Title: Teaching Safety In Todays Changing World
1Out With The Old In With The New
- Teaching Safety In Todays Changing World
- Samantha Wilson
- Kidproof Canada
2How important is teaching personal safety in
3How many times do you know of that
- A child got lost or injured on a field trip
- An unwanted visitors was in the school
- A child was injured on the playground
- A child was involved in a school bus injury
- A student was injured in other traffic related
incidents around the school - A child was bullied
4Whos job is it to teach safety to kids?
- The Police?
- The Schools?
- The Parents?
5Fundamentals of Making Unsafe Choices
- Embarrassment
- Avoidance
- Ignorance
- Convenience
- Think of the embarrassing moment as just that a
moment. - IT WILL PASS
- Easier to just agree
- Dont want to be judged or look afraid
- Give yourself permission to go against the crowd.
- Lack of proper direction and knowledge
- Deliver clear, current messages in a consistent
manner - Show examples of when a good choice changed the
outcome of a dangerous situation
- Most common reason for making a bad choice
- Learned behavior from parents or peers
- Easier for the moment
- Show examples of where good choices were made
with positive outcomes - Show examples where a bad choice was made and
made the situation more difficult and not
convenient at all
10Is Your Classroom Safe?
11Most Common Mistakes Made at School
- Stranger Danger focused lessons
- Requesting name tags and labeling materials
- Not confronting visitors
12Stranger Danger
- Misleading and instills fear of people
- Focuses on the wrong person
- Contradictory and confusing
- Instead Teach
13Name Tags and Labels
- Identifies a child to onlookers
- Relies on Convenience for the basis of the
unsafe choice - Instead Teach
14Unwanted Visitors
- Potential violent offender
- Potential predator
- Trouble-making students from other schools
- ALWAYS challenge unidentified visitors
- Lock all interior doors when not in use
15Unsafe practices
- Babysitting lists
- Encourages unsafe behavior
- Increase school liability
- Sharing personal information in hallways
- Compromises identity of students
- Opens opportunity for domestic / custody related
issues to progress
16How to make kids think safe
- School wide programs
- Community wide awareness programs
- Open reporting
- Catch them doing something safe SUPERSTARS
17Achieving the ULTIMATE SAFE KID
- Creates excitement and buzz around the subject
- Gets everyone starting at same point
- Introduces key messages that will be taught later
- Harder to teach for long term retention
- Students can be distracted
19In Class Skills Practice
- Each classroom able to focus on specific subject
in smaller groups - Can initiate smaller projects
- Takes away classroom time for other lessons
20Involve Parents
- Helps reinforce key messages
- Disseminates accurate and consistent information
- Empowers parents with knowledge
- Strengthens trust and school community environment
21Safety is part of EVERYTHING
22Incorporating Personal Safety into Existing
- Science discuss safety practices scientists use
- Art create posters and visual arts that build on
key messages - Social Studies What are the safety concerns for
children in other countries and if they are
different, why? - Reading find stories that illustrate and discuss
personal safety - Play Time consistent enforcement of safety rules
23Over 28,000 Canadian children require medical
attention each year due to playground injuries
24Majority of accidents happen during lunch hour
25Types of Injuries
- Sport or break-time related
- Sprains, broken bones, twisted ankles
- Head injuries
- Falls
26Prevention is Key
- Have and enforce safe play
- Check equipment regularly
- Have a suitable number of adult-supervisors
27Field Trip Survival Pack
- Current pictures of all students
- Parent contact information on each child
- School contact information on each child
- Medications for students
- First Aid Kit
- Rehearsed safety plan
- Internet 1 way kids communicate
- Instant Messenger, email, text messaging
- Cell phones
- Exposed to both real and false information
- Kids have not developed proper critical thinking
skills - Internet offers true and false information
- Opens the door to cyber-bullying
30What is Cyber Bullying?
31The Cyber Bully Uses
- Instant Messenger, email, text messaging,
Personal websites, blogs and cell phones have
become the new tools for the bully
32What the future holds
- Potential to increase the bully population
exponentially - Long term effects of Internet postings
- Keep the lines of communication open
- Monitor and save online communications
- Report any incident to local police
- Remind your kids they dont have to put up with
- The 911 for Internet Crimes
- against Kids
35Just because it happens outside of school, you
still need to deal with it
- You can have the greatest influence on the
choices students make outside the classroom
36Whos Job Is It to Protect Kids?
- Yours, mine, neighbors, the school board,
- friends, politicians, community leaders,
- police, and society.EVERYONE!
37Thank You!
- Samantha Wilson
- www.kidproofcanada.com