Title: Systems for ART Program and Patient Monitoring
1Systems for ART Program and Patient Monitoring
- We are working in an environment where capacity
is weak in all areas. - We have poor infrastructure in transport,
communication, resources, human resources,
training, health care skills, supplies,
equipment, medications. - We do know that without good information, the
initiative will fail.
3HIV/AIDS Infection
- Disease Management AIDS is a multi-faceted
disease that touches on all areas of health care
and many areas of culture and society. - Chronic AIDS is challenging since it will
require continuous lifetime medical care and
- AIDS care must integrated into existing health
system - HIS is absolutely essential for the Initiative to
work - Must build local capacity for sustainability
- Keep it simple - Minimal data set
- Strengthen capacity of existing health system and
HIS - Build patient longitudinal medical records
- Build ties with laboratory and logistics
- Strengthen program monitoring
- Architecture
- Disease Management
- Chronic care model
- Paper interface
- Free open source model is the most Development
Friendly - Standards
- Sustainability
7Chronic Disease Management
8Data Standards
- Indicator definitions and nomenclature
- Metadata
- Data standards
- Data communication standards
- Data flow
- Software systems require constant maintenance
- Imported systems suffer the same fate as other
high tech equipment - It breaks and nobody knows how to fix it
- Must have open systems that can be maintained
locally - Must build local capacity to maintain the systems
10Network Configuration
11Country / International Data Warehouse
12Key Factors System Overview
- Type of software (EMR, DM, Register)
- Can the system be easily modified?
- Is this free open source software
- Single user/LAN/WAN?
13Key Factors Scope of Clinical Services
- TB
- General clinical care
- Advanced ART Disease Mgmt. (guidelines, pt.
14Key Factors Reporting/Output Capability
- Patient level reporting
- Clinic level reporting
- Custom reporting
- Exportable data/ standard format
15Key Factors Hardware and Software Requirements
- Client computer requirements (level 1,2,3)
- Server computer requirements (level 1,2,3)
- Operating system
- Database
16Key Factors HR Requirements
- Country level development,support, maintenance?
17Key Factors Security and Quality Checks
- Security level (1,2,3)
- Data validation level (1,2,3)
18Software Inventory
19The Envelope Please
- We do not have a winner.
- We are close.
- Next steps...
- Active development taking place on many fronts
- www.rhinonet.org
20Current Systems
- Proprietary Systems
- TherapyEdge
- Systems Built on EpiInfo/Access
- CareWare
- Thin Client Server Open Source
- OpenEMR, Care 2x
- Need prototype systems that are 90 functional
and can be easily customized to meet local needs - RHI register (DHIS)
- PMTCT register
22Key Criteria for ART Software
- Thin client - server
- Open source
- Basic ART data set
- Disease management
23Free Open Source Software
- Software and Source Code is freely available
- Source code lets you make local modifications
- Enhancements are contributed back to the
community - These are sustainable systems
- Build local capacity
- Local maintenance and enhancement
24Client Server Networks
25Inventory Project
- Collaborative Workgroup
- Clearinghouse for information on
- software systems
- implementation
- customization
- metadata
- Feedback on systems
- This is an open system - we want your feedback
26Future Work for the Inventorywww.rhinonet.org
- Logistics Systems
- Information synergies with patient systems
- Laboratory Systems
- Innovative Technologies (smart cards, cell
phones, PDAs, etc) - Paper systems interface
- Metadata repository