes your program and yourself to others
- Raise your profile to policy makers, payers,
patients and providers - Publishing gets attention and funding.
- Easier and better recruitment and retention.
9Range of Reasons to do
- Descriptive -- Describe a Phenomenon with
Rates, Frequencies Distributions - Needs Assessment
- Quality Assurance
- Satisfaction
- Incidence and Prevalence, Vital Statistics
- Knowledge, Attitude Beliefs and Behaviors
(KABBS) - Explanatory Relationship Between Phenomena
Association Correlation - Disease Risk Case-Control and Cohort Studies
of Classic Epidemiology - Predictive Implement Intervention, Program,
Treatment, then Measure Effect - Quality Improvement
- Program Evaluation
- Clinical Outcome Measures
- Cost Effectiveness and Cost Benefit
- Disease Prevention
- Health Promotion
10Identify the Topic
- Originate from Personal Experience
- from Societal Trends
- from Professional Trends
- from Previously Published Research
- from Theory
- Interesting What about this topic is of interest
to me and other investigators - What about this topic is relevant to my
immediate setting (boss, payers, community,
colleagues, patients). - Important What about this topic is of broader
social and professional importance? - How is it Novel, Important, Significant.
- Is it new or at least confirm/refute/extend
prior findings? - Does it pass the So What Test once get result
Yes/No now so what? - Answerable Can it be known and answered
concretely, as phrased, in principle - Feasible Knowable within the the constraints of
time, time frame to get results, actual
setting, , personnel, competing agendas, lost
opportunity costs, ethics
11Make it Useful
- How did fact that Care occurred specifically in
this setting make a difference? - How did fact that Study occurred specifically in
this setting make a difference? - How does doing the study This Way make a
difference? -
- What benefit does the Organization get?
- What benefit do the participating Staff get?
- What benefit do the Participant Subjects get?
- What benefit does the the Community at-large get?
- Who are the potential Funders, and what benefit
do they get? - How does doing this Study this Way, further
support the other agendas of the organization?
12Make it Doable
- Health Departments, Community-based
Organizations, NGOs - Collecting Using Data, doing studies, are not
the priority Agenda. - May not have adequate day-to-day an long-term
incentives for doing. - May not have adequate support for doing.
- Yet, still must do it.
- Creative Tension between Doable and Useful
- Useful, interesting, worth the effort
- Quality work, results truly mean what they say
(poor quality politics) - But not too burdensome given limits of staff,
time, money, other priorities - Doable to success, given limitations.
13Multiple Constituents Agendas
- Multiple differing agendas of people
institutions who are de facto involved - Who are ALL the participants
- Who is this going to help
- Who is being imposed upon, or potentially
otherwise affected - Direct
- the Investigators
- the Subjects
- Others in Organization Colleagues, Boss Staff
- Funder
- those higher up with Responsibility or Authority
(e.g, Politician). - Indirect
- Family of Participants
- Non-Participating Clients Patients
- Other Payers Funders (cost-shifting, overhead)
- Those effected by what didnt get done instead
(lost-opportunity cost)
14Format for Planning Protocol
- Objectives What are the question(s) to be
answered? - Background Significance why are these
questions interesting important? - In general? In your specific setting? What
is already known and not known? - Design What is the study design time frame?
- Write out the process, step-by-step. Also
Flow Chart as branching diagram - What you are going to do? How you are going
to do it? -
- Subjects Person, Place Time Setting,
Selection Criteria, Sampling Design. - Who are the subjects and how are they to be
selected? - Variables Predictors, Outcomes, Covariates
Confounders - What are the actual measurement to be made?
- What are the data sources, from where
whom, and how to be obtained? - Statistics Sample Size Power Calculations.
- How will data be Handled, Entered, Cleaned
Descriptive Inferential? - Dummy Tables how will present the
variables, just with results blank.
15and for Presentation Manuscript
- Results Present the numeric results without
comment. - Tables, Graphs, Charts, Maps as well as Text.
- Conclusions What do the results mean (taken at
face value)? - Should reference back to the original stated
Objective(s). - Discussion Strengths and Limitations of the
Study - Place the study into specific context your
setting and those most like it. - Place the study into broad general context
Other Programs, US, Global - Should reference back to Background
16Operation Manual
- Protocol is WHAT you are going to do.
- Operations Manual is HOW you are going to do it.
- Instructions for others, for when (as if) you are
not there. - Prior written instructions to yourself to avoid
cheating (bias) once you are in the middle of it. - How to DO the protocol operationalizes protocol
for other people doing it. - Organization Policies Who is doing what,
where, reporting to whom - Instructions, Procedures and Rules for subjects,
field workers Investigators - Instructions, Procedures and Rules for each step
in the process - Recruitment of Subjects
- Definition of each variable
- Handling of intervention
- Data collection, quality control, handling,
checks, entry, cleaning.
17Ethics IRBs, 1/2
- It is research if has the intent or result to
increase generalizable knowledge. - If just for internal assessment then it is not
research - If you are going to publish, then it is research,
and must be submitted to IRB - May be Exemptible, Expeditable, or require Full
Review - But only IRB can decide, not you investigator
cannot exempt self, must submit. - Exempt IRB Chairperson agrees meets criteria, no
other review. - Surveys, Interviews, Abstract existing records,
Subject over 18 - Data collected in such a way that subjects
cannot be identified - Truly anonymous without any back-linkage
possible. - Not Sensitive Subject Sex, Drugs, Crime
- Response cannot lead to legal liability,
financial loss, decreased employability. - Expedite IRB Chairperson may review themselves
no wait for committee. - Subjects are over 18, procedure is
non-invasive and routine normal practice.
18Ethics IRBs, 2/2
- Submit to IRB ? Clear IRB /-Revision ? Pilot ?
Revise ? Full Study - Submission to IRB includes full protocol,
operations manual, data instruments. - Specify risks benefits selection procedure
written informed consent process. - Do not fear IRB consider as expert consult to
improve your project. - Re-think again
- Is this Ethical? Doable? Worth doing?
- Will be able to answer question, one way or the
other? - Golden Rule still applies do unto others as
you would have them do unto you! - Would you participate, or let your child or other
family participate? - If Intervention
- What if you or your family were blindly
randomized got the intervention? - What if blindly randomized and happened to not
get the intervention?
19Defining Study Question
- Focus Commit at each step for each task,
commit and put into writing - Research Topic Lit search Medline at
http//gateway.nlm.nih.gov/gw/Cmd - Experts in area, either internal and/or
external for advisory panel. - What are the specific definable questions that
the study will specifically answer? - Are you observing existing situation, or
measuring result of intervention? - Explain issue to be addressed, and goals of study
in a short paragraph. - State as a series of single sentence question.
- State as hypothesis null hypothesis what would
and would not be true. - State as short declamatory phrases To
determine or To measure - What is the change in an outcome Y, if this X is
done? - Operationalize study question into actual
variables to be measured - Written case definition for each variable
- If intervention, how is independent variable
(intervention) manipulated measured? - What are the actual sources of data how
gathered (e.g., interview, self-report)?
20Types of Variable by Study Question
- These are the actual things to be measured
- They represent the Study Question and the Answer
- Predictor or Independent Variable
- If interventional then the intervention is the
predictor or independent variable - Outcome or Dependent Variable
- Does the outcome(s) variable actually being
measured, really correspond to and answer the
original study question? - Might be intermediate or process or proxy for
real outcome of interest. - Potential Covariates Confounders
- Analogous to weeds these are the outcomes
other than one of interest to you. - Need to consider issues of Measurement Error,
Reliability Validity
21Types of Variables by Measurement
- Character or Categorical or Alphanumeric
Variables - Represent mutually exclusive categories, labels
- Might code as number
- Two kinds with important real differences
Nominal Ordinal - Nominal
- There is not inherent rank order
- e.g., Sex, Nationality, Blood type, Yes/No
- Inherently statistically methodologically
weakest least power. - Ordinal
- Mutually exclusive categories, but with a rank
order. - Represents relative position, but not real
quantity or interval. - Cannot actually define distance between.
- e.g., Excellent ? Good ? Fair ? Poor or
Private ? Captain ? General - Likert Scales 1Strongly Agree, 2Agree,
3Neutral, 4Agree, 5Strongly Disagree - Inherently intermediate in statistical and
methodologic power. - Do not pre-code from numeric to ordinal if you
dont have to (age to age-group).
22Types of Variables by Measurement
- Numeric
- Really number, can perform mathematical
operations such as average. - Not a category that happens to be coded as a
number. - Interval distance between numbers has real
meaning are equal. - Strongest statistically and methodologically.
- Two kinds, Interval Ratio, but not handled
differently in general practice. - Interval
- Numeric but does not have a true zero.
- Can rescale order relative interval same, but
values place of zero different - e.g., Calendar date (Christian, Jewish, Muslim),
Temperature (C or F) - Ratio
- Numeric Measure with a true zero
- e.g., Age, Weight, Blood pressure, Hgb, CD4 count
23Open Ended Questions
- Generally avoided since cannot analyze unsorted
and uncoded list. - May be useful for pilot or focus group to
determine range content of answers. - Software to help code analyze e.g., TextSmart,
QSRNUDIST - Qualitative Methods is its own field.
24Closed Ended Questions
- If can be numeric, then best to collect as
original number (e.g, age). - Number has greater power and truer meaning.
- Can always re-code later (e.g., age-group)
- But if collected pre-coded, power is lost
forever, cannot retrieve original real value. - If must be character, then pre-code to mutually
exclusive categories. - For data entry separate code for Missing, Dont
Know, Didnt Answer, Refused. - If include in actual questionnaire, will have
higher rate of such non-answers. - Clarity, Simplicity, Neutrality, Defined time
frame - Avoid double barreled with actual or implied
AND or OR - PreTest and Revise
- Use standard categories and intervals (e.g.,
census race groups, NCHS age-groups) - Whenever possible use, or incorporate elements
from, previously used, preferably widely - used and standardized questionnaires.
- Likert Summative
- 1Strongly agree, 2Agree 3Neutral 4Disagree
5Strongly agree - Single answer to each question
- Can add together to score
- Decision choice as to whether to include
mid-point neutral or not (1-4) - Classic example of ordinal variable
- Guttman Cumulative
- Series of statements expressed in ordered
intensity of characteristic - Ask to agree or disagree, Yes/No with each
question in the series. - Score is total number of items agreed to for
each series. - Answers should be internally consistent
- If agree with one level, then should agree with
all lower levels - a. Smoking can cause illness
- b. Smoking is an important cause of illness
- c. Smoking is a very important cause of illness
- d. Smoking is the most important cause of
26Standardized Questionnaires
- Comprehensive health questionnaires web site
http//www.qlmed.org - General Health Status SF-36, WHO-Qual, many
others for specific conditions - Behaviors BRFSS (adult) YRBS (child) from CDC
- http//www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/surveil.htm
- Morbidity Utilization NHIS, NHANES and others
from NCHS - http//www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/catalogs/site
map.htm - Patient Satisfaction PEERS from NACHC, BPHC,
Managed Care Co., etc. - http//www.bphc.hrsa.gov/quality/
- Compendium Books
- Measuring Health Guide to Rating Scales
Questionnaires, McDowell Newell, Oxford
University Press. - Measuring Health A Review of Quality of Life
Measurement Scales, Bowling, Open University
Press. - Measuring Disease A Review of Disease Specific
Quality of Life Measurement Scales, Bowling, Open
University Press.
27Computerizing Variables
- Every Variable Defined by its Type, Length
Name - Database Access, FileMaker Pro, Approach,
Paradox, dBase, FoxPro - Spreadsheet Excel, 123, Quattro Pro
- Statistical gt900 SPSS, SAS
- 500-900 Systat, Stata, Statistica,
DataDesk, JMP - 200-500 NCSS, StatMost, GB-Stat,
Statistix - Free EpiInfo from CDC (EpiTable only
in dos) - Complex Sample Sudaan, WesVar (from Westat).
Some Stata, SAS, EpiInfo - Small Numbers StatXact LogXact from Cytel
- DoEpi (CDC) Free tutorial to learn methods
EpiInfo earn free cme ceu. - Free SPSS Class http//www.shef.ac.uk/scharr/sps
28Data Entry Analysis
- Data Entry Manual key punch
- Scan OCR
- Remote by fax, email, internet
- Data Cleaning Duplicate entry validation
- Re-check of outliers
- Descriptive Stats Measures of frequency, rates
proportions. - Central tendency (Average) Dispersion
(Standard Deviation). - Inferential Stats Measures of Association
magnitude of effect (OR, RR, R). - Tests of Significance probability occurred
by chance (P, CI). - Presentation Tables, Graphs, Maps (graph with
geographic ordinates), Charts.
29Correct Statistic for Study Design, Sample
Method, Variable Type
- Is the Variable Continuous, Ordinal,
Nominalgt2-way or Dichotomous? - If Continuous are Values Normally Distributed
Heterogeneous? - Use Non-Parametric for Ordinal Non-Normal
Continuous - Are the Measurements Independent or not (paired,
matched or repeated measures) - Are Measurements Equal time contribution or
Censored (survival time) - Use of Life Table Methods Log Rank,
Kaplan-Meier, Cox - Sampling Method DE 1 if Simple Random
Sampling normal methods. - If not SRS then Cluster Correlated Account for
Weighting Design Effect - DE lt 1 if Stratified sampling (increased
power) - DE gt 1 if Cluster or Multi-Stage sampling (lt
power) - Special Methods Variance Estimation methods
Taylor, Replication, Bootstrap - Alternate method Hierarchical or Multilevel
Modeling - http//www.fas.harvard.edu/stats/survey-soft/
survey-soft.html - Small N/Sparse Distribution Exact Methods.
LogXact/StatXact see http//www.cytel.com
30Subjects Who How Selected
- Population ?Sample Frame Sampling Method ?
Study Sample - Population What is the setting the subjects
come from? - Who are they meant to represent?
- Sample Frame Must have written objective
inclusion exclusion criteria to define
who is potentially eligible. - Sampling Written protocol how select actual
participants from sample frame. - Data Sources Chart review, Lab, Questionnaire,
Interview, Examination - Recruitment Who is going to actually recruit,
explain study, consent process. - Post-Recruit How to handle refusal and
non-response - Follow-up Who does it, how, and for how
long - What to do with drop-out, attrition, loss
to follow-up
31Truth Data
External Validity
Research Question
Target Population
Accessible Population
Study Plan
Suited to Answer ?
Represent Target
Truth in the Universe
Intended Sample
Specify temporal
Internal Validity
Actual Sample
Study Subjects
Inclusion Criteria
Exclusion Criteria
Truth in
32Sample Size
- Must first Answer or Make Assumption Regarding
- What is the possible range for the expected
magnitude of the effect? - What is the expected average or frequency, and
variance - How big a difference is important to be able to
show? - i.e. What is the smallest difference that is
clinically/programmatically significant? - Can then determine sample size, level of
confidence (alpha) power (beta) - Additional factors to consider in choice of
sample or study population size - Is sample size feasible, over what period of
time how many sites? - Is it an effective use of my available
population? comprehensive? representative? - Can I analyze subgroups do I need to
over-sample or weight subgroups? - Allow extra for ineligibles, refusals,
non-response missing data, drop-outs. - Always better off with a smaller, but more
representative less biased, sample!!!
33Quick Dirty Sample Size Calculations
- for Difference in Means
- Guesstimate plausible/possible minimum maximum
values. - Difference between maximum and minimum is the
Range. - Assuming normal distribution, then 67 of Range
/- 1 Standard Deviation. - N 16 x (Standard Deviation)2
(Difference in Mean)2 - Where Standard Deviation)2 Variance
- Difference in Means Smallest difference
want to be able to detect. - N Total sample size, with N/2 size
for each group, - assuming equal numbers and equal variance
in each group. -
34Quick Dirty Sample Size Calculations
for Difference in Proportions N
16 x P ( 1 P )
( P1 P2 )2 Where P1 P2 are the
two proportions (e.g, 0.45 for 45) for the two
groups. P is the average of the two P
(P1 P2) / 2 P1 P2 Smallest difference
in proportions you want to be able to
detect. N Sample size in each group
(total 2N), assuming equal N in each group.
35Sampling Methods Non-Probability
- Non-Probability - Do not know chance for any
given unit to be selected - Convenience Selected because available, cheap
easy. - Consecutive Select in order from list or line.
- Most Similar / Dissimilar Cases Selected because
thought to be similar/not. - Typical Cases Select cases known to be
available, useful and not extreme. - Critical Cases Selected because considered
essential. - Snowball Included members identify additional
members. - Quota Select sample to yield predetermined
proportions of some variables. - Probability Each unit has specified, measured,
and known chance for selection - Simple Random Each unit has an equal probability
of being chosen. - Enumerate list, then choose with random
numbers. - Systematic Same, except random start, then
select at equal intervals
36Sampling Simple Probability
- Probability Sampling
- Each unit has specified, measured, and known
chance for selection - Simple Random Each unit has an equal probability
of being chosen. - Enumerate list, then choose with random
numbers. - Systematic Same, except random start, then
select at equal intervals
37Complex Probability Sampling
- Stratified Assign each potential member to
group/stratum by characteristic (sex, race, age) - then select a simple random sample from
within each stratum. - Better than SRS and should be done more
often, if have info needed, because - Can choose ratio between subgroups with known or
desired frequency. - Can get desired weighting and over-sample for
small subgroup analysis - ?Power, since ?overall sample random error, since
exact within each strata. -
- Cluster Assign each unit to a group called a
cluster (e.g., geographic cluster) - randomly select some clusters, all
members of selected clusters are included. - Done because less expensive, easier, need
less prior information, but. - Increases Overall sample random error
- all units in excluded clusters have no chance of
being selected. - all units in selected clusters have 100 chance
of being selected. - units within given cluster are more likely to be
more homogenous. - units between clusters are more likely to differ.
- MultiStage Extension of Cluster method Clusters
are selected as in cluster example - then simple random sample of units from
within selected cluster - Cluster selection may be done at more
than one stage.
General Population made up of Squares, Donuts and
Lambda, they come in two colors Pinks (58.3) and
Greens (41/7).
Stratify into Greens Pinks, then can choose
exact proportional number of each
- Set target N from within Green Pink, so
assured to get exactly 58.3 41.7. - Then simple random sample from within each
strata of Color. - If know prior proportion for square, donuts
lambdas could do second level stratification for
- Dont have a list of persons or households for
whole State. - Do have a list for all Census Tracts.
- Therefore, randomly select 50 census tracts.
- Then interview ALL household within those 50
census tracts, to represent all households in
the State. - Unlike SRS or Stratified, can do even if do
not have any listing of, or enumeration for, all
households in the State (which in reality you do
- Dont have a list of persons or households for
whole State. - Have list for all Counties, Census Tracts in
Counties, Blocks in Tracts. - Randomly select 20 Counties
- Randomly select 10 Census Tracts from each of
those 20 selected Counties - Randomly select 5 Census Blocks from each of
those 200 Census Tracts - Pick one household from each of the 1000
Census Blocks to interview. - Can and should use known population data to
make it more representative of States true
population distribution more likely to select
high population county than low population
county, select proportionally more Tracts from
high population county than from low population
41Measurement Error
- Sources of Error - Subjects, Instruments,
Observers, Methods - Random Error Due to probability, by chance
alone, Control Statistically. - Depends upon distribution variance, range,
sample size. - Systematic Error aka Bias Methodologic error
? control for methodologically - Reliability Degree of consistency in measurement
of a variable. - aka Reproducibility Does measurement of
variable give same result when done
repeatedly? Re-done over different situations? - Validity Degree to which item measures what it
is intended to measure. - Internal Validity Result accurately measures the
truth in the study group. - External Validity aka Generalizability
- Study group accurately represents population
wish to generalize to. - Can be Measured Standardized questionnaire means
measures of reliability validity (kappa
correlation coefficients) reported not just that
it was used before.
42Types of Systematic Error
- Selection Bias Sample not representative of
Population by parameter of interest. - Inclusion or exclusion criteria, Refusal,
Referral, Health worker, screwed-up sampling
procedure, differential loss to follow-up - Misclassification/ Systematic error in
measurement - Information Bias Recall or Interviewer Exposure
info varies with outcome status - Contamination Control got the intervention
(e.g., MR-FIT) - Suspicion, Social desirability
- Confounding Distortion of relationship between
exposure and outcome of interest. -
- Caused by association of exposure with a 3rd
factor, which is also associated with the
outcome of interest. - Operationally defined when statistical
adjustment for 3rd factor alters the estimated
magnitude of effect of association between
putative - exposure outcome.
- Control by Stratify, Match, Restriction,
Covariance Multivariate.
- Effect Modifier 3rd factor which is antecedent
to cause. - Modifies magnitude of effect between exposure
outcome. - e.g., Age for many conditions
- Not the same as confounding, since Cause
?Effect is true. - Contingent 3rd factor is intermediate between
cause and effect - Modifier Effect the magnitude of the effect on
outcome - Is itself effected by the cause.
- Not the same as confounding since Cause ?
Effect is true. -
Match Carrying
Lung Cancer
- Appears that Match Carrying causes Lung
Cancer. - Confounder is Smoking, the true cause for both
Match Carrying Lung Cancer. - Smoking is the 3rd factor that is truly causal
for the other two. - It is false that match carrying causes lung
cancer, so this is confounding
45Effect Modification
2 Cigarette Packs/day (RR39)
Risk for Heart Attack
1 Pack/day (RR7)
Non-Smoker (RR1)
Oral Contraceptive Use
The amount of cigarette smoking is an modifies
the magnitude of the effect of oral contraceptive
use on the risk for heart attacks. Relationships
are true, so this is effect modification, not
46Contingent/Intermediate Variable
Serum Lipids
Heart Disease
- Serum Lipids are contingent or intermediate
variable between Diet Heart Disease. - Diet has true causal effect on serum lipids
serum lipids have true causal effect on heart
disease. - and there are also many other causal
interactions going on.
47Complex Interaction
Poverty is truly causal for both exposure to lead
and child development problems (via other
mechanisms such as diet, education, exposure to
violence, etc.). Lead exposure is truly directly
causal for child development problems. Child
development problems are truly causal for lead
exposure (pica behavior). lead exposure can
cause poverty child development problems can
cause poverty!
48Types of Validity
- Face Validity Test Item appears to test what it
is supposed to - Expert opinion says so Hey its Subjectively
plausible - Content Validity Test Item reflects full content
of domain being measured - Item contains all important concepts,
behaviors elements - Test item IS the same thing as the Concept
- Criterion Validity Test Item can substitute for
another (harder to measure) item - Easier/Cheaper screen test item in place of
gold standard Dx. - Concurrent validity if measures made at same
time. - Predictive validity if substitute used to
predict. - e.g., Parents report of vaccine status PSA
for Biopsy - Construct Validity Theoretical construct
measured by instrument (reify) IQ, QoL - Severity of Illness score, does correlate with
probability dying
49Types of Reliability
- Correlation Degree of association between two
sets of data - Vary together, not necessarily in agreement
ht shoe size - Inter-Rater Two raters score same test and both
give same grade. - Intra-Rater Same rater gives same score when
same test is repeated - Test-Retest Same subject gives same test result
when test is repeated - Equivalence Different forms of the test give the
same result - Homogeneity Internal consistency different
items test the same characteristic
50Regression to Mean
- When retest, by chance alone, result could move
to mean or extreme. - More extreme result, the greater probability will
move in direction of mean - Not a matter of truth.
- Just from the probability of direction of change
under bell curve. - If select sub-group with poor result and do
nothing ? Retest ? Will Improve. - Hence Program has bad results at baseline, so
do QI intervention - Do assessment and result shows
improvement - but likely to have improved even if did
51Alternate Explanations for Results
- If there was an observed association, it could be
due to - Chance, Random Type I Error found association
when there really wasnt one. - Bias, Systematic Error such as Confounding,
selection bias, recall bias, etc. - True, but association is really Apparent Effect
? Cause - True, and association is indeed causal Cause ?
Effect - If there was no observed association, it could be
due to - Chance, Random Type II Error didnt find
association when there really was one. - Bias, Systematic Error such as Confounding,
selection bias, recall bias, etc. - True There really is no causal relationship.
52Assessing Causation
- Strength of Association, Magnitude of Effect
- Consistency
- Specificity
- Temporal Relationship Cause comes before Effect
- Biological Gradient, Dose Response
- Biological Plausibility, Theoretical Coherence
- Hierarchy of Design RCT gt Cohort gt Case-Control
gt Ecologic - These are not hard and fast rules
- There are exceptions to all (except causal
order?) of them.
53How to Reduce Measurement Error
- Written protocols and operations manual
- Standardization and training
- Blinding
- Objective Measures
- Automation
- Repeated Measures
- Quality Control Checks
54Control Threats to Validity
- Random Assignment Assignment gives each each
subject an equal and - independent chance to be placed in any
group. - Matching Intervention Control group are
equated on one or - more potential confounding variables
before study. - Blocking Build potential confounder into
design as an independent variable. - Creates blocks (groups) of subjects that
are homogeneous. - for the different levels of potential
confounding variable. - Homogeneous Subjects Choose subjects who have
same value of the potential confounder. - Makes value of potential confounder
inclusion/exclusion criteria. - Subject Own Control Expose each subject to all
levels of independent variable - Subjects only compared to self repeated
measures design - Statistical Modeling Stratify, Analysis of
Covariance, Multivariate Analysis
55Hypothesis Testing Random Error
Truth is no difference
Truth is they are different
No difference detected, when
Difference detected when the
truth is that there is no difference.
truth was there is a difference.
of the time 1 -
of the time 1 - Significance
Typically 5.
Typically 20.
56Study Designs - Observational
- Observe effects of experiment of nature.
- What has or will occur naturally without
intervention. - Researcher does not control or affect
intervention passive. - This is the field of Classic Epidemiology.
- Ecologic
- Cross-Sectional (Survey)
- Case-Control
- Cohort
57Study Designs - Interventional
- Intervention is under control of the Researcher.
- Measure how change in Independent (Risk,
Predictor) variable, which is controlled by the
the Researcher (the Intervention), effects the
Dependent (Outcome) variable. - Intervention can be anything Drug trial,
Surgical technique, Use of new device, Quality
improvement program, Patient or Provider
education program, Office protocol or tool,
etc - Experimental Quasi-Experimental Designs
- Individual Randomized Controlled Trial
- Group or Community Randomized Controlled Trial
- Non-Equivalent PreTestPostTestControl, and
Variants - Time Series
- Repeated Measures
- Factorial
58Elements of Experimental Control
- Manipulation of Variables Predictor/Independent
variable is an intervention - It is deliberately manipulated by study
- Control Group Experimental (Intervention)
group is Compared - to non-Intervention group
- May be placebo or standard care
- May be self (repeated measures)
- Random Assignment Each subject has equal
chance of assignment to either - intervention or non-intervention group
- Assignment is independent of any
attribute - Blinding Subjects dont know which group
they are in - Persons measuring outcomes dont know.
- May have 3rd party who does know,
monitoring results - stops trial when reach significant
endpoint (good or bad).
59Controlling Inter-Subject Differences
- Randomize Probability balances distribution of
inter-subject differences across groups.
Works even for unmeasured or unknown differences - Homogeneity Select subjects that are homogenous
for the extraneous variable - e.,g. Inclusion criteria study only white,
males, ages 45-54. - Matching For each person of the extraneous
characteristic(s) in the intervention group,
select a person with the same value of the
characteristic(s) for the control group. For
every black female 30-39 years old select
another. - Blocking Divide subjects into groups by the
extraneous variable, treating it as another
independent variable. Creates homogenous
blocks of subjects for different values of
the variable. - e.g., Divide subjects into 3 age-groups. In
addition to the Rx, age is now a 2nd
independent variable with 3 levels. - Self Control Each subject is exposed to all
level of intervention repeated measures. - Statistical Select extraneous variable as a
covariate, and use to adjust score for
stratified or multivariate analysis.
60One-Group PreTest/PostTest
- N1 O1 X O2
- Key N Study Population
- O Observation (measurement)
- X Intervention
- Simplest Interventional Study
- Measure outcome of interest and potential
confounders and other covariates - Once at beginning, before the intervention.
- Once at the end, after the intervention.
- However, ability to infer that any change is due
to the intervention is limited - No Control Change could be due to other factors
that changed over time. - Change could be due to doing study making
measurements, not the intervention itself
(behavior change due to fact of study).
61Multigroup PreTest/PostTest
- N1 O1 X O2
- N2 O1 X O2
- N2 O1 X O2
- Somewhat stronger than one-group, since changes
other than than the official intervention may be
unique to one site, and hence are partially
distinguishable. - If there is the same trend across numerous
different sites, then it is more likely to be due
to the official intervention than if occurs only
at one site. - Other factors that change with time may still
apply to all sites time, seasonality (if start
and finish time are not staggered), social
changes (managed care, public awareness, practice
guidelines) - Still doesnt control for possible effect of just
doing study and taking measurements.
N1 O1 X O2 N2 O1
- Assignment of subject to 2 or more groups, either
intervention or not. - Having control group makes study much more
powerful, since other changes or trends over
time, including time itself, occur in control
groups also. - Also partially controls for the effect of just
doing the study making measurements - Equivalent If assignment is both random and at
individual level RCT - Non-Equivalent Assignment is at group level, or
- Not random at same level as measures.
- e.g., All patients at one site intervention
another site is control. - Results are measured in individuals,
but assignment is site.
63Early/Late Design
N1 O1 X O2 O3 N2
O1 O2 X O3
- Variant of PreTest/PostTest/Control
- Initial non-Intervention control group gets the
intervention, but at a later period - If measurement occur in both early intervention
and late intervention sites over all 3 time
periods, as shown above, then this becomes even
more powerful - Can measure if there is anything unique to time
periods. - Measure if effect in first group wanes over
time. - Becomes variant of repeated measures and time
series designs. - Very useful method for getting control sites or
persons to agree to participate, since they will
eventually get the intervention (assumed to be
64Solomon Four Group Design
- O1 X O2 PreTest/PostTest, with
Intervention - O1 O2 PreTest/PostTest,
without Intervention - X O2 PostTest only, with
Intervention - O2 PostTest only, without
Intervention - Adds the two groups without the baseline measure.
- Extra control for potential effect of baseline
observation, measuring, study.
65Non-Equivalent PreTest/PostTest/Control
- not Individualized Randomized Controlled Trial
if either or both of 2 limitations - Non-Equivalence of Intervention and Control
Groups - Selection and/or Assignment of site or patients
is not random. - There are inherent differences between sites that
cannot be randomized. - Subjects are not assigned within groups randomly.
- Group Assignment versus Individual Level
Measures - Assignment (random or not) and application of
intervention is at the group (e.g., clinic site)
level - But the Outcomes (and confounders, covariates)
are measured at the individual (e.g.,
patient) level. - Overlap with Group- or Community-Randomize
Controlled Trial - Not as strong or as pure as true Individual
RCT, but - It is still a legitimate, accepted, published,
real study method - Can still compare compare pretest values to
measure, test for, and partially control for
initial non-equivalence, at least for known and
measured outcomes, confounders and other
66Non-Equivalent PreTest/PostTest/Control
N1 O1 X O2 N2 O1
Randomized Controlled Trial
O1 X O2
O1 O2
67Individual Randomized Controlled Trial
General Population
Sample Frame
Non-Intervention (Control)
Stopped Intervention Include if Intent to Treat
Measure Outcome
Measure Outcome
68Repeated Measures
- O1a X O1b
- Prior designs compared 2 or more independent
individuals or separate groups. - May compare same individuals or group to
itself, before vs. after intervention - Each subject acts as its own control (before)
to intervention (after). - Cross-Over Design is an extension of this.
- Self as own control automatically controls for
even unknowable confounders. - Useful if not able to randomize from large
enough or homogeneous group. - Different statistical test for this situation
of non-independence, but is beneficial - Inherent decrease in sample variance if same
people compared to themselves, rather than
to another group of people, which increases power
of study. - For same sample size a smaller magnitude of
effect will be statistically significant, - or one only needs smaller sample size to detect
given magnitude of effect. - Limits May be usable only if there are no
practice effects or carry-over effect no memory. -
69Time Series
- Multiple measurement before and after the
Intervention extends PreTest/PostTest. - One Group O1 O2 O3 O4 X O5 O6 O7 O8
- Multi-Group O1 O2 X O3 O4 O5 O6 O7 O8 Same
Intervention, introduced - O1 O2 O3 O4 X O5 O6 O7 O8 at different times,
staggered - O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 X O7 O8 early, late, later
- Multi-Group O1 O2 O3 O4 X1 O5 O6 O7 O8
Different Interventions, - O1 O2 O3 O4 X2 O5 O6 O7 O8 introduced at same
time. - O1 O2 O3 O4 X3 O5 O6 O7 O8
- Withdrawal O1 O2 X1 O3 O4 O5 X0O6 O7 O8
- Multiple Rx O1 O2 X1 O3 O4 O5 X2O6 O7 O8
- Same statistical tests as repeated measures,
non-independence. - Special time time-series methods take into
account varying lengths of intervals, cycles and
trends (e.g., seasonality), etc.
70Factorial Designs
- More than one Intervention being introduced.
- Hence 2 or more Independent variables.
- Groups assigned to different combinations at
different levels for each intervention. - Can measure interactive effects of different
interventions on outcomes. - Treatment Gender Race
- Female Male Black White
- Diuretic
- Low Dose S1 S7 S12 S18
- Med Dose S2 S8 S13
S19 - High Dose S3 S9 S14 S20
- ACE Inhibitor
- Low Dose S4 S10 S15 S21
- Med Dose S5 S11 S16 S22
- High Dose S6 S12 S17 S22
71Factorial Designs
- More than one Intervention being introduced.
- Hence 2 or more Independent variables.
- Groups assigned to different combinations at
different levels for each intervention. - Can measure interactive effects of different
interventions on outcomes. -
- ACE Inhibitor
- Diuretic Low Med High
- Low Dose S1 S4 S7
- Med Dose S2 S5 S8
- High Dose S3 S6 S9
- where each Sx is a different sample group,
randomly selected from the whole
- The study is Observational if it is just
describing the existing situation. - Not controlling the intervention, is observing
the effects of Natural Experiment. - Try to determine which are the important
Independent Predictors, Risk or Protective
factors, for the Dependent Outcome(s) of interest
which have/are/will occur anyway. - Such Observational methods are the subject of
Classic Epidemiology - Even more so than with Quasi-Experimental
Designs, have difficulty in determining is
apparent Association or Correlation is in fact
causal - Notation N Study Group or Population
- E Exposed Not
Exposed - D Has Outcome (Disease) Doesnt
have Outcome
- Measure association between Exposure Outcome
based on comparison of aggregate group data. - Relationship is between the groups, not
individuals, lead to Ecologic Fallacy. - Know have count, or rate of exposure for each
group or area . - Separately, also know the count, or rate for
the outcome in each group. - But do NOT know if the individuals with the
outcome are the individuals - with the exposure.
- Do just by making associations between existing
aggregate data. - Cheap, easy and may be useful for initial
hypothesis generation. - Very weak ability to draw inference of
causality when an association is, - or is not, found.
75Cross-Sectional or Survey
76Cross-Sectional or Survey
- e.g., most Surveys, record abstraction QA,
Polls - Exposure and Outcome are measured at the same
time, and only once. - Can measure rates of outcome if population
surveyed is representative. - Can measure Association, but link to Causation
is weak. - Since measuring both exposure outcome at same
time, do not know which came first, therefore
cannot know causal direction. - Recall bias since both exposure outcome
depend on recall - Incidence-Prevalence bias, since cases that die
quickly, or where evidence for exposure
disappears quickly, are missed. - Confounders may not be equally distributed
among the groups. - Useful for hypothesis generating and some
preliminary testing.
- Select individuals on the basis of whether they
have the Outcomes (Cases) - or not (Controls).
- Then measure if they have the predictor/exposure
of interest or not, retrospectively. - Analysis Are people with the disease more
likely to have the exposure - than people without?
- Validity Generalizability depend upon selection
characteristics of the control group Cases
are easy, Controls are hard. - Cannot measure prevalence of disease since not a
natural population - People were selected for inclusion on the basis
of having the disease or not. - Ratio of persons with without the disease is
artificial, determined by - the researcher.
- Advantages
- Can be done in real time no wait for the onset
of disease at some unknown time in future. - When disease is rare.
- Where there is a long lag time between exposure
and disease. - Limits in making assumption of causality from
association include - Rely on recall or existing records for measure
of old prior exposure, where information may be
from long ago, missing, never recorded, or
inaccurate. - Recall bias more likely, where person with
disease is more likely to recall exposure than
healthy person. - Subject to confounding by unmeasured or unknown
exposure factors.
- Select individuals belonging to a natural/common
population group (the cohort) - Exposure measured at earlier point in time,
before the disease has occurred. - Analysis Rate Risk of onset of the disease
among those with the prior - exposure, compared to those who did not
have the exposure. - Classically Prospective
- Measure exposures and wait (e.g., Framingham)
- Can be Retrospective
- Measures of exposures of interest done already in
cohort at an earlier - time, and later investigator follows-up to
determine who subsequently - got outcomes (e.g, Harvard Class Health).
- Advantages
- Since exposure is definitely measured prior to
the onset of disease - Can determine causal direction.
- Less subject to recall and other bias.
- More easily measure and control for potential
confounders. - Can measure true prevalence and incidence of
exposures and diseases or other outcome. - Disadvantages
- Takes too long /or Expen