Title: Coombe Girls School
1Coombe Girls School
Parents and Carers Information Evening September
12th 2007
2 Aim of Parents and Carers Evening
- To provide useful information about teaching and
learning in order that we can work together to
support your daughters learning and achievement
at Coombe Girls School.
3The Programme
- The curriculum including extra curricular
opportunities - Teaching and Learning
- Assessment and tracking progress
- Pastoral Information
4The Programme
- Key Events for Year 7
- Contacting the school
- The Website
- Opportunities to ask questions
5How do we organise teaching groups for Key Stage
- Initially based on Key Stage 2 results,
information from primary schools or testing of
pupils - Express stream (Guy)
- Two higher ability sets (Austen Wilson)
- Four mixed ability groups (Lewis, Byars, Dahl
Fine) - Regular monitoring of progress ensures pupils are
correctly placed
6Key Stage 3 SATS results 2007
Coombe Key Stage 3 results for level 5 and above
compared with the National Average
7What do we teach in Key Stage 3?
- Geography
- History
- Religious Education
- Art and Design
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Design and Technology
- Modern Foreign Languages
- Physical Education
- Drama
- Music
8Further curriculum opportunities
- Learning to Learn Days
- Personal, Social and Health Education
- Citizenship
- Enrichment in Literacy, Numeracy and
- Classics
9Further curriculum opportunities
- One to one reading
- Curriculum support
- Extra Language classes
- A wide range of extra curricular clubs
10Personalised Learning
- Teachers will share the learning objectives with
the students. - Active learning will be encouraged.
- Teachers will use a range of teaching styles.
- The students will also be shown how to learn.
- Teachers will assess students regularly giving a
National Curriculum level.
11Personalised Learning
- Students will also be involved in the assessment
process self assessment and peer assessment. - Targets will be set regularly.
- Marking will enable the student to understand
what they did well and what they need to do to
improve. - Teachers will recap on what has been learnt at
the end of the lesson.
12Personalised Learning
- ICT will be used across the curriculum.
- Students will be asked to evaluate their learning
experience. - Students will record their achievements in the
Record of Achievement.
13National Curriculum 2008
- Greater flexibility and coherence in the
curriculum. - Focus on skills and how to learn.
- Cross curricular themes including global
dimension, cultural understanding,
sustainability, creativity and thinking skills,
enterprise, personal, social, health education,
careers, work related learning and citizenship. - www.curriculum.qca.org.uk
Jupiter Miss Pietrzyk Mars Mrs Bates/Mr Jones
Mercury Miss Bessey Neptune Mrs Perry/Mrs
Firth Pluto Mr Hungsraz Saturn Miss Burke
Venus Miss Paine
Ms Buchanan Deputy Headteacher Miss Howarth
Assistant Headteacher Lower School Mrs O
Brien - Head of Year 7 Ms Bhardwaj Deputy Head
of Year 7 Mrs Cianfarani Deputy Head of Year 7
- Peer Support
- Tutor group monitors
- Year council gt School council
- Peer mentors (Y9, Y10 Y12)
- School Officials (Y13) and School Prefects (Y11)
- Other
- School nurse
- BESN Behavioural, Emotional and Social
Difficulties - Educational Welfare Officer
- Outside agencies
18Year 7 Events - Curriculum
19Year 7 Cross-Curricular Opportunities
- Year 7 extra-curricular timetable on chairs
- Pupil calendar on chairs
20Year 7 Events - Social
21 Progression Data Tracking and Monitoring
Pupil Progression David Smith Acting Deputy
222003 Key Stage 3 Mathematics Value Added Line and
23Coombe Girls School Mentoring Day -
Attainment Report Year 9 Spring Academic Name
Sarah Bloggs Form Group 9ME
24Coombe Girls School
Annual Report 2005 Isabella Bloggs 7JU
English In Reading, Isabella is working at Level
5. She shows understanding of a range of texts,
and is beginning to select words and phrases
which support her views. She can respond to
aspects of language and presentation in fiction
and non-fiction in a general way. In order to
improve, she must consider features of language
in greater detail. In Speaking and Listening,
Isabella is working at level 5. She can listen
and talk with confidence across a wide range of
contexts, including situations which require some
formality. Her talk is well structured with a
clear line of thought and a logical progression
of ideas. In order to improve, she must develop
the ability to vary her expression, vocabulary,
gestures and intonation, so that she successfully
engages the interest of her listeners. In
Writing, Isabella is working at level 4. Her
writing is organised, and she is beginning to
develop her ideas logically. Her spelling is
generally accurate, and her vocabulary choices
are often adventurous. Her basic punctuation is
correct, and she is using some complex sentences.
In order to improve, she must use punctuation
accurately within the sentence.
25What parents and carers can do to support your
- Show an interest
- Talk about the school day
- Use the school diary/planner
- Attend and contribute to parents meetings
- Discuss homework tasks
26What parents and carers can do to support their
- Help your daughter organise her time and
paperwork - Make sure she attends regularly
- Find her a quiet place to study
- Know the particular focus of each school year
- Go on visits linked to the curriculum
- Go to the library regularly or purchase
educational DVDs/books
28(No Transcript)
29(No Transcript)
30Information and Communication Technology at
Coombe Girls School
31What do we learn?
- Aims and purposes of ICT
- ICT offers opportunities for pupils to
- prepare themselves for participation in a rapidly
changing world where activities are increasingly
transformed by access to ICT - develop initiative and independent learning
skills - gain rapid access to ideas and experiences from a
wide range of people, communities and cultures. - ICT lessons should not be seen as a separate
lesson because - they give pupils the skills and knowledge to
enhance their learning in all subjects - they give pupils the knowledge to use the right
tools for the job - they create independent learners
- it is part of learning to learn
- it allows greater communication and collaboration
with a wide range of communities
32What applications and programs will they access?
- MS office including Excel, Access, Word,
PowerPoint, Publisher - Adobe CS8 suite DreamWeaver, Flash etc
- Corel Suite
- Internet browsers e.g. Explorer and FireFox
- RBK Web Mail
- Logo Control
- Specific learning resources via the network
supplied by departments
33Internet Safety
- This topic is part of the curriculum throughout
KS3 - RBK are reviewing school policies as part of the
Every Child Matters Government policy - RBK are reviewing systems to monitor pupil
activity on the network - The school internet runs a filtered system
- Internet and Network Acceptable Use Statement in
every childs diary
34How can I help to protect my child when using the
- Make sure that you know what they are accessing.
Make a point of discussing the chats sites and
forums they access - If possible have a computer in a common part of
the house - Consider parental safety controls
- Continually reinforce the need to never give out
personal information on the net
35What is a MLE and will Coombe have one?
- MLE Managed Learning Environment
- Gives us the ability to link home with school
- Flexible access to learning resources
- Ease of access to files
- Better communication between home and school
- Access to learning communities
- Develops independent learning
- Supports Cross Curricular Learning
36Thank you!
- For further information please read the fact
sheet and for Internet safety access
www.childnet-int.org - If you have any further questions please ask or
if you prefer please contact - Mrs Estelle Burton
- Head of ICT
- eburto2_at_rbksch.org