Title: Intro Question: How does your watershed impact the ocean
1Each adventure is designed to have a main theme
(or thread) with additional information available
as Discoveries (more details about the
content).Recommended discoveries have an arrow
adding them into the main thread. As the teacher,
you will decide which Discoveries your students
should take. The times are listed as
approximations for a typical 8th grade student.
Main Thread
Extra Discovery
Intro Question How does your watershed impact
the ocean?
3 min
Water Cycle Tour (review)
4 min
Discovery Watershed Dynamics (how water flows)
5 min
Hudson River WatershedDraw flow of river into
5 min
5 min
Looking at plumes
Hudson River Plume
2 min
Looking at an SST map
5 min
2Comparing drawings
5 min
Why does the river plume stay together in the
5 min
Discovery Density
10 min
Check for understanding quiz / journal entry on
different densities of fresh and salt water
5 min
For Sage break after slide 17
This would be the stop point of day 1 about one
class period if you included the SST and
Discovery Density. Find the plume could be
printed for homework or done in class the next
day. This activity uses temperature and salinity
to locate the edges of the river plume.
Reinforcement of plotting coordinates, but can be
omitted without losing content.
Find the Plume
On paper
Land use along Hudson River
3 min
Discovery The Hudson River Watershed
5 min
3See how farms are along the river and cities at
river forks
5 min
Activities that impact watershed rollovers
5 min
What local areas could be polluting your rivers?
3 min
Pollution Solution reading
Pollution is carried in the river plume
1 min
Discover Water the Universal solvent reading
Eutrophication process
15 min
End of day 2 readings can be printed for
4Discovery Dead zones
Discovery NJ dead zones
Student assessment student writes an essay in
their journal online how each person in the
picture is affecting their watershed and how this
pollution may impact the ocean. Focus on essay
construction and use of scientific information.
30 min
For students who finish, they can visit the
current ocean temperature (SST link)