Title: B Physics Experiments
1B Physics Experiments
TASI June, 2000
Sheldon Stone Syracuse University
2Introduction Objectives
- Understand how a modern HEP B Physics experiment
works - Understand how the detector works
- Understand how the data is analyzed
- Understand what final states are most useful
(i.e. easiest to deal with) - Understand what mistakes can be made
3Deconstructing The Detector
4Deconstructing The Detector
1 m
Whats missing?
5Deconstructing The Detector
- What do we want to measure?
- To look for physics results we need to find
specific decay modes of Bs - Sometimes we are interested in inclusive decays,
i.e. B?Xe-n, often we are interested in exclusive
decays, i.e. B?yKS - We always need to find the 4-momenta of the
particles at the origin of the decay - This includes measuring 3-momenta of charged
tracks and identifying them - Also includes measuring energies direction of
6Outline of Required Measurements
- How do we measure
- Charged particle positions momenta?
- Decay vertices?
- Gamma rays?
- Neutrinos?
- How do we identify charged particles (e, m, p, K,
7Trigger and Data Acquisition
- How do we acquire the data?
- Trigger All interactions are not interesting.
Even at ee- colliders most of the collisions do
not produce b-flavored hadrons. The largest rates
are for - ee- ?ee- (g)
- gg ? hadrons
- So a decision needs to be made quickly on
- writing out the data or losing it.
- DAQ The data acquisition system the hardware
used for getting the data off the detector and on
to tape, quickly. - These considerations must be part of the overall
detector design
8Charged Particle Detection
- Charged particles are detected because they
ionize electrons in atoms - To calculate distribution of energy loss,
consider elastic collisions of incident particle
with atomic electrons - Binding energy of electrons must be taken into
account - This is a difficult problem, first worked out by
Landau Journal of Physics, 201 (1944) - We need to know
- Energy distribution of ionized electrons (mean
width) - of electrons freed per unit length
9 The Landau Distribution
- Energy loss distribution is not Gaussian, has
long tail toward higher energy - Peak is called most probable energy loss
- Mean Energy loss is less well defined
- Many electrons involved usually
Most probable energy loss, Emp
Mean energy loss
10Number of Produced e-
- N(dE/dx)/W where W depends on material (mean
energy to produce an electron) - Empirically determined
- 30 for 1 cm of gas (Ar, CO2)
- 25,000 for 300 mm of Silicon
- So detect charged particles by applying an
electric field to collect electrons or some other
means of seeing the ionization
11Momentum Measurement
- Bend tracks in a magnetic field
- For q1, pt 0.3 r B,
- r in meters, B in Tesla, p in
GeV - For B 1T, and r 1m, pt 300 MeV
12Bubble Chambers
- An old technology, no longer used
- Very illustrative
- Cold H2 liquid is both the target and the
detector. - Liquid is superheated boils due to ionization
13Most Famous Bubble Chamber Event
14Reasons bubble chambers are no longer used
- They cant cycle fast
- There is no electronic readout. The film must be
scanned and then digitized by hand - Particle identification is not good, nor is g
detection (some experiments with lead plates)
15Modern Tracking Detectors
- Gas detectors
- Detect ionization by applying an electric field
to a thin (20 mm) wire - Multiplication- when electrons get close to the
wire they have enough energy to ionize the gas
thus one ionization electron can turn into 10
100 thousand detected electrons - Geometry
- Many wires 50,000
charged track
e- drift towards the wire at constant drift
16Drift Chambers
- Position resolution
- In any measuring device of cell size s the
accuracy in position is , determined
by the s of a rectangular distribution - Can do better by measuring the time from when the
particle enters the system to when the first
electrons hit the wire. This is called a "drift
chamber." This works because the electron
velocity in the gas is known - Note 2-fold ambiguity
17A Modern Drift Chambers
- The
- Drift
- Chamber,
- 50,000
- wires
18Limits to Precision
- Magnetic Fields - inconvenient to get fields in
excess of 1.8 T due to Fe saturation - Finite time resolutions translate to real drift
chambers having resolutions of 100-200 mm. Due to
ionization statistics, wire position errors, e-
drift velocity calibrations, etc.. - Multiple scattering- due to material
- Problem How to measure two coordinates?
- Planar geometry crossed picket fences
- Cylindrical geometry small angle stereo, but
this causes error to be much larger (10x) in one
coordinate. Precision in - r-f 150 mm, and in
- z 1.5 mm per layer
stero -
20Multiple Scattering
- Its the material, stupid
- Due to Coulomb scattering from Nuclei. Well
described by Moliere. Gaussian for small
deflection angles, but with long tail due to
Rutherford Scattering (This is a real pain!) - For 98 of the scatters
where, Xo is the radiation length
21How to Measure a Decay Vertex
- c b quarks are distinguished by their decay
lengths. Lbgct, where t 1 ps. - For bg p/m 1 t 1 ps, L 0.3 mm 300 mm
- Better if p is larger note tB 1.5 ps, tD
1.1 ps - First done by Framm at CERN 1982
- Made really good by E691 at Fermilab
22Technology Use Silicon Detectors
- Silicon is made into a p-n junction diode with
appropriate doping. It is operated at a bias
voltage that forms a sensitive region depleted of
mobile charge and sets up an electric field that
sweeps charge liberated by radiation to the
electrodes. 50 mm wide strips are placed on one
side as a readout. Charged particles ionize the
silicon and the charge is collected. - Sensitive electronics are required
- Strips have relatively large Capacitance ? noise
- Many channels are required several 100,000
- Position resolution of 50 mm/?12 for binary
readout, better for analog
23Silicon detector picture
24Problems with Silcon Strip Detectors
- Ambiguity problem
- Long strips are difficult because of large
capacitance - Lots of material on edges due to electronic
25Pixel Detectors
- Make a square or rectangular array of silicon
- Put a small electronic circuit behind each one!
(bump bonding) - Send signals out to periphery where only hit
pixels are readout "sparsification" - Thicker than strip detectors, by a factor of 3
- Useful for high track density
- Useful for triggering on detached vertices
Each cell or pixel is small, ex 50 mm x 400 mm
26BTeV Pixel Test Results
- Solid curve is a piece wise linear fit to a
simulation based on a detailed Monte Carlo
Track angle (mr)
27Photon Detection Electromagnetic Calorimetry
- Primary process is conversion of high energy g by
pair production in Nuclear Coulomb field - Process leads to a "shower"
atomic photoeffect
Rayleigh scattering
Pair production off Nucleus
Compton scattering
Pair production off atomic electrons
Photonuclear absorption
28Sampling vs. Total Absorption Calorimeters
- A sample device uses a heavy material such as
lead to convert the g's and then a sampling
material such as plastic scintillator to "sample"
the energy. The energy absorbed in the Pb is
lost. - Examples of sampling devices
- Pb-liquid Argon
- Pb-optical fiber (Shaslik)
- Typical Energy resolutions
29Total Absorption Devices
- Idea here is to convert all the energy in an
active medium - Media can be transparent crystals CsI, PbWO4 or
cryogenic liquids such as Krypton or Xenon (too
30Calorimeter Readout
- Crystals
- Outside magnetic field photomultiplier tubes
advantages fast, quantum eff 20, can be rad
hard, but not cheap - Inside magnetic field photodiodes, avalanche
photodiodes (they have gain of 50), phototriodes
(essential the first 3 stages of a pm tube)
apd's are not cheap - Cryogenic liquids collect charge on strips, so
use analog electronics
31Calorimeter picture
32Neutrino Detection
- We cannot detect the small number of low energy
neutrinos produced in b decays! - n cross-section
- s(nN) 6x1039 cm-2 E(GeV)
- If anyone could figure out how to detect
neutrinos it would make experiments much easier!
33Charged Lepton Identification
- e use an electromagnetic calorimeter shower is
almost identical to a photon - m use the fact that muons don't have strong
interactions. Use thick blocks of iron and see if
the particles penetrate. Problem p and K decay
into muons, so can get fakes
34Charged Hadron Identification
- We are interested in separating p/K/p
- Technique depends on momentum range
- P lt 900 MeV Time-of-flight and dE/dx
- TOF equations
- dE/dx picture
- Some poor dE/dx info 1.5 3 GeV/c
35Ring Imaging Cherenkov Counters
- Cherenkov radiation depends on particle velocity,
sinqc1/nb, n is index of refraction -
- Measure p using other devices so can derive m,
the particle mass - Many recent developments
- Choice depends on velocity (or p range). Need
nbgt1 - Require material to be transparent
- Desire low chromatic dispersion, i.e. n(E) to not
be too bad - In the few GeV/c range can choose liquids, ex.
C5F12 or solids such as quartz or LiF
- Must match radiator light output wavelength
spectrum to that of photodetector - Some possibilities
- TMAE gas 170-210 nm
- TEA gas 135-165 nm
- CsI (thin layer) 170-210 nm
- Phototube 250-550 nm
Use with wire chamber
38Example of Comple System CLEO III RICH Detector
- Use CH4-TEA gas to detect single photons.
Sensitive in VUV 135-165 nm - Use LiF radiators
- Use N2 volume 15.7 cm thick to allow for
Cherenkov cone to expand - Use MWPC with pad readout to measure ? positions
39One Cherenkov g Detector
40Mating the Radiators to the Photon Detectors
41 42Data Acquisition
- This arcane area is crucial in a modern
experiment - Functions include
- The trigger Which particle interactions do we
read-out the detector? At Y(4S) ΒΌ of the ee-
annihilations are b's, but there is a much larger
rate of Bhabha and 2 photon collisions. In hadron
colliders the b rate is much much lower, 1/500 at
the Tevatron
43DAQ continued
- Online monitoring Reads out monitoring signals,
for HV gas, temperature, etcSamples the data
during the run and histograms critical parameters - Data Acquisition When a trigger occurs, the
information from all the devices must be taken
from the "front end" electronics and moved to
"tape." - Definition "Dead Time" The time that the
experiment must be shut off to move the data onto
tape. Modern readout systems try to eliminate
this nasty feature.
44dE/dx (mean energy loss)
- Note 1/b2 fall, and ln(bg) rise, called
relativistic rise - This is limited in materials by so called density
effect, d term - This information can be used to distinguish
45Silicon strip Detectors
- Difference between
- spatial resolution
- impact parameter resolution
- decay length resolution
Impact parameter minimum distance of track from
a vertex
Spatial resolution inherent to the detector. For
50 mm strip width using binary (yes/no)
readout, r.m.s. resolution, s50/?12
Decay length distance Between primary
secondary vertices
46Example of Complete System
- Delphi SLD Use Liquid radiators enclosed in
quartz AND gas radiators. TMAE based wire
chambers with long drift in E field