Title: Machine Learning
1Machine Learning
- Very many approaches to machine learning
- Symbolic approaches
- version spaces
- decision trees
- knowledge discovery
- data mining
- speed up learning
- inductive learning
3Version Spaces
- A concept learning technique based on refining
models of the world.
4Concept Learning
- Example
- a student has the following observations about
having an allergic reaction after meals
Restaurant Meal Day Cost
Reaction Alma 3 breakfast Friday cheap Yes De
Moete lunch Friday expensive No Alma
3 lunch Saturday cheap Yes Sedes breakfast Sun
day cheap No Alma 3 breakfast Sunday expensive N
- Concept to learn under which circumstances do
I get an allergic reaction after meals ??
5In general
- There is a set of all possible events
- Example
- There is a boolean function (implicitly) defined
on this set. - Example
- We have the value of this function for SOME
examples only.
Set of all possible events
- Many different ways to solve this!
8An obvious, but bad choice
Restaurant Meal Day Cost
Reaction Alma 3 breakfast Friday cheap Yes De
Moete lunch Friday expensive No Alma
3 lunch Saturday cheap Yes Sedes breakfast Sun
day cheap No Alma 3 breakfast Sunday expensive N
- The concept IS
- Alma 3 and breakfast and Friday and cheap OR
- Alma 3 and lunch and Saturday and cheap
- Does NOT generalize the examples any !!
- Only the positive examples are positive !
Set of all possible events
10Equally bad is
Restaurant Meal Day Cost
Reaction Alma 3 breakfast Friday cheap Yes De
Moete lunch Friday expensive No Alma
3 lunch Saturday cheap Yes Sedes breakfast Sun
day cheap No Alma 3 breakfast Sunday expensive N
- The concept is anything EXCEPT
- De Moete and lunch and Friday and
expensive AND - Sedes and breakfast and Sunday and cheap AND
- Alma 3 and breakfast and Sunday and expensive
- Everything except the negative examples are
Set of all possible events
12Solution fix a language of hypotheses
- We introduce a fix language of concept
13Reaction - Example
Restaurant Meal Day Cost
Reaction Alma 3 breakfast Friday cheap Yes De
Moete lunch Friday expensive No Alma
3 lunch Saturday cheap Yes Sedes breakfast Sun
day cheap No Alma 3 breakfast Sunday expensive
- Every hypothesis is a 4-tuple
- maximally specific ex. Sedes, lunch, Monday,
cheap - combinations of ? and values are allowed
ex. De Moete, ?, ?, expensive - or ?, lunch, ?, ?
- One more hypothesis ? (bottom denotes no
14Hypotheses relate to sets of possible events
15Expressive power of this hypothesis language
- Conjunctions of explicit, individual properties
- ?, lunch, ?, cheap Meal lunch ? Cost
cheap - ?, lunch, ?, ? Meal lunch
- In addition to the 2 special hypotheses
16Other languages of hypotheses are allowed
- Example identify the color of a given sequence
of colored objects.
- A useful language of hypotheses
17Important about hypothesis languages
- They should have a specific lt-gt general
ordering. Corresponding to the
set-inclusion of the events they cover.
18Defining Concept Learning
- Given
- A set X of possible events
- Ex. Eat-events ltRestaurant, Meal, Day, Costgt
- An (unknown) target function c X -gt -,
- Ex. Reaction Eat-events -gt -,
- A language of hypotheses H
- Ex. conjunctions ?, lunch, Monday, ?
- A set of training examples D, with their value
under c - Ex. (ltAlma 3, breakfast,Friday,cheapgt,) ,
- Find
- A hypothesis h in H such that for all x in
D x is covered by h ? c(x)
19The inductive learning hypothesis
If a hypothesis approximates the target
function well over a sufficiently large number of
examples, then the hypothesis will also
approximate the target function well on other
unobserved examples.
20Find-Sa naïve algorithm
Replace h by a minimal generalization of h
that covers x
Return h
21Reaction example
Restaurant Meal Day Cost
Reaction Alma 3 breakfast Friday cheap Yes De
Moete lunch Friday expensive No Alma
3 lunch Saturday cheap Yes Sedes breakfast Su
nday cheap No Alma 3 breakfast Sunday expensiv
e No
no more positive examples return h
Generalization replace something by ?
minimal generalizations the individual events
22Properties of Find-S
- Non-deterministic
- Depending on H, there maybe several minimal
23Properties of Find-S (2)
- May pick incorrect hypothesis (w.r.t. the
negative examples)
24Properties of Find-S (3)
- Cannot detect inconsistency of the training data
- Nor inability of the language H to learn the
25Nice about Find-S
- It doesnt have to remember previous examples !
If h already covered the 20 first examples, then
h will as well
26Dual Find-S
Initialize h ?, ?, .., ? For each
negative training example x in D Do If h does
cover x Replace h by a minimal
specialization of h that does not cover
x Return h
27Reaction example
28Version Spaces the idea
- BUT do NOT select 1 minimal
generalization or specialization at each
step, but keep track of ALL minimal
generalizations or specializations
29Version spacesinitialization
- The version spaces G and S are initialized to be
the smallest and the largest hypotheses only.
30Negative examples
- Replace the top hypothesis by ALL minimal
specializations that DO NOT cover the negative
31Positive examples
- Replace the bottom hypothesis by ALL minimal
generalizations that DO cover the positive
32Later negative examples
- Replace the all hypotheses in G that cover a next
negative example by ALL minimal specializations
that DO NOT cover the negative example.
33Later positive examples
- Replace the all hypotheses in S that do not cover
a next positive example by ALL minimal
generalizations that DO cover the example.
34Optimization negative
are more general than ...
- Only consider specializations of elements in G
that are still more general than some specific
hypothesis (in S)
35Optimization positive
are more specific than ...
- Only consider generalizations of elements in S
that are still more specific than some general
hypothesis (in G)
36Pruning negative examples
- The new negative example can also be used to
prune all the S - hypotheses that cover the
negative example.
37Pruning positive examples
- The new positive example can also be used to
prune all the G - hypotheses that do not cover
the positive example.
38Eliminate redundant hypotheses
Obviously also for S !
More specific than another general hypothesis
- If a hypothesis from G is more specific than
another hypothesis from G eliminate it !
- Eventually, if G and S MAY get a common element
Version Spaces has converged to a solution. - Remaining examples need to be verified for the
40Reaction example
41Alma3, breakfast, Friday, cheap
- Positive example minimal generalization of ?
42DeMoete, lunch, Friday, expensive -
- Negative example minimal specialization of ?,
?, ?, ? - 15 possible specializations !!
43Result after example 2
44Alma3, lunch, Saturday, cheap
- Positive example minimal generalization of
Alma3, breakfast, Friday, cheap
45Sedes, breakfast, Sunday, cheap -
- Negative example minimal specialization of the
general models
The only specialization that is introduced is
pruned, because it is more specific than
another general hypothesis
46Alma 3, breakfast, Sunday, expensive -
- Negative example minimal specialization of
Alma3, ?, ?, ?
Cheap food at Alma3 produces the allergy !
47Version Space Algorithm
Generalize all hypotheses in S that do not cover
the example yet, but ensure the following
- Only introduce minimal changes on the
- Each new specific hypothesis is a
specialization of some general hypothesis.
- No new specific hypothesis is a
generalization of some other specific
Prune away all hypotheses in G that do not
cover the example.
48Version Space Algorithm (2)
Specialize all hypotheses in G that cover the
example, but ensure the following
- Only introduce minimal changes on the
- Each new general hypothesis is a
generalization of some specific hypothesis.
- No new general hypothesis is a
specialization of some other general
Prune away all hypotheses in S that cover the
Until there are no more examples report S and G
OR S or G become empty report failure
49Properties of VS
- Symmetry
- positive and negative examples are dealt with in
a completely dual way.
- Does not need to remember previous examples.
- If it terminates because of no more examples
- Example (spaces on termination)
Then all these hypotheses, and all intermediate
hypotheses, are still correct descriptions
covering the test data.
51Termination (2)
- If it terminates because of S or G being empty
52Which example next?
- VS can decide itself which example would be most
useful next.
- It can query a user for the most relevant
additional classification ! - Example
53Use of partially learned concepts
- Example ltAlma3,lunch,Monday,cheapgt
54Use of partially learned concepts (2)
- Example ltSedes,lunch,Sunday,cheapgt
55Use of partially learned concepts (3)
- Example ltAlma3,lunch,Monday,expensivegt
56Use of partially learned concepts (4)
- Example ltSedes,lunch,Monday,expensivegt
57The relevance of inductive BIAS choosing H
- Our hypothesis language L fails to learn some
- What about choosing a more expressive language H?
- Assume H
58Inductive BIAS (2)
- This language H allows to represent ANY subset
of the complete set of all events X
- But X has 126 elements
- we can express 2126 different hypotheses now !
59Inductive BIAS (3)
60Inductive BIAS (3)
- We havent learned anything
- merely restated our positive and negative
examples !
61Shift of Bias
- Practical approach to the Bias problem
- Avoids the choice.
- Gives the most general concept that can be