Title: WYD Quiz
1(No Transcript)
2WYD Quiz
When was the first World Youth Day held?
3WYD Quiz
Where was the last World Youth Day held?
4WYD Quiz
The largest ever gathering of people was at World
Youth Day in Manila in 1995. How many people
were gathered for the final mass?
5WYD Quiz
Where will the final mass with the Pope be held
in Sydney in July 2008?
6- Days in the Dioceses
- Melbourne
- 10 14 July 2008
- World Youth Day
- Sydney
- 15 20 July 2008
7World Youth Day
A pilgrimage of discovery
with thousands of young people celebrating and
learning about Catholic faith
Build bridges of friendship and hope between
continents, peoples and cultures.
8Days in the Dioceses
Witness the
living church in action
Stay with families
9Get involved
Hospitality to overseas youth pilgrims Come
along to Days in the Diocese Join a Pilgrim
Group to WYD in Sydney Solidarity Fund
10Get involved
Journey of the Cross and Icon Melbourne 26
April 10 May 2008
12Theyre coming