Title: Personality
- Britney Spears
- Angelina Jolie
- Tom Cruise
- What do we know about their personalities?
- How do we know it?
2What is Personality?
the dynamic organization of characteristics that
define an individual and determine a unique
interaction with the environment Allport
the distinctive patterns of behavior (including
thoughts and emotions) that characterize each
individual's adaptation to the situations of
his/her life Mischel
those characteristics of the person that account
for consistent patterns of behavior Pervin
the system of enduring, inner characteristics of
individuals that contributes to consistency in
their behavior Leary
3What is Personality?
Personality refers to consistent behavior
patterns originating within the individual
Four elements of the definition
4What do Personality Psychologists Do?
What makes people different? (individual
What are the basic components?
How does personality develop?
How does personality relate to behavior?
What makes people the same? (human universals)
What is universal?
Why do universals exist?
5Reading - McAdams
- Best known for work with life narratives
- What do we know when we know a person?
- Three levels of functioning (not completely
related) - level 1 dispositional traits
- level 2 personal concerns
- Motivations what drives a person, what does
he/she want? - What strategies does a person use to get what
s/he wants - Place these things in context roles, times,
situations - Level 3 coherent identity