Title: Contract Negotiations and HB1369 Anthony Garcia Governance Manager
1Contract Negotiations and HB1369Anthony
GarciaGovernance Manager
2Overview of Presentation
- Chapter 287, F.S., sections relevant to
negotiations - Florida Administrative Code rules relevant to
negotiations - Negotiation process in Florida (as I am familiar
with it) - Prospective changes to the negotiation process in
3Competitive Solicitation Options
- Invitation to Negotiate - Request for
Proposals - Invitation to Bid
4Invitation to Negotiates. 287.012, Florida
- (17)Â Â "Invitation to negotiate" means a written
solicitation for competitive sealed replies to
select one or more vendors with which to commence
negotiations for the procurement of commodities
or contractual services. The invitation to
negotiate is used when the agency determines that
negotiations may be necessary for the state to
receive the best value. A written solicitation
includes a solicitation that is electronically
5Looking for Value Examples where negotiation may
be necessary
- Cars
- Carpet
- Drug Testing Kits
- Lawn service
- Operation of a Prison
- Development of Software System
- Legal Services
6Negotiations are Flexible
- Not as rigid a process as ITB or RFP
- Ability to explore what each respondent has to
offer that may meet your needs as identified in
the ITN - Ability to go back to each vendor
- Dont rely upon weak ITN specifications
7Best Value 287.012(4), F.S.
- (4)Â Â "Best value" means the highest overall value
to the state based on objective factors that
include, but are not limited to, price, quality,
design, and workmanship.
8Invitations to NegotiateS. 287.057(3), Florida
- (b)Â Â The agency shall evaluate and rank
responsive replies against all evaluation
criteria set forth in the invitation to negotiate
and shall select, based on the ranking, one or
more vendors with which to commence negotiations.
After negotiations are conducted, the agency
shall award the contract to the responsible and
responsive vendor that the agency determines will
provide the best value to the state. The contract
file must contain a short plain statement that
explains the basis for vendor selection and that
sets forth the vendor's deliverables and price,
pursuant to the contract, with an explanation of
how these deliverables and price provide the best
value to the state.
9Summary of the Process
- Rank the responses
- Select one or more to begin to negotiate with
- Best value determination
- Memo to file
10Where to Start?
- Know what you want!
- Dont rely upon a weak ITN
- Do your work early
- Know your ITN
- Know your responses
- Know where you need to seek clarification from
each vendor - Have a strategy before walking in the door
- What are your negotiable elements?
11Your Negotiation Team
- Team members
- From your division, agency or other departments
- Subject matter experts
- Consultants
12Negotiation Process
- Presentations
- Public meeting issues
- Questions / discussion regarding responses
- Begin identifying your concerns and needs
- Requests for email clarifications
- Public records
13Negotiation Process - 2
- Follow-up negotiation sessions
- Telephonic if needed
- Email questions for clarification
- As many as needed to determine which vendor will
provide the best value to the state - BAFO
14Negotiation Process
- Example of how negotiations may be conducted
- Not the only way, just need to make sure act in
accordance with applicable laws in proceeding to
15Negotiation Issues
- Confidential Information
- Proprietary Information
- Hesitancy by vendors to discuss pricing and other
issues with competitors in room - Chilling effect on negotiations
- Impact in being able to achieve best value for
16Questions at this time?
17HB 1369
18HB 1369 Summary
- Qualified and temporary public records exemptions
of bid responses. - Qualified and temporary exclusion of recorded
negotiations with vendors.
19Effected Chapters of Florida Statutes
- Chapter 119, Florida Statutes
- Chapter 286, Florida Statutes
- Chapter 287, Florida Statutes
20Relevant ITN portions of HB 1369- s119.071, F.S.
- (1)(b)2.a.  A competitive sealed reply in
response to an invitation to negotiate, as
defined in s. 287.012, is exempt from s.
119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State
Constitution until such time as the agency
provides notice of a decision or intended
decision pursuant to s. 120.57(3)(a) or until 20
days after the final competitive sealed replies
are all opened, whichever occurs earlier.
21s. 119.071, F.S
-  (1)(b)2.b.  If an agency rejects all competitive
sealed replies in response to an invitation to
negotiate and concurrently provides notice of its
intent to reissue the invitation to negotiate and
reissues the invitation to negotiate within 90
days after the notice of intent to reissue the
invitation to negotiate, the rejected replies
remain exempt from s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a),
Art. I of the State Constitution . - How long.
22HB 1369 and Negotiationss. 286.0113, F.S.
- (2)(a)Â Â A meeting at which a negotiation with a
vendor is conducted pursuant to s. 287.057(3) is
exempt from s. 286.011 and s. 24(b), Art. I of
the State Constitution. -    (b)1.  A complete recording shall be made of
any meeting made exempt in paragraph. No portion
of the meeting may be held off the record. - How long.
- This presentation is merely a summary of the ITN
process and the sited statutes and HB 1369. - Please review each to determine how they may
apply to your particular fact pattern.
24- (16)Â Â "Invitation to bid" means a written
solicitation for competitive sealed bids. The
invitation to bid is used when the agency is
capable of specifically defining the scope of
work for which a contractual service is required
or when the agency is capable of establishing
precise specifications defining the actual
commodity or group of commodities required. A
written solicitation includes a solicitation that
is electronically posted.
25(22)Â Â "Request for proposals" means a written
solicitation for competitive sealed proposals.
The request for proposals is used when it is not
practicable for the agency to specifically define
the scope of work for which the commodity, group
of commodities, or contractual service is
required and when the agency is requesting that a
responsible vendor propose a commodity, group of
commodities, or contractual service to meet the
specifications of the solicitation document. A
written solicitation includes a solicitation that
is electronically posted.