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Ch 20. Thermodynamics


The First Law of Thermodynamics internal energy may be transferred ... A drop of food coloring added to a glass of water disperses. 2Al(s) 3Br2(l) 2AlBr3(s) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Ch 20. Thermodynamics

Ch 20. Thermodynamics
  • Brady Senese, 4th Ed.

Chapter 20 Thermodynamics
  • The First Law of Thermodynamics internal energy
    may be transferred as heat or work, but cannot be
    created or destroyed was originally discussed
    in Chapter 7
  • For an isolated system the internal energy is
  • ? E Ef - Ei 0
  • We cant measure the internal energy of anything,
    so we measure the changes in energy
  • DE work (w) heat (q)

  • The change in internal energy is defined in terms
    of heat (q) and work (w)
  • Internal energy is a state function which means
    that its value does not depend on how the change
    from one state to another was carried out

State Function
  • Any characteristic of a system that is
    independent of pathway, designated with capital
    letters e.g. H, T, V, P
  • A system is frequently characterized by changes
    in the state function, ?X
  • ?XrxnS(n?Xfinal)- S(n?Xinitial) where nthe
    number of moles of that substance in the reaction

DH S(nDHprod) S(nDHreact)
Standard State
  • Most Stable form of the pure substance at
  • 1 atm pressure
  • Stated temperature. If temp is not specified,
    assume 25 C
  • Solutions are 1M in concentration.
  • Measurements made under standard state conditions
    have the mark ?H

Learning Check
  •  Calculate ?H for the following reactions.
  • H2O(l)   CO2(g) ? H2CO3(aq) kJ/mol
  • -285.9 -393.5  -698.7 ?Hf0298K
  • NH3(g) HCl(g) ? NH4Cl(s)
  • -46.19   -92.30   -315.4  ?Hf0298K

-19.3 kJ/mol
DH SDHprod SDHreact -698.7 -
-176.9 kJ/mol
-315.4 - (-46.19)(-92.30)
  • There are two types of work that we are
    interested in electrical and P-V work which
    will be discussed now
  • The work done by a system depends on the volume
    change and the external pressure
  • For a reaction at constant volume

  • qv is called the heat at constant volume
  • Usually reactions are carried out at fixed
  • For these reactions, enthalpy is more convenient

  • qp is called the heat at constant pressure
  • The internal energy and enthalpy changes are
    different whenever a volume change occurs for the
  • Only when the volume change is large is the
    difference significant
  • Large volume changes can occur when gases are
    involved in the reaction

  • Treating the gases as ideal

Work (w) Force Distance -Patm?V
  • In reactions, work is most often due to the
    expansion or contraction of a system due to
    changing moles of gas.
  • The deployment of an airbag is one example of
    this process.
  • 1 C3H8(g) 5 O2(g) ? 3 CO2(g) 4 H2O(g)
  • 6 moles of gas ? 7 moles of gas
  • Since PVnRT, P?V ?nRT.
  • Thus, we can predict the work w - ?nRT

Enthalpy (H) and Internal Energy (E)
  • Enthalpy is the heat transferred at constant
    pressure, thus, ?H qp
  • ?E q w
  • If there is no change in the moles of gas, then
    ?E qp
  • If the reaction occurs in a fixed volume
    container, ?E qv
  • If the moles of gas change, ?E qvqp ?nRT ?H
  • Generally ?H is very close in value to ?E, unless
    work term is huge like in an explosion

Learning Check
  • Consider the nitrogen triiodide decomposition,
    2NI3(s)?N2(g)3I2(g) . Is ?? ??? Why?
  • For the following reaction for picric acid,
    calculate ??, ??

?nRT 17.3 kJ
?H0 -13298.8 kJ
DE0 -13316.2 kJ
Spontaneous Reactions
  • A spontaneous change is a change the occurs by
    itself (without continuous outside assistance)
  • Examples A rock falling off a ledge and water
    flowing down-hill
  • Nonspontaneous events occur at the expense of
    spontaneous ones
  • Often, but not always accompanied by exothermic

  • Most, but not all, exothermic reactions are
  • Some endothermic reactions are spontaneous
  • Heat changes alone are not sufficient to predict
    if a process will proceed spontaneously
  • We can begin to explore this by considering the
    heat transfer between a hot and cold object

  • Consider a system of six objects that are either
    hot (designated 1) or cold (designated 0)
  • If three are hot and three are cold, the system
    has a total of three units of energy
  • The hot system could transfer 0, 1, 2, or 3 units
    of energy to the cold objects
  • There are 20 possible states of the system,
    starting with all hot to the left (111000)


Energy transfer possibilities between six objects
with a total system energy of three units. The
allowed values of energies for an object are 0 or
1 unit.
  • There are four possible outcomes the transfer of
    0, 1, 2, or 3 units of energy
  • The probability of a state being produced is
    proportional to the number of ways it can be made
  • Probabilities must be normalized

  • For our heat transfer problem

  • The results can be stated in a number of ways
  • There is a 5 chance no energy will be
  • There is a 95 chance some energy will be
  • There is a 5 chance that all the energy will be
  • There is a 90 chance that 1 or 2 units of energy
    will be transferred
  • This simple model demonstrates the role of
    probability in determining the direction of a
    spontaneous process

  • Spontaneous processes tend to proceed from states
    of low probability to states of higher
  • The entropy (symbol S) is used in thermodynamics
    to describe the number of equivalent ways that
    the energy can be distributed
  • The greater the statistical probability of a
    particular state, the greater the entropy

  • Like internal energy and the enthalpy, entropy is
    also a state function
  • An event that is accompanied by an increase in
    the entropy of the system will have a tendency to
    occur spontaneously
  • A positive change in entropy means the final
    state (products) are more probable that the
    initial state (reactants)


Consider the reaction 3A?3B, where A molecules
can take on energies that are multiples of 10
energy units and B molecules can take on energies
in multiples of 5 energy units. Suppose the total
energy of the system in 20 energy units. (a)
There are two ways to distribute all the energy
between 3 A molecules. (b) There are four ways to
distribute all the energy between 3 B molecules.
The entropy of B is higher than A because there
are more ways to distribute the same amount of
  • It is often possible to predict whether the
    entropy change will be positive or negative
  • Volume For gases, the entropy increases as
    volume increases

(a) A gas in a container separated from a vacuum
by a partition. (b) The partition is removed. (c)
The gas expands to achieve a more probably
(higher entropy) particle distribution.
  • Temperature As temperature increases, the
    entropy increases

(a) At absolute zero, the particles (black dots)
are in their equilibrium lattice positions and
entropy is relatively low. (b) At higher
temperatures, the molecules vibrate. Entropy
increases. (c) As the temperature increases
further, more violent vibrations can occur and
the entropy is higher than in (b).
  • Physical state Entropy increases as a substance
    goes from the solid to liquid to vapor

The crystalline solid has very low entropy. The
liquid has higher entropy because the molecules
can move freely and there are more ways to
distribute kinetic energy among them. The gas has
the highest entropy because the particles are
randomly distributed throughout the container and
there are many, many was to distribute the
kinetic energy.
  • For chemical reactions involving gases, the sign
    of the entropy change is easy to predict
  • The number of particles is a major factor that
    affects the sign of the entropy change for
    chemical reactions
  • When all other things are equal, the reaction
    that increases the number of particles in the
    system tend to have a positive entropy change


Adding additional particles to a system increases
the number of ways that the energy can be
distributed in the system. With all other things
being equal, a reaction that produces more
particles will have a positive entropy change.
Predict The Sign Of ? S In The Following
  • Dry ice ?carbon dioxide gas
  • Moisture condenses on a cool window
  • AB ?A B
  • A drop of food coloring added to a glass of water
  • 2Al(s) 3Br2(l) ?2AlBr3(s)

Factors Affecting Entropy (?S) (Cont.)
  • Number of particles
  • Number of bonds
  • The Entropy of a pure crystalline solid at 0 K is
    defined as 0.

  • According to the Second Law of Thermodynamics
    whenever a spontaneous event takes place in our
    universe, the total entropy of the universe
  • In thermodynamics, the universe is the sum or
    total of the system and surroundings
  • It can be shown that the entropy change of the
    surroundings is equal to the heat transferred to
    the surroundings from the system divided by the
    Kelvin temperature

The Second Law of Thermodynamics
  • ?Stotal ?Ssystem ?Ssurroundings
  • since ?Ssurroundingsqsurroundings /T
  • and since qsurroundings-qsystem
  • since ?Ssurroundings -qsystem /T -?Hsystem /T
  • ?Stotal ?Ssystem- ?Hsystem /T
  • ?Stotal (T?Ssystem- ?Hsystem )/T
  • T?Stotal T?Ssystem- ?Hsystem -(?Hsystem
  • Since ?Stotal is () for all spontaneous
  • -(?Hsystem T?Ssystem)gt0
  • ?Hsystem T?Ssystemlt0 for all spontaneous

  • Temperature must be considered when determining
    if a process is spontaneous
  • Liquid water spontaneously freezes when the
    temperature is below 0oC to form solid water
  • Solid water (ice) spontaneously melts when the
    temperature is above 0oC
  • The three factors that can influence spontaneity
    are the enthalpy change, the entropy change, and
    the temperature

  • A new function, called the Gibbbs free energy , G
    is used to determine if events are spontaneous
  • It is also a state function

  • At constant temperature and pressure, a change
    can only be spontaneous if it is accompanied by a
    decrease in the free energy of the system
  • General comments can be made about the
    possibility of a spontaneous process and the
    signs of the enthalpy and entropy changes

The Driving Forces Of A Reaction
  • Reactions typically occur spontaneously when the
    ?H is (-) or if ?S is ()
  • If the ?H gt T?S term, the reaction is said to be
    enthalpy driven
  • If the T?S term gt ?H term, the reaction is said
    to be entropy driven
  • Free energy was derived to give the overall
    picture of both of the driving forces

Component Hfo (kJ/mol) Fe2O3(s) -822.2 Al(s)
0 Al2O3(s) -1,669.8 Fe (s)
0 Fe and Al are zero because, by
definition, the Hfo of elements in their standard
states is zero (OK, technically the iron is in
the liquid state, but in the end it becomes solid
Fe2O3(s) 2 Al(s) Al2O3(s) 2
Fe(l) The H for this reaction is the sum of the
Hfo's of the products - the sum of the Hfo's of
the reactants (multiplying each by their
stoichiometric coefficient in the balanced
reaction equation), i.e. Horxn (1
mol)(HfoAl2O3) (2 mol)(HfoFe) - (1
mol)(HfoFe2O3) - (2 mol)(HfoAl) Horxn (1
mol)(-1,669.8 kJ/mol) (2 mol)(0) - (1
mol)(-822.2 kJ/mol) - (2mol)(0 kJ/mol) Horxn
-847.6 kJ
WOW Big Exothermicity!
Temperature Controlled Reactions
  • Temperature-controlled reactions are spontaneous
    at one temperature and not at another
  • They are identified by the fact that their ?H and
    ?S have the same sign
  • They change spontaneity at the temperature when
    T ?H/?S

(Gibbs) Free Energy (G)
  • ?G0 ?H0-T?S0
  • ?G0 is highly dependent on temperature.
  • May be calculated using ?Gf0 data only at 298K.
  • Note that ?G0 implies standard conditions. If
    the concentrations and pressures vary, we must
    correct for this to calculate ?G

Learning Check
  • Calculate ?G0 for the following using both
    approaches at 298K
  • CaCO3(s) ?CO2(g) CaO(s)
  • ?Hf (kJ/mol) ?Gf (kJ/mol) Sf J/molK
  • CO2(g) -393.5 -394.4 213.7
  • CaCO3(s) -1432.7 -1320.3 107
  • CaO(s) -635.5 -604.2 40
  • Which approach is needed if you want ?G0 at 500K?

?Hrxn403.7 kJ/mol
?Srxn146.7 J/molK
?G0rxn 403.7 298K x 0.1467 kJ/molK 359 kJ
?G0rxn 321.7
  • The Third Law of Thermodynamics makes the
    experimental determination of absolute entropies
  • At absolute zero the entropy of a perfectly
    ordered crystalline substance is zero
  • S 0 at T 0 K (perfect
  • The entropy of 1 mol of a substance at a
    temperature of 298 K (25 oC) and a pressure of 1
    atm is called the standard entropy, So
  • A number of standard entropies have been

  • Some of these are reported in Table 20.1 and
    Appendix C
  • They can be used to calculate standard entropy
    changes for reactions
  • If the reaction under consideration corresponds
    to the formation of 1 mol of compound from its
    elements, then the calculated standard entropy
    change is called the standard entropy of

Learning Check
  • Calculate ?S0 for the following
  • CO2(s) ? CO2(g)
  • 187.6 213.7 S0 (J/molK)
  • CaCO3(s) ? CO2(g) CaO(s)
  • 92.9   213.7   40   S0 (J/molK)

26.1 J/molK
161 J/molK
  • Some standard entropies of formation are not
    tabulated, so must be calculated when needed
  • Like for the entropy change, the standard free
    energy change is determined at 298 K and 1 atm
  • Some standard free energies of formation are
    tabulated in Table 20.2 and Appendix C

  • They can be used to find standard free energy
    changes for reactions
  • A chief use of spontaneous reactions is to
    produce useful work
  • The maximum conversion of chemical energy to work
    occurs if the reaction is carried out under
    thermodynamically reversible conditions

?G0 for Reversible Reactions
  • A process is defined as thermodynamically
    reversible if it can be reversed and
  • If it is always very close to equilibrium (the
    change in quantities is very small)
  • For reversible reactions, ?G0 represents the
    maximum work output


A reversible expansion of a gas. As water
molecules evaporate one at a time, the external
pressure gradually decreases and the gas slowly
expands. The process would be reversed if one gas
molecule condensed into the liquid. A truly
reversible process would require an infinite
number of tiny steps, and would take forever to
actually accomplish.
  • The change in free energy provides a limit to the
    amount of available energy in a reaction
  • The maximum amount of energy produced by a
    reaction that can be theoretically harnessed as
    work is equal to
  • This is the energy that need not be lost to the
    surroundings as heat and it therefore free to be
    used for work
  • This allows the efficiency of a system to be

  • A system that is neither spontaneous nor
    nonspontaneous is at equilibrium
  • This occurs when the free energy change is zero
  • Consider the equilibrium between ice and water at
  • The system will remain at equilibrium as long as
    no heat is added or removed
  • Both phases can exist together indefinitely

  • No work can be done by a system at equilibrium
    because the available (free) energy is zero
  • Only one temperature is possible for a phases
    change at equilibrium
  • This is the melting temperature (point) of the
    substance for a solid-liquid equilibrium
  • This is the boiling temperature (point) of the
    substance for a liquid-vapor equilibrium

  • Free energy change diagrams can be used to
    represent phase changes

The free energy diagram for the conversion of
H2O(l) to H2O(s). At the left of each diagram the
system consists entirely of H2O(l). At the right
is H2O(s). The horizontal axis represents the
extent of conversion between H2O(l) and H2O(s).
  • Free energy changes for reactions are usually
    more complex

The minimum on the curve indicates the
composition of the reaction mixture at
equilibrium. Because the standard free energy
change is positive, the position of the
equilibrium lies close to the reactants.
Free energy curve for a reaction having a
negative standard free energy change. The
reaction proceeds to equilibrium by moving
down-hill from left to right. The position of
the equilibrium lies close to the products
because the standard free energy change for the
reaction is negative.

  • At equilibrium
  • Given two of the three quantities (enthalpy
    change, entropy change, and temperature) the
    third can be calculated

?G0 At Equilibrium
  • Thus, 0 ?H-T ?S
  • T ?H/?S for all equilibrium processes,
    including phase changes.
  • What is the expected melting point for Cu?

  • While the tables of thermodynamic quantities are
    extensive, they are incomplete
  • Reasonable estimates of the heat of reaction, for
    example, can be made from atomization energies
    and average bond energies
  • Atomization energies can be found in Table 20.3
    and Appendix C
  • A number of average bond energies are reported in
    Table 20.4


Two paths for the formation of methane from its
elements in their standard states. Steps (1) and
(2) involve the atomization of hydrogen and
carbon, which can be obtained from Table 20.3 or
Appendix C. Step (3) can be estimated by adding
the energies from Table 20.4 for all the bond
formed going from isolated gas phase atoms to the
Chemical Potential Energy is stored in the bonds
?Hrxn SD(Bonds broken) - S D (Bonds
Calculating ?Hrxn Using Bond Dissociation Energies
  • ?H SD(Bonds broken) - S D(Bonds formed)
  • CH4(g) 3Cl2(g) ? CHCl3(g) 3HCl(g)
  • Examine Structures of each and decide what bonds
    must be broken and what bonds must be formed.
  • Broken 4C-H, 3Cl-Cl. Formed 1C-H, 3C-Cl, 3H-Cl
  • Exothermic reactions form stronger bonds in the
    product than in the reactant

  • Example The standard enthalpy of formation of
    ethane from Appendix C is 84.5 kJ/mol. Estimate
    this value using average bond energies and
    atomization energies.

  • The estimate differs from the tabulated value by
  • This error is remarkably small considering how
    easy the calculation was to perform

  • Given the reaction S8(s) 12O2(g)? 8SO3(g),
    Calculate ??0 from ??0f . Given that S-S bonds
    have D 225 kJ/mol bond, and that OO has D498
    kJ/mol, what is the bond dissociation energy for
    the sulfur to oxygen bonds?

Thermodynamics Review
  • The First Law of Thermodynamics internal energy
    may be transferred as heat or work, but cannot be
    created or destroyed was originally discussed
    in Chapter 7
  • For an isolated system the internal energy is
  • ? E Ef - Ei 0
  • We cant measure the internal energy of anything,
    so we measure the changes in energy
  • DE work (w) heat (q)

Enthalpy (H) and Internal Energy (E)
  • Enthalpy is the heat transferred at constant
    pressure, thus, ?H qp
  • ?E q w
  • If there is no change in the moles of gas, then
    ?E qp
  • If the reaction occurs in a fixed volume
    container, ?E qv
  • If the moles of gas change, ?E qvqp ?nRT ?H
  • Generally ?H is very close in value to ?E, unless
    work term is huge like in an explosion

Entropy (S)
  • A measure of randomness
  • The more possible arrangement of particles, the
    higher the entropy
  • Processes favor high probability (p)

Factors Affecting Entropy (?S)
  • Mixing
  • Volume change of gas
  • Temperature- not a significant change if state is
    the same
  • Physical State

The Second Law of Thermodynamics
Spontaneous processes
(Gibbs) Free Energy (G)
  • G H-TS, thus
  • ?G ?H- T?S
  • Note that ?G is highly dependent on temperature.
  • Reactions whose ?Glt0 are "spontaneous" or
  • ?G0 at equilibrium.
  • ?Ggt0 inefficient (non-spontaneous)

The Third Law of Thermodynamics
  • The entropy of a pure crystalline solid at 0 K is
    defined as 0
  • All others states and materials have Sgt0.
  • ?S ?Sproducts- ?Sreactants
  • Note that the units are J/molK
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