Title: Innovation Businesses: Digital Entrepreneurs Transforming Rural Economies
1Innovation Businesses Digital Entrepreneurs
Transforming Rural Economies
2Characteristics of Innovation Businesses
- Knowledge intensive
- Extensive application of digital technology
- Creative and flexible workforce functions
- Global business perspective
- Entrepreneurial management
3Rural StoriesExamples of Innovation Businesses
- Marlon SchaferFilling local broadband needs
through fixed wireless - NCTeleserveRural call center entrepreneur
- Dennis CompanyServing community hardware needs
1905 2004
4Essential Tools of the Digital Entrepreneur
5Marlons First Wireless Solution
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7The Modern Rural Hardware
8Innovation Businesses Led By New Breed of
Creative Digital Entrepreneurs
- Providing new broadband options
- Creating new demands for rural broadband
9What States Can Do
- Broadband Access-Dont forget the last 30 percent
- Facilitate exchange of ideas and knowledge
- Support preparation of workforce for innovation
economy - Provide flexible gap capital
10Broadband Access-Celebrate Success, But Dont
Forget Last 30 Percent
11Facilitate Exchange of Ideas and Knowledge
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14Prepare Workforce for Innovation Economy
15Provide Flexible Gap Capital
- Innovation businesses take many forms in rural
places - Digital entrepreneurs can be a catalyst for
rural broadband deployment - States should focus on supporting broad access to
knowledge and ideas