Eckville Elementary School - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Eckville Elementary School


Parts of each PD day will be devoted to our Professional Learning Teams and to ... Remembrance Day Essay Contest. Quality Daily Physical Education-12 years ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Eckville Elementary School

Eckville Elementary School
  • Education Plan 2007-2008

  • Eckville Elementary School
  • Learning and Caring
  • Through Quality Education

  • Our actions promote
  • Caring
  • Quality
  • Accountability
  • Integrity
  • Leadership

Eckville Elementary School Demographics 2007-08
  • Student Enrolment
  • ECS 25
  • Gr. 1 19
  • Gr. 2 20
  • Gr. 3 20
  • Gr. 4 17
  • Gr. 5 19
  • Gr. 6 28
  • ELAC 9
  • Total Students 148

Eckville Elementary School Staff
Support Staff Mrs. Laurie Wacher
Secretary Mrs. Claudia Thomas Special
Needs EA Mrs. Shannon Cameron Special Needs
EA/ELI Mrs. Janay Thomas Special Need
EA/PUF Mrs. Kim Moxness Speech/ELI/PUF
Mrs. Karen Ross Special Needs EA Ms.
Angie Ewing FSLW Mrs. Laurie Nelson
  • Teaching Staff
  • Principal Miss Gillian Marshall
  • ECS Mrs. Karri-Lynn Knudsen
  • Gr. 1 Ms. Kendall Johnson
  • Gr. 2 Mrs. Angela Landin
  • Gr. 3 Mrs. Suzanne Greenwood
  • Gr. 4 Mrs. Joan Langer
  • Gr. 5 Miss Leanne Heidt
  • Gr. 6 Mrs. Chelsey Ackerman
  • Gr. 1-6 PE Mrs. Bev Abt
  • ELAC/Resource Miss Lindsay McLeod
  • Music/Art Mrs. Maxine Taylor
  • AISI facilitator Mrs. Chelsey Ackerman
  • SE facilitator Miss Lindsay McLeod
  • French Miss Leanne Heidt

Goal 1 Assessment of and for Learning
  • Teachers read, researched and attended
    conferences to understand assessment and how to
    improve it.
  • Readings from Stiggins, Wiggins, McTighe,
    OConners and others
  • Attending Leading and Learning Conference in Red

Results of Goal 1 How did we do?
  • Our AISI facilitator assisted teachers in
    expanding their knowledge on P/D days
  • Our AISI facilitator provided release time to
    teachers to identify the essential outcomes.
  • Teachers identified the rocks or essential
    outcomes in Language Learning and Mathematics.
  • Teachers met with Bentley Elementary to compare
    and debate the rocks.
  • Teachers met with vertical grade groupings to
    discuss rocks for consistency.
  • Teachers wrote the rocks in student friendly
    language in Language Learning.

Evidence What learning took place
  • Using our WolfNet system, teacher can access
  • Essential outcomes in Language Learning and Math
  • Outcomes written in Student Friendly Language for
    Language Learning.

(No Transcript)
Teacher Comments
  • Focusing on assessment creates clear targets
    that allow students to know where they are going.
    Our students are understanding more of what they
    are expected to learn and teachers are
    reassessing their own teaching practices.
  • "I see much more student success when they know
    EXACTLY what objectives are going to be learned
    during a lesson, and what is expected they KNOW
    at the end of a unit.
  • AISI has allowed me to delve into the Language
    Learning and Math curriculum in more detail than
    I ever have before. This has clarified for me
    what are the truly important outcomes that my
    students need to learn.

Survey Results Evidence
  • Student Positive Gains
  • 91 of students are clear on what they are
    expected to learn.
  • 86 of students feel that their teacher uses
    different learning activities.
  • Parent Positive Gains
  • 89 of parents feel that teachers keep them
    informed about their childs progress and
  • Staff Positive Gains
  • 100 of staff are satisfied with their access to
    professional development
  • 100 of staff feel that the school has a process
    for improving the quality of education it offers
    to students

How can we use this data to improve?
  • Students will be able to articulate the
    objectives being taught.
  • Students will be able to articulate why different
    activities are being used to master objectives
    being taught.
  • Parents will be informed of curriculum objectives
    and how it relates to their childs performance
  • Teacher will continue to be reflective about
    their teaching practices as they relate to

Goal 2 Improving Communication
  • Staff became familiar with and used a division
    wide program to assist with sharing special
    education programming files (Docushare)
  • Improving the flow of communication through more
    frequent staff meetings, weekly memos and an
    advisory team.

Results of Goal 2 Improving Communication
  • 100 of staff felt that the bi-monthly staff
    meetings were worthwhile and should be continued.
  • 100 of staff thought that the weekly memo BAMMMM
    was beneficial.
  • 100 of staff thought the Advisory Team was
    beneficial and helped staff communicate with each
    other and the office.
  • 100 of staff that regularly used Docushare to
    share special education programming files thought
    it was beneficial.
  • 100 of the staff read and discussed Lencionis
    book, The 5 Dysfunctions of Teams.

Evidence What learning took place
  • 100 of student programming files were updated
    and shared with Central Office using the
    Docushare program
  • Staff were kept informed about school
    initiatives/business through a weekly memo and
    bi-monthly staff meetings.
  • Staff members used the Advisory Team to
    communicate with miscommunication with the
  • After reading Lencionis book, an open discussion
    started taking place about how Eckville
    Elementary can become even better.

(No Transcript)
Survey Results Evidence
  • Parent Positive Gains
  • 84 of parents are satisfied with the
    communications received from the school.
  • Concerns
  • 68 of parents are satisfied with the schools
    commitment for improving student learning
  • 53 of parents are satisfied that the school has
    a process for improving the quality of education
    it offers to students.

Survey Results Evidence
  • Staff Positive Gains
  • 80 of staff were satisfied with the overall
    communication between administration and staff
    (20 unsure)
  • 100 of staff were satisfied with the overall
    communication between the school and the home.
  • 80 of staff were satisfied with the process used
    to help maintain and improve their performance.
    (Prof. Growth, supervision and/or evaluation)
  • (20 unsure)
  • 100 of staff were satisfied that the school is
    committed to improving students learning through
    staff collaboration.

Survey Results Evidence
  • Staff Concerns
  • 30 of staff are satisfied with the way the staff
    consistently handle playground discipline.
  • 10 of staff are satisfied that student behaviour
    is consistently handled by staff.

How can we use this data to improve?
  • Discrepancy between
  • parents being happy with the communication going
    home but not knowing the new initiatives the
    school is implementing.
  • Some staff feeling the process for improving
    their performance needs to be improved.
  • Continue to work on communicating effectively
    between administration and staff
  • Revisit and discuss as a staff the research
    behind Looping and how it impacts us here at
    Eckville Elementary.
  • As a staff revisit how we handle playground
    discipline to establish consistency.

Planning for 2007-8
  • Continue working on both Goals from 2006-7
  • Assessment of and for Learning
  • Improving Communication
  • Include the new initiatives being started in
    Wolfcreek School Division.
  • Instructional Leadership (IL) and Excellent
    Learning Environments (ELE)
  • Special Education Facilitator (SEF)

Goal 1 Assessment of and for Learning
  • Teachers will post the rocks in student
    friendly language from the Language Learning
  • Teachers will put Mathematics essential outcomes
    rocks in student friendly language and post
    them in their classrooms.
  • Teachers will design assessments that fit with
    the essential outcomes that have been identified.
  • Students will be able to articulate what learning
    outcome they are attempting to achieve and
    understand what they have to do to reach them.

Goal 1 Assessment of and for Learning
  • Teachers in grades K-3 and 4-6 will collaborate
    to make a grade specific writing rubrics which
    demonstrates skill continuity from grade to
  • Teachers will develop writing exemplars to match
    their writing rubrics.
  • Keep parents informed by newsletter and brochures
  • what teachers are learning on Professional
    Development days in regards to assessment
  • how this new learning will be impact their child.

Goal 1 Best Practices and Research
  • Have an AISI facilitator to help us with research
    and process.
  • Have the AISI facilitator provide release time to
    the teachers to create writing rubrics
  • Attend the Leading and Learning Conference by
  • Use new resources on assessment to improve
  • Use P/D days to share and expand knowledge
  • Support each other with our PLC groups with the
    focus being on assessment and differentiated
  • Meet in vertical loops to develop grade specific
    writing rubrics and exemplars.

Goal 1 Critical Evidence
  • Each teacher will participate in writing the
    rocks in student friendly language for Math
    from K-6.
  • Each teacher will post their student friendly
    language outcomes in Language and Math.
  • Students will be able to communicate what outcome
    they are learning.
  • Each teacher will participate in vertical
    loopings to produce a writing rubric with student
  • Students PAT results shown in a Histogram format,
    should show a trend to move results further to

Goal 1 Strategies
  • Have an AISI facilitator to help us with research
    and process.
  • Have the AISI facilitator provide release time to
    the teachers to create writing rubrics
  • Attend the Leading and Learning Conference by
  • Use new resources on assessment to improve
  • Use P/D days to share and expand knowledge
  • Support each other with our PLC groups with the
    focus being on assessment and differentiated
  • Meet in vertical loops to develop grade specific
    writing rubrics and exemplars.

Eckville Elementary Professional Staff PD Plan
  • Our Professional Development Plan will focus on
    helping us to deal with our goals for the school.
    Parts of each PD day will be devoted to our
    Professional Learning Teams and to bring in
    presenters to deal with the issues of school
    culture, professional learning teams and
    assessment for learning.
  • August 27th/28th Wolf Creek Summer Institute
  • August 29th Staff Retreat focus on
  • October 2nd Dare to Care Staff Training Day
  • October 6th Assessment and PLT planning
  • November 30th Leading and Learning conference
  • December 1st Stiggins
  • January 30th Intra-school collaboration
  • February 7-8th Teachers Convention
  • March 7th Continuation with Assessment for

Eckville Elementary Support Staff PD Plan
  • Our Professional Development Plan will focus on
    helping us to deal with our goals for the school.
    Parts of each PD day will be devoted to our
    Professional Learning Teams and to bring in
    presenters to deal with the issues of school
    culture, professional learning teams and
    assessment for learning.
  • August 27th/28th Wolf Creek Summer Institute
  • August 29th Staff Retreat focus on
  • Oct. 2nd Dare to Care Staff Training
  • October 5th Behaviour Management Course
  • November 30th Sharing and supporting our PLTs
  • January 30th Intra-school collaboration on
    behavioural supports for students
  • February 7/8th Support Staff Conference
  • March 7th Continued collaboration on behavioural
  • for students

Goal 2 Improving Communication
  • Continue building stronger staff communication
    through bimonthly stand up staff meetings and
    weekly memos (GLAMMM)
  • Discuss and evaluate our present playground
    supervision model to provide consistency with
  • Provide parents with updates through newsletters,
    pamphlets and our website on old/new initiatives
    at school- Assessment for Learning, Dare to
    Care, Looping
  • Have the SEF (special education facilitator)
    actively involved using the Docushare program,
    arranging students with services requested and
    assisting teachers in the classrooms.
  • Having the Principal as a Instructional Leader
    (IL) being actively involved in student learning
    by being visible and assisting in the classrooms.

Goal 2 Best Practices and Research
  • Have an SE facilitator to help us understand
    students special needs and access services.
  • Have the SE facilitator provide release time to
    the teachers whom need time to write IPPs for
  • Have the SEF attend divisional meetings to help
    understand the position.
  • During staff meetings discuss playground
    behaviour and methods for staff to be consistent.
  • As a staff review and discuss the benefits to
    looping and how they have impacted student
  • Use P/D days to share and expand knowledge about
    Student Programming initiatives.
  • Continue to build a safe and caring community
    through the Dare to Care program, Be Cool
    Program and the DARE program.
  • Update parents about new initiatives through
    brochures and the website.

Goal 2 Critical Evidence
  • Meeting minutes from the bi-monthly stand up
    staff meeting and weekly memos (GLAMMM)
  • Staff will participate in identifying safe
    playground behaviour and methods to deal with
    students whom arent behaving safely.
  • Participate in the Dare to Care program by
    attending the staff, students and community
  • Teacher and parent feedback regarding the
    Strategies program and accessing student
  • SEF being visible working with students both in
    the Strategies class and the regular classrooms.
  • Having the IL (Principal) interacting with
    student in the classroom on a weekly basis and
    having conversations with the teachers about
    growth plans.
  • Distribute information through brochures and our

Goal 2 Strategies
  • Have an SE facilitator to help us understand
    students special needs and access services.
  • Have the SE facilitator provide release time to
    the teachers whom need time to write IPPs for
  • Participate in the Dare to Care program by
    attending the staff, students and community
  • Teacher and parent feedback regarding the
    Strategies program and accessing student
  • SEF being visible working with students both in
    the Strategies class and the regular classrooms.
  • Having the IL (Principal) interacting with
    student in the classroom on a weekly basis and
    having conversations with the teachers about
    growth plans.

Trends and Issues
  • Adjust our report card structure to reflect our
    new philosophy
  • New math curriculum
  • New grade 6 Social Studies curriculum
  • Improve communication with the community about
    our new initiatives.
  • Concern about our playground equipment being
    vandalized by the public after hours.

Mr. Bauer led the charge
Terry Fox Run raised 856.47
Jump Rope for Heart Santas Anonymous
Donations Remembrance Day Essay Contest
Quality Daily Physical Education-12 years
APEGGA Building challenge Geography Challenge
Month End Assemblies, Police Dog visits ,
Principals Honour Roll
Breakfast for Learning, Halloween, Spirit Days
100 days, Christmas Concert, Field Trips
Grade 6 Farewell, Community Involvement, DARE,
People are the Key!
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