Title: Journey to Academia
1Journey to Academia
Daniela Raicu, Assistant Professor School of
Computer Science, Tellecomunnications, and
Information Systems (CTI) DePaul University,
Women in Computer Science and Engineering
Day Oakland University June 22nd, 2005
2Educational Background
- Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
- University of Bucharest, Romania
- Master of Arts in Computer Science
- Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
- Doctor of Philosophy in Systems Engineering
- Oakland University, Rochester, MI
3Work Experience
- Teaching Experience
- Teaching Assistant, Computer Science
- The Academy of Economics Studies
- Wayne State University
- Oakland University
- Industrial Experience
- Summer Intern
- Young Rubicam
- Accenture Technology Labs
- Ford Motor Company
4Motivation for an Academic Career
- Sense of autonomy, academic freedom
- Opportunity for continued learning, discovery
- Wise use of skills, abilities
- Sense of accomplishment
- Opportunity to impact others
5Academic Career at DePaul University
- Reduced course load for teaching during the
first year - Choose the courses to teach (over 200 courses
offered - in over 19 programs)
- data mining, data analysis and image processing
- Distance Learning Facilities
- Support for research
- two research labs Intelligent Information
Processing lab Medical - Informatics lab http//facweb.cs.depaul.edu/resea
rch/vc/ - support for undergraduate research
6Academic Career at DePaul University (cont.)
- Annually feedback on tenure-track process
progress - Mentoring by senior faculty
- Sabbatical after the first three years of tenure
track - Geographical location
Balancing Professional Roles - How to develop,
prioritize and juggle teaching and research (even
less prepared for advising, grant writing,
institutional service)
Balancing Professional and Personal Life - How
to carve out personal, family and leisure time
(spouse/partners career, young children,
commuting relationships)
8Daily Activities
- Faculty advisor of the Delta Chapter of the UPE
Society - Teach two courses per quarter (8 new courses)
- Academic advisor
- Member of different school and external
committees - Research advisor for 8 undergraduate graduate
students - Research
- Medical Imaging
- Automatic Human Body Tissue Classification and
Segmentation in Computed Tomography Images - - Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago
- NSF Program MedIX Medical Informatics
eXperiences for undergraduate students -
10MedIX Participants 2005
Microarray Data Analysis Development of
quantitative statistics for identifying,
extracting and comparing signatures that can be
used for bacteria source tracking purposes -
Argonne National Laboratories, Chicago Data
Mining for Intellectual Property Discovery of
relationships between different patent technology
using data mining techniques - DePaul
College of Law
12Demo HEART
OPEN To open a new Image.
SEGMENT Automatic segmentation of the regions of
TEXTURE Automatic calculation of the texture
CLASSIFICATION Automatic classification of the
segmented regions
13HEART Segmentation
The application allows users to change Snake /
Active contour algorithm parameters
14HEART Segmentation (cont.)
Button is clicked
User selects points around the region of interest
15HEART Segmentation
Show segmented organ
If the user likes the result of the
segmentation, then the user will go to the
classification step
16HEART Classification
Selection of texture models
Texture features corresponding to the selected
texture model are calculated and shown here
17HEART Classification
Results are shown as follows Predicted organ
Heart Probability 0.86 Rule used to predict that
this segmented organ is HEART