R.C.I.A. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. Saint Mary Our ... 3 days: Holy Thursday, Good Friday, ... (Praise the Lord) is sung joyously especially on this day. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: R.C.I.A.

  • Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
  • Saint Mary Our Lady of Grace
  • Presentation by Melissa Hendrick

Opening Prayer- Daily Reflections
  • United States Catholic Council of Bishops
  • How has God impacted your life this week?
  • -Share examples

The Way of Faith
  • Christs death on the cross transforms all other
    deaths into eventual blessing because we now have
    eternal life.
  • In the News As many as 14 people have been
    shot dead in a murderous three-minute shooting
    rampage inside an upstate New York civic
    association building that caters to immigrants,
    according to federal and state authorities.
    (Binghamton Rampage Leaves 14 Dead, Police Dont
    Know Motive)

How does this relate to the readings?
  • At noon darkness came over the whole land until
    three in the afternoon.
  • And at three oclock Jesus cried out in a loud
  • Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani? which is
  • My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
  • Jesus gave a loud cry and breathed his last. (Mk

Tradition says
  • Death is transformed by Christ. Jesus, the Son of
    God, also himself suffered the death that is part
    of the human condition. Yet, despite his anguish
    as he faced death, he accepted it in an act of
    complete and free submission to his Fathers
    will. The obedience of Jesus has transformed the
    curse of death into a blessing. (Catechism of the
    Catholic Church, 1009)

  • What relationship do you see between the readings
    and tradition?
  • How can you relate what you see in the news to
    the gospels?

Introduction to the Sacraments
  • Video link to "The Sacraments"
  • "The sacraments are outward signs instituted by
    Christ to give grace. Signs, there are all kinds
    of signs around us but sacraments are unique as
    signs because they are signs of the presence and
    love of God for us and of our desire to come in
    contact or encounter God."
  • Msgr. Zenz from the "Introduction" video

Introduction to Baptism
  • Click to link to Baptism
  • "When many of us were baptized, say a half
    century or so ago, the concern was to rush to
    have a child baptized right away to remove
    original sin and allow the child to receive
    sanctifying grace and make him or her a temple of
    God. Today, we have an appreciation of this
    sacrament as part of something larger, initiation
    into the Church."
  • Msgr. Zenz from the "Baptism" video

The Chosen Ones of God
  • It is God who chooses. God takes the initiative
    and claims a person or a people as his own. Yet
    Gods choice is always witnessed by another.
    Gods choice is witnessed by the Church, Gods
    own people. We know whom God has chosen because
    we can see Gods influence clearly in that
    persons life. In that person, we see God at
  • Election begins with God and is witnessed by the
    Church. To be elected means to be chosen by God
    to be the way God wants to act in the world now.
    It is one way God continues to be present in our
    world, and it is how the Church continues to
    proclaim Gods faithful presence to his people

  • When have you felt chosen? What were you chosen
    to do? Who testified on your behalf that you were
    the right choice? How did their testimony make
    you feel?

What we do and how we help each other
  • Chosen for BaptismWhen an adult seeks to be
    baptized, the Church is always looking for signs
    in that persons life of God at work. Here are
    some signs we look for Does the person listen to
    Gods word and respond to it? Have they changed
    their way of life to match the way of life
    presented in the Gospel? Do they pray with the
    Church and do the things the Church does? Do they
    live a spirit of charity in their family and work
    life? Have they learned to sacrifice themselves
    for the good of others? When we see these signs
    in the persons life, we can affirm that God has
    chosen them to be baptized.

3 days Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy
  • The Easter Triduum or Sacred Triduum are three
    parts of one celebration of the paschal mystery,
    the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus.
    Lent ends on the morning of Holy Thursday. Lent
    culminates in the Easter Triduum and Easter which
    is celebrated for 50 days until Pentecost.

Holy Thursday or Maundy Thursday (from the word
  • The Triduum celebrations begin on Holy Thursday
    with the Mass of the Lord's Supper in the
  • This day commemorates The Great mandatum or
    Call to Service    John 131-20    The mandatum
    of Jesus is his command to follow his example
    (Jesus washes the feet of the disciples), to do
    as he has done.

Holy Thursday
  • The Institution of The Eucharist    Matthew
    2626-30, Mark 1422-26, Luke 2214-23    Jesus
    institutes the Eucharist, giving his body and
    blood to his disciples. As we share the
    consecrated bread and wine, we experience the
    fullness of Jesus' gift to us of himself. It is
    important, especially on this night, to receive
    the host and the cup, in memory of Jesus.

Holy Thursday
  • The Prayer of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane
        Matthew 2636-46, Mark 1432-42, Luke
    2239-46     After the meal with his disciples,
    Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray.
    "Could you not watch one hour with me?" he asks
    his disciples as they fall asleep on him.
    Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place
    until midnight when we keep Jesus company.
  • There is no final blessing or procession to end
    this Mass because the celebration does not end.
    The prayer continues in our homes until we are
    called together again on Good Friday to remember
    the next part of the story of our salvation.

Good Friday
  • Recalls the death of Jesus on the cross. It is
    Good Friday because of the good that Jesus did by
    purchasing redemption for us by his blood.
  • The Liturgy of this day usually takes place at
    the traditional death time of Jesus at 300 p.m.
    This is the one day of the year the Church does
    not celebrate Mass. Communion for today is
    consecrated at Holy Thursday Mass.
  • The service begins in silence with no procession
    or greeting as it is a continuation of what began
    on Holy Thursday. The priest kneels or more often
    prostrates himself as a sign of utter humility
    before God.

The Ritual takes place in 3 parts
  • Liturgy of the Word     Old Testament reading of
    Isaiah on the suffering servant and the Passion
    of Christ from John's Gospel is proclaimed. We
    listen and remember how Jesus suffered and died
    for our sins.
  • After the Passion we are reminded that there are
    many people in the world who need our prayers,
    and so in our role as priestly people we pray a
    more lengthy and elaborate form of the General

Good Friday
  • Veneration of the cross     Then a cross, the
    symbol of our salvation, is brought forward for
    us to venerate. It is our opportunity to show our
    respect for this gift of salvation. People will
    come forward to venerate by genuflecting,
    touching, or kissing the cross.

Good Friday
  • Communion      We participate in a simple
    reception of the Eucharist and then leave church
    again in silence to continue our prayer and
    fasting at home and to return on Holy Saturday
    evening for the Easter Vigil.

Holy Saturday
  • The Easter Triduum begins with the mass of the
    Lord's Supper on Holy Thursday it reaches its
    high point in the Easter Vigil, celebrated on
    Holy Saturday night. This celebration is a long
    one we have a lot to do this evening.

The Liturgy is divided into 4 parts
  • 1.New Fire and Light of Christ       A fire
    usually outside the church is brightly burning to
    remind us that Jesus is our light in the darkness
    and the new Paschal Candle is blessed and lit
    from the flames of this fire. All present light a
    candle from the Paschal Candle and processes into
    the darkened church.       The Easter
    Proclamation (Exultet) is proclaimed.

2. Vigil reading of the Old Testament
and New Testament
  • These readings call to mind the stories of
    creation and the working of God in the lives of
    the Israelites. A minimum of three readings and a
    maximum of seven readings (see above for the
    readings) will be used.
  •        From the Old Testament Readings we go to
    the singing of the Gloria and the ringing of the
    bells. Then a New Testament letter is read.
  •        After which the Alleluia is joyfully sung
    for the first time since Lent began, to prepare
    us for the reading of the Gospel. A homily

3. Sacraments of Initiation
  •   Catechumens (those to be baptized) are
    initiated into the church with baptism and
    confirmation. During communion, they will receive
    the Eucharist for the first time.       We give
    our prayerful support by praying the Litany of
    the Saints. We welcome our new members into the
    church and parish community.

4. Liturgy of the Eucharist
  • The Mass continues as usual with the Eucharist.

Easter Sunday
  • Every Sunday is an Easter. The first celebration
    of the Lord's Day was on Easter Sunday when the
    Lord rose again from the dead, defeating sin and

Easter Sunday
  • Alleluia (Praise the Lord) is sung joyously
    especially on this day.
  • Mass is as usual except that
  • The Sequence is sung or said before the Gospel

Easter Sunday
  • Christians to the Paschal Victim offer sacrifice
    and praise. The sheep are ransomed by the Lamb
    and Christ, the undefiled, hath sinners to his
    Father reconciled. Death with life contended
    combat strangely ended! Life's own Champion,
    slain, yet lives to reign. Tell us, Mary, say
    what thou didst see upon the way. The tomb the
    Living did enclose I saw Christ's glory as he
    rose! The angels there attesting shroud with
    grave clothes resting. Christ, my hope, has
    risen he goes before you into Galilee. that
    Christ is truly risen from the dead we know.
    Victorious king, thy mercy show! Amen.
  • Renewal of Baptism Promises is made instead of
    the Profession of Creed.

Closing Prayer/Reflection
  • Our God, Here we are, at the beginning of the
    week which your church calls most holy. For us,
    your human children, it is in many ways the time
    when you seem most fully incarnate, feeling as we
    feel sometimes. Maybe you felt a little proud, a
    little puffed up, as the crowd cheered as you
    entered Jerusalem what human wouldnt?

  • We wonder if you knew how the story would end, as
    we do. Our knowledge of Easter is what allows us
    to bear observing Holy Week year after year.
    Easter is, maybe, the time when Jesus the human
    is also most fully God, capable of resurrection
    from the dead and somehow, mysteriously redeeming
    us in the process. But to get to that point, we
    have to go through the trials and frailties of
    your flesh, just as we do our own every day.

  • God, as we move through this week, give us the
    gifts of concentration, of focus, and of empathy,
    as we seek to determine where your astonishing
    story, which is at once so familiar and yet so
    incredible, fits with our own narratives. We
    believe wholeheartedly that your passion and
    death have significance beyond our comprehension.
    Allow us to be touched and awestruck by the holy
    events of this week and to claim them once again
    for our own lives.
  • Amen.
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