Title: Approximation Algorithms
1Approximation Algorithms
EPIT 2007
2EPIT 2007
Independent Set
Instance G(V,E), k? N Question Is there an
independent set of size k in G (i.e. a subset V?
V such that no two vertices in V are joined by
an edge) ? This problem is NP-Complete Instance
G(V,E) Question Find an independent set of
maximal cardinality NP-hard
3EPIT 2007
Definition of Approximation Algorithms
Find a good solution in polynomial-time What is
a good solution? Let S be a solution given by a
heuristic Let S be an optimal solution The aim
4EPIT 2007
Another problem vertex cover
Instance G(V,E), k ?N Question Find a set
cover of edges with minimal size (i.e. a subset
V ? V such that, for each edge u,v ? E, at
least one of u and v belongs to V).
5EPIT 2007
These two problems seem to be equivalent
independent set vertex cover
and vertex cover
independent set Max independent set Min
vertex cover An existence of an independent set
of size k ltgt an
existence of the vertex cover of size n-k.
6EPIT 2007
In fact these two problems are very different in
term of approximability there exists an
algorithm for the vertex cover which gives a
solution S to a factor two of a optimal solution
S at most gt 2 ? S/S No constant ratio exists
for the independent set
7EPIT 2007
An algorithm A is ?(n)-approximated If Max
(S/S,S/S) ? ?(n) For all instances of size n
of the problem where S is the solution given by A
and S an optimal solution.
8EPIT 2007
Q ? PTAS ??gt0, ?A?such that A? is
(1?)-approximated. Moreover, if the complexity
of A? is polynomial in 1/?, then Q ? FPTAS.
9EPIT 2007
Some problems of PTAS
Cover of points by minimum number of circles of
radius r Knapsack problem
10EPIT 2007
APX and no-APX
Q ? APX ?? ? R, ?A such that A is a
?-approximation algorithm Q ? no-APX ?? ? R,
there exists no A such that A is ?-approximation
11EPIT 2007
Some problems APX and no-APX
Vertex cover of a graph is APX Travelling
salesman problem is APX Independent set of
maximum cardinality is no-APX Vertices coloring
is no-APX
12EPIT 2007
The world if N ? NP
13EPIT 2007
An absolute approximation Algorithm
The edge coloring of a graph It exists a
4/3-approximated algorithm Vizings theorem
It is always possible to color the edges with
?(G)1 colors
14EPIT 2007
An absolute approximation Algorithm
This result is the best possible Indeed the
problem to know if a graph with ?(G)3 can be
colored with 3 colors is NP-complete. It is easy
to see that an algorithm ?-approximated with
?lt4/3 permits to solve this problem.
15EPIT 2007
An absolute approximation Algorithm
Indeed if the solution is clt4 then c 3, and
the graph can be colored with 3 colors. If the
solution is c?4, since c/clt4/3 we have cgt3 and
the graph cannot be colored with 3 colors.
16EPIT 2007
The problem of the k-center
Instance Let V be a set of n sites, D be a
matrix where dij is the distance between site i
and site j, and let k?N. Problem Find S ? V,
Sk which minimizes maxi?V(dist(i,S)) with
17EPIT 2007
There exists no ?-approximated algorithm with ?
lt2. Proof If such an algorithm existed, it
could be used to solve the problem of the
existence of a dominating set of size k.
18EPIT 2007
Some definitions
We call Gd(V,Ed) the graph where i,j? Ed if
and only if d ? dij . Let G(V,E), we call
G2(V,E) the graph such that i,j? E if and
only if either i,j? E or ?k such that i,k?
E and k,j? E.
19EPIT 2007
Here is a 2-approximated algorithm Sort the
dij d1 lt d2 lt lt dm , i 0
Repeat i i1 d di
Construct Gd2 Find
a maximal stable S of Gd2 until k ? S
Take S as solution
20EPIT 2007
- Remark
- Let i0 be the value of the last i in the loop.
Then all the sites are at distance at most 2di0
from S. - The optimal solution is at least di0.
- Indeed Gd2 with ddi0-1, has a stable of
cardinality at least k1. -
21EPIT 2007
Conclusion Thus the algorithm is a
2-approximated. That is the best possible
22EPIT 2007
Most of the scheduling problems are NP-Hard
Take the following simple problem Instance
Independent tasks (no precedence constraint),
each task ti has a processing time pi Question
Scheduling these tasks on two processors while
minimizing the length of the schedule
23EPIT 2007
This problem is NP-Hard (partition is a
particular case). But there exists a FPTAS
24EPIT 2007
A intermediate problem
Let be the sum problem a list E of n integers,
an integer t. The goal is to find a sublist E ?
E which the sum of the integers in E is maximum
but less than t (Find E? E, such that max(?
i?E i) ?t)
25EPIT 2007
A pseudo-polynomial-time algorithm
L0 0 L1 0, e1 Li Li-1 ? x ?y? Li-1,
xyei, x ?t The solution is expressed as y
max (Ln) The complexity order of this algorithm
is in O (n min(t,2n))
26EPIT 2007
How can we reduce the size of the lists?
The idea is to filter the list Example.
Suppose that the two integers 45 and 47 are in a
list Li. The sum which we would able to reach
from 45 will be closed to their from 47. Thus 45
will represent 47
27EPIT 2007
How do we reduce the size of the lists ?
Filtering (L, ?) consists in suppressing all the
integers y in L such that there exists an
integer z in L with y ? z ?(1- ?)y Example L
0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 11, 12, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26
and ?0.2
28EPIT 2007
How do we reduce the size of the lists ?
Filtering (L, ?) consists in suppressing all the
integers y in L such that there exists an
integer z in L with y ? z ?(1- ?)y Example L
0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 11, 12, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26
and ?0.2. Then Filtering(L,?) 0,1,2, 4, 11,
20, 26
29EPIT 2007
How do we reducethe size of the lists ?
We are given the pseudo-polynomial algorithm,
and in each step we filter with ??/n. Let Li
be the intermediate lists. Then the approximated
solution is y max(Ln)
30EPIT 2007
The sizes of the lists are small
Li 0, z1 , z2 , zm1 we have by
construction zi/ zi-1 gt 1/(1-?) and t ? zm1
and z1 ?1
Thus t ? zm1/z1 ?i2..m1 zi/ zi-1 ?
(1/(1- ?) )m
31EPIT 2007
The sizes of the lists are small
Thus t ? (1/(1- ?) )m log (t) ? - m
log (1- ?)
Finally m lt n log(t)/ ?
(because - log(1-x)gtx)
32EPIT 2007
The sizes of the lists are small
1. m lt n log(t)/ ? 2. the size of the lists is
in O(m)
The algorithm becomes polynomial.
33EPIT 2007
The error is small
We can prove by induction that ?y?Li ,
?z?Li such that y? z ?(1-?)i y
34EPIT 2007
The error is small
We can prove by induction that ?y?Li ,
?z?Li such that y? z ?(1-?)i y
This result is true for in and yy
35EPIT 2007
The error is small
We can prove by induction that ?y?Li ,
?z?Li such that y? z ?(1-?)i y
This result is true for in and yy
? z?Ln z ? (1-?)n y
36EPIT 2007
The error is small
? z?Ln z ? (1-?)n y and y ? z
Conclusion y / y ? (1-?/n)n ? 1-?
37EPIT 2007
Back to our problem
Let B be the sum of the processing time of
all the tasks. P1 P2
The solution S is B/2 ? If pi becomes ei and
tB/2 the solution S is B/2- ?
38EPIT 2007
Back to our problem
The solution S is B/2 ?, S is B/2? with ??? If
pi becomes ei and tB/2 the solution S is B/2-
? and the best solution S is B/2-?
It suffices to note that S/SltS/S to show that
our problem is FPTAS
39EPIT 2007
A non-APX problem
Instance Some tasks with the same processing
times and some incompatibility constraints.
Question Find a optimal schedule satisfing the
incompatibility constraints. Let G be the
conflict graph where vertices represent tasks a
scheduling vertex coloring. This problem is
not APX
40EPIT 2007
An APX problem without PTAS
Scheduling on a given number of processors
Instance Let G(V,A) be a d.a.g. with the
chronological constraints and let m be the number
of processors Question Minimize the length of
the schedule
41EPIT 2007
No ?-approximated algorithm if ?lt4/3
We are going to show that Even if the graph is
bipartite and the duration of all the tasks is
equal to 1, knowing whether the graph can be
scheduled in time 3 is an NP-complete problem The
proof of this result suffices to conclude
42EPIT 2007
The proof
The problem of well-balanced independent set in
bipartite graphs is NP-complete
Instance G(V1?V2,E) a bipartite graph
Question does there exist an independent set S
in G such that SV1 and V1V2 and V1?S
43EPIT 2007
W with Wn/2
X with Xn
Y with Yn
T with Tn/2
The edges of G
Complete Graph
44EPIT 2007
X with Xn
W with Wn/2
Y with Yn
T with Tn/2
Scheduling this DAG in three steps on n
processors is equivalent to showing the existence
of a well-balanced independent set in the graph G.
45EPIT 2007
X with Xn
W with Wn/2
T with Tn/2
Y with Yn
Scheduling in 3 steps no idle time
46EPIT 2007
X with Xn
W with Wn/2
T with Tn/2
Y with Yn
Scheduling in 3 steps no idle time
Step 1 W and X1 ( X1? X, X1n/2) must be
47EPIT 2007
X with Xn
W with Wn/2
T with Tn/2
Y with Yn
Scheduling in 3 steps no idle time
Step 1 W and X1 ( X1? X, X1n/2) must be
Step 3 T and Y1 ( Y1? Y, Y1n/2) must be
48EPIT 2007
X with Xn
W with Wn/2
T with Tn/2
Y with Yn
Scheduling in 3 steps no idle time
Step 1 W and X1 ( X1? X, X1n/2) must be
Step 2 X2 and Y2 ( X2Y2n/2 ) must be
Step 3 T and Y1 ( Y1? Y, Y1n/2) must be
49EPIT 2007
X with Xn
W with Wn/2
T with Tn/2
Y with Yn
Scheduling in 3 steps no idle time
Step 2 X2 and Y2 ( X2Y2n/2 ) must be
X2 ?Y2 is a well balanced independent set in the
graph G
50EPIT 2007
2-approximated list scheduling
Grahams Theorem all lists scheduling is a
2-approximation for this problem. Proof We can
construct by induction a path in the d.a.g. such
that at all the times, either a task in the path
is executing or all the processors are working.
51EPIT 2007
2-approximated list scheduling
construction of the path Take as t1 one of the
tasks finishing at the end of the scheduling, and
take as tk any predecessor of tk-1 which
finishing last among all its predecessors. The
construction is achieved when we arrive at a
source (task with no predecessor)
52EPIT 2007
2-approximated list scheduling
The sum of the times when all the processors are
working is smaller than the duration of the
optimal scheduling and the rest of the time is
smaller than the longer of the path and so the
duration of the optimal scheduling. This
concludes the proof .
53EPIT 2007
Some remarks
We have seen that the constraints of
incompatibility yield a very difficult problem
(non-APX) but the chronologic constraint yield an
easier problem (often APX) but even polynomial
if the number of processors is not bounded .
54EPIT 2007
Other constraints
Communication delays It is reasonable to assume
that two tasks executing on two different
processors need to comunicate and this takes a
certain delay. As a first approximation, we
suppose that this delay is always equal to 1 like
the duration of each task.
55EPIT 2007
Communication delay UET-UCT
When the number of processors is not bounded, the
problem become APX and the duplication techniques
permit to reduce sensitively the complexity
(Colin-Chretienne show that the problem remain
polynomial). Without duplication a lower bound
of 7/6 has been found (Hoogeveen, Lenstra,
56EPIT 2007
Communication delay UET - UCT
Munier and Co have given a 4/3-approximated
algorithm. Their idea is to solve a linear
problem which gives a solution smaller that the
solution of the original problem. A rounding
technique permit to give a realistic solution.
57EPIT 2007
Communication delay UET - UCT
If di is the starting time of i dj ? di 1
cij where cij is equal to 0 only for one
successor task of ti. The problem then amounts to
giving each arc a value cij equal to 0 or 1, with
the constraints that, for each task at most one
incoming (resp. outcoming) arc has the value 0.
58EPIT 2007
Communication delay UET - UCT
If every cij takes its value in 0,1 the
problem becomes easy the sum of the cij (resp.
cji ) for a fixed i must be greater than the
out-degree (resp. in-degree) minus 1. To find a
realistic solution the integer value of the arc
is 0 only if cij lt 1/2.
59EPIT 2007
Communication delay UET - UCT
The rounding step distends the path by a factor
at most 4/3. Indeed suppose a path of length
(k1) with x arcs such that cij lt ½ (i.e the cost
of the path in the real solution is greater than
3/2k-1/2x1). After rounding, the cost is 2k-x1.
The ratio is always smaller of 4/3.
60EPIT 2007
Unbounded vs. bounded number of processors
Technique folding. (each step of the unbounded
scheduling where x tasks are executing is
transformed into ?x/m? steps for the scheduling
with m processors. Without communication a
polynomial problem becomes 2-approximated
algorithm With the uet-uct model a
?-approximated algorithm becomes a
(?1)-approximated algorithm.
61EPIT 2007
Other ratios have been used for approximation
problems, the differential ratio for
example. Other constraints and other models
there is no small communication time (thin
granularity i.e. more possibility of parallelism)