Title: Packaged Software and Enterprise Resource Planning
1Chapter 14
- Packaged Software and Enterprise Resource Planning
- Discuss three major analysis and design issues
associated more often with packages than with
custom software - Name the three types of package customization and
explain when each would be necessary - Identify and explain the four major
characteristics of ERP systems and discuss
several reasons for adopting ERP
- Identify and explain several critical success
factors for ERP implementation - Distinguish the three major approaches to ERP
system development - Discuss how methods used for ERP systems
deployment differ from those for conventional
systems development - Identify and explain the four major steps to ERP
package selection
- Discuss the major areas of expansion for ERP
- Identify the four high-level work areas of SAP
R/3 - Identify and discuss the five types of master
data in SAP R/3 - Describe the function of R/3 Basis software
- Describe how transactions are entered in SAP R/3
5IS Components Serving Multiple Business
FunctionsFigure 14-1
6Key Players in Enterprise ComputingFigure 14-2
7Packaged Software
- Traditionally focused on isolated business
functions - ERP focuses on integrated software solutions
- Current trends show increase in packaged software
and decrease in in-house software development
8Three Critical Issues of Packaged Software
Spanning All Phases of the SDLCFigure 14-3
- Desire is to minimize customization
- Best practices built-in already
- Unique requirements may exist
- Customization types
- Configuration
- Modification
- Enhancement
- Standardize data so all functions can access it
in real time - Enterprise application integration (EAI) is the
process of linking applications to support the
flow of information across multiple business
units and IT systems - Middleware
- ERP with built-in middleware
11Obstacles to Integration Figure 14-4
12Upgrading Packages
- Upgrades can be challenging
- Frequency
- Existing level of customization
- Integration
- Must be planned and documented
- Process of using integrated application software
to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of
the entire enterprise - Objectives of ERP
- Provide best practice functionality within
departments and high level of integration across
all enterprise functions - Bridge gap in value chain
- Included in ERPTPS, MIS, DSS
14Nonintegrated ISFigure 14-5a
15Integrated IS in an ERP SystemFigure 14-5b
16Major Characteristics of ERPFigure 14-6
17Major ERP Vendors
- SAP AG, Peoplesoft, Oracle, J.D. Edwards, Baan
- Began as integrated packages for core business
function management - Finance
- Manufacturing
- Human resources
- Expanded to extended business functions
- Sales-force automation
- E-commerce
- Business intelligence
18Why ERP?
- Reduces workforce in core transaction processing
systems - Supports global business
- Achieves economies of scale
- Reduces information systems development staff
19Why ERP?
- Improves customer service
- Improves data integrity
- Improves decision support
20Costs and Benefits
- ERP may cost several hundred thousand dollars for
a mid-sized firm - Cost competitive among major vendors
- Payback usually 6-30 months
- Savings based on 30 reduction in administrative
and IS costs - Consider operating costs
21Critical Success Factors of ERP
- Strong top management support
- Centralized project management
- Strong IT management and staff support
- Heavy user involvement
- Standardized business process reengineering on
software capabilities
22Critical Success Factors of ERP
- Retraining of existing software developers in ERP
- Extensive training of end users
- Use of consultants to lead implementation and
training - A respected and effective champion of ERP within
the organization
23Critical Success Factors of ERP
- Effective and continuous communication
- Top-notch systems analysts
- Retention of analysts throughout project and
beyond - Sensitivity to user resistance with new systems
24Three Approaches to ERPFigure 14-7
25Organizational Structure for an ERP
ProjectFigure 14-8
26ERP Development Methodology
- Phase 1 Planning
- ERP oversight committee
- Phase 2 Analysis
- Collection of requirements from in-house work
groups - Identify business reengineering initiatives
- Select vendors
27ERP Development Methodology
- Phase 3 Design
- Interfaces determined
- Hardware design
- Middleware issues
- Phase 4 Implementation
- Installation
- Configuration into cohesive system
- Phase 5 Support
- Training
- Maintenance
28Special Topics on ERP Development
- Select a comprehensive package
- Preliminary evaluation
- Detailed evaluation
- Vendor presentations
- On-site visits
- Final decision
29Special Topics on ERP Development
- Linking applications to an ERP package
- Purchasing middleware
- Select software vendors that partner with ERP
packages - Vendor-provided or in-house link development
- Using ERP packages for application development
- Investigate vendor-supplied development tools
30ERP Future
- Areas of expansion
- Supply chain management
- Business intelligence
- Continued integration of various business
31SAP R/3
- SAP AG is a German software development firm
- SAP R/3 is current ERP system
- SAP R/3 Organization
- Logistics
- Accounting
- Human resources
- Business tools
- Designed to meet business needs across entire
32SAP Industry Solutions
- SAP includes common core business functions plus
Industrial Business Units (IBUs) to provide best
practices for specific industries - Automotive
- Electronics
- Public sector
- Retail
33Five Master Databases for SAP R/3Figure 14-10
34Implementing SAP R/3
- Three-tier client server system
- R/3 Basis
- Middleware that enables integration of R/3
applications on various computing platforms - Accelerated SAP (ASAP)
- Small to mid-sized business applications of SAP
- RMO would be a good candidate
35Three-Tier Architecture of SAP R/3 Figure 14-11