Observing Massive Black Hole Binaries with LISA - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Observing Massive Black Hole Binaries with LISA


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Observing Massive Black Hole Binaries with LISA

Observing Massive Black Hole Binaries with LISA
  • Robin T. Stebbins
  • U.S. Project Scientist
  • Physics and Astrophysics of Supermassive Black
  • Bishops Lodge, Santa Fe
  • 14 July 2006

LISA Overview
  • The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) is
    a joint ESA-NASA project to design, build and
    operate a space-based gravitational wave
  • The 5 million kilometer long detector will
    consist of three spacecraft orbiting the Sun in a
    triangular formation.
  • Space-time strains induced by gravitational waves
    are detected by measuring changes in the
    separation of fiducial masses with laser
  • LISA is expected to detect signals from merging
    supermassive black holes, compact stellar objects
    spiraling into supermassive black holes in
    galactic nuclei, thousands of close binaries of
    compact objects in the Milky Way and possibly
    backgrounds of cosmological origin.

Science Objectives and Sources
  • Supermassive black holes (105-107 M?)
  • Located at centers of proto-galactic structures
    and galaxies
  • Can trace black hole merger history and galaxy
    formation, can test extreme gravity in the
    dynamical regime, could map dark energy with
    electromagnetic counterparts
  • Reach zgt10
  • 10s - 100s /yr
  • Intermediate mass black holes (102-105 M?)
  • Located in stellar clusters or small dark matter
    halos or wherever they may have formed
  • Can trace hierarchical build up of massive black
    holes and formation of galactic structure
  • Reach z10-20
  • Events rates are highly uncertain, but could be

Equal-Mass Binaries
Science Objectives and Sources
  • Extreme mass ratio inspirals (10 M? spiraling
    into 106 M?)
  • Stellar-mass black holes in dense galactic nuclei
    captured by central supermassive black holes
  • Sample stellar populations and densities in
    galactic cores, most severe test of GR
  • Reach z1
  • Several 10s, or more
  • Close binaries of white dwarfs, neutron stars,
    stellar-mass black holes
  • Close binaries of compact objects in the Milky
    Way, and beyond
  • Compile demographics of compact objects, known
    sources can be used to verify the instrument
  • Reach Milky Way, extragalactic
  • 11,000 in Milky Way, remainder a confusion
  • Other exotic sources like cosmological
    backgrounds, strings,boson stars, etc.

Unequal-Mass Binaries
Smallest M2 for detectable BH coalescence signal
at z 1, for 1 yr observation and S/N 5.
Courtesy P. Bender.
Science Products
  • LISAs highest level product will likely be a
    source catalog, updated periodically over the 5
    yr lifetime, or 8 yr extended lifetime.
  • What astrophysical parameters can be measured?
  • Sky position
  • Distance
  • Orientation
  • Chirp mass, individual masses if chirping
  • Spin magnitudes and orientations
  • Merger time
  • How well can the parameters be estimated?
  • Monte Carlo study by Scott Hughes and Ryan Lang,
  • 10,000 binaries with M1 1 x 106 M?, M2 3 x
    106 M?, at z 1
  • Randomly distributed sky position, orbit
    orientation, spin magnitude and orientation

Parameter Estimation
Ryan Lang and Scott Hughes, MIT
Mission Concept
Mission Concept Overview
  • Measure time-varying strain in space-time by
    interferometrically monitoring changes in three
    long reference arms.
  • Three spacecraft in a triangular formation orbit
    the Sun, 20 behind the Earth.
  • The three arms
  • Form an equilateral triangle with 5 million
    kilometer long sides
  • Are defined by six proof masses, located in pairs
    at the vertices of the triangle
  • Are monitored interferometrically to achieve a
    usable measurement bandwidth from 3x10-5 to 1 Hz
  • The proof masses are protected from disturbances
    by careful design and drag-free operation
    (i.e., the mass is free-falling, but enclosed and
    followed by the spacecraft).
  • Lasers at each end of each arm operate in a
    transponder mode. Optical path difference
    changes, laser frequency noise, and clock noise
    are determined by comparing the frequencies of
    the returned and local laser beams.
  • Three arms measure both polarizations of
    quadrupolar waves. Source direction is decoded
    from amplitude, frequency, and phase modulation
    caused by annual orbital motion.

(No Transcript)
Instrument Concept
  • Six free-falling proof masses define the measured
    lengths, and an interferometric ranging system
    measures changes in their separation.
  • Interferometry Measurement System
  • Laser subsystem with frequency and amplitude
  • Ranging measurement using local and return laser
  • Frequency noise correction
  • Disturbance Reduction System
  • Proof masses
  • Enclosures with sensing, actuation, discharging,
  • Control systems for spacecraft and proof mass
  • Micronewton thrusters based on ion spray
  • Spacecraft and payload design features to reduce

  • Three interacting spacecraft make up the
    science instrument
  • Multiple combinations of one-way measurements.
  • Drag-free control protects the proof masses from
    the ambient environment and reduces the
    disturbances on the proof masses from the

Distance Measurement Concept
  • The distance monitoring system is a continuous
    ranging system, like spacecraft tracking, using
    optical frequencies.
  • The ranging system senses
  • Inter-spacecraft doppler motions
  • Temporal variations of laser frequency
  • Time variations of the optical pathlength between
    proof masses (gravitational waves show up here)
  • Time variations in the ultra-stable oscillator
  • The phasemeter measures the accumulated phase as
    a function of time.
  • The science signal appears as a millihertz phase
    modulation on a megahertz fringe signal.

Optical Assembly
Optical Bench
Disturbance Reduction System
  • Gravitational Reference Sensor
  • Proof mass
  • Electrostatic and optical sensing
  • Electrostatic actuation
  • Charge control
  • Microthrusters
  • Liquid metal ion emitters
  • Neutralizers
  • Control Laws
  • Attitude and position for two proof masses and
    the spacecraft.
  • Articulation angle between telescopes

DRS Hardware
Programmatic Overview
  • LISA is currently in Formulation Phase (Phase A)
    at NASA, subject to an NRC panels review of
    Beyond Einstein in 2007/2008 time frame
  • Current NASA cost is 1.4B, full life cycle,
    including Pathfinder. Cost share is expected to
    be 60/40 NASA/ESA.
  • Current launch date is 2017. Science operations
    start in 2019, nominally end in 2024. Extendable
    to 2027.
  • LISA Pathfinder - ESA-led mission with ESA and
    NASA (ST-7) payloads
  • Demonstrate disturbance reduction technologies
    and local interferometry
  • L1 halo orbit
  • Preliminary Design Review complete, engineering
    models complete and qualified, entering the
    Implementation Phase (Phase C/D)
  • 250M from Europe, 90M from NASA
  • Launch October 2009, operations complete in 2011.
  • Current activities of the LISA Project
  • Technology development
  • Formulation study design trades, architecture
  • Cost savings/simplifications

Gravitational Reference Sensor
  • The Pathfinder GRS is the LISA GRS.
  • The technology has been fully developed and
    verified on the ground for Pathfinder.
  • Additional measurements on ground are desirable
    to characterize the electronics at low frequency
    for LISA.
  • Pathfinder validates the GRS on orbit.

  • Three thruster technologies are being
    independently developed and verified on the
    ground for Pathfinder.
  • Pathfinder demonstrates two microthruster
    technologies in flight.
  • We are developing lifetime improvements beyond
    those demonstrated by Pathfinder.

IMS Technology Development
LPF proto-flight laser
Prototype model of LPF optical block
FPGA-based phasemeter
Frequency stabilization cavity
Prototype position sensitivity
  • LISA can
  • Directly detect extreme gravitational
    interactions of intermediate and massive black
    holes out to the era of galaxy formation, and
  • Probe the history of galaxy and proto-galaxy
  • Test scenarios for the formation of supermassive
    and intermediate-mass black holes.
  • LISA can probe the environment around galactic
  • Test General Relativity in extremely relativistic
    situations with great accuracy.
  • The mission concept is well-developed.
  • Conceptual design is mature.
  • Formulation is very advanced.
  • Design optimizations under study, investigating
    cost savings.
  • The Project is underway
  • Formulation Phase has started in both U.S. and
  • Science community is growing.
  • Technology development is progressing.
  • Demonstration flight is in implementation.

Parameter Estimation
Ryan Lang and Scott Hughes, MIT
Parameter Estimation
Ryan Lang and Scott Hughes, MIT
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