Title: Chapter 8 Capital Market Theory
1Chapter 8Capital Market Theory
- J. D. Han
- Kings College, UWO
21. Risk
- Credit Risk Default Risk
- Liquidity Risk
- Inflation Risk
- Market Risk Variability of the Rate of Return
of an asset
3How to evaluate/measure Risks?
- Credit Risk
- Credit rating
- Liquidity Risk
- Usually proportional to the maturity length, but
not always - Inflation Risk
- Proportional to expected money creation rates
- Market Risk
- Volatility
4(Bond) Credit Rating
- Only 5 rating companies have the Nationally
Recognized Statistical Rating Organization
(NRSRO) designation, and are overseen by the SEC
in their assignment of credit ratings - Standard Poor's (SP), Moody's, Fitch, A. M.
Best and Dominion Bond Rating Service.
5Scales of Credit Ratings
Below BBB, or Baa are Junk Bonds.
- Dominion Bond Rating Services
- http//www.dbrs.com/intnlweb/jsp/search/listResul
ts.faces - Standard and Poors in Canada
- http//www2.standardandpoors.com/portal/site/sp/e
7Risk requires Compensation for Investor, Risk
By John Hull at Rotman School of Business
82. How to measure Market Risk of Individual Asset?
- 1. Variability Deviation from its own Average
Rate of Return - Mean Variance Approach
- 2. Co-movement with the Market Index Relative
Variability of Rate of Return to the Market Index - Capital Market Pricing Model
93. Mean Variance MethodMarket Risk and Return
for a Single Asset
- How to characterize an asset?
- With Expected Returns, and Market Risk
- rA Distribution(E(rA), sA )
101) Expected Return a Statistical Statement
- What will be the expected return for asset A
rA for next year? - There are many possible contingencies
- Assume that history will repeat in the future
- - Look back at the historical data of various ri
that have hanged over time in different
contigencies. - - Get the mean value (weighted average for all
possible states of affairs) as the expected rate
of return. - -
11- Mathematically,
- Mean Value, or rA bar
- Expected Value E(rA)
- S rA.i prA.i
- rA.1 prA.1 rA.2 prA... rA.m prA.m
- where
- rA.i annualized rate of returns of asset
A in situation i - prA.i probability of situation i taking place
122) Market Risk by Standard Deviation
- Mean Variance Approach measure the risk by
standard deviation - How mcuh do the actual rates of return deviate
from its own average value over time?
13- SD comes from variance
- s2A
- S (rA.i E rA)2 prA.i
- (rA.1 E rA)2 prA.1 (rA.2 E rA)2 prA...
- (rA.m E rA)2 prA.m
14 Numerical Example How to calculate the
variance and the standard deviation?
- 1) Stock B Data of r over 3 years are 4, 6,
and 8 - E (r ) (4 6 8)/3 6
- s 2 1/3(4- 6)2 1/3(6-6)2 1/3(8-6)2 8/3
- (8/3)1/2
- B (6, (8/3)1/2 )
- 2) Stock C Data r 3 times of 4, 5 times of 6,
twice of 8 -
15Various Assets
- Expected Rate of returns of a Stock (ith
companys stock) E (r s I) - Expected Rate of returns of a Bond (ith
institutions bond) E( r b i ) - Expected Rate of returns of a T-Bill E (r
T-bill i) ) rf (risk free asset) - Expected Rate of returns of the Market Portfolio
E( rm) - Expected Rate of returns of gold E(rg)
- Expected Rate of returns of Picasso Print
16Risk and Returns
rstock i
rbond i
rT-bill i
17Stylized Fact
- The Higher the Standard Deviation, the Higher the
Average Rate of Returns - - The Higher the Market Risk, the Higher the
Risk Premium an Asset should pay to the investor.
- Otherwise, no investor will hold this asset
- However, the Risk Premium does NOT rise in
proportion to the Market Risk
184. Portfolio Diversification Multiple Assets
- Mixing Two or More Assets for Investment
- Spreading Investment over two or more assets
- We will see
- First
- Combine Two (or more) Risky Assets
- Second
- Risky Assets and Risk-Free Asset
191) Why Diversification?
- Expanded Opportunity Set More Options for
different combination of returns and risk - or
- Taking advantage of non-linear trade-off between
returns and risk
202) Return and Risk for Combining Two Risky Assets
- Asset A ( E(rA), sA)
- Asset B (E(rB), sB)
- Suppose we mix A and B at ratio of w1 to w2for a
portfolio - Resultant Portfolio Ps
- Expected Rate of Return?
- Market Risk?
21Return of Portfolio
- Return E(rp) w1 E (rA) w2 E(rB)
- Simple weighted average of two assets individual
average rate of return
22 Risk
rA B is the correlation coefficient of rA and
rB. sA B is the correlation coefficient of rA
and rB.
23- Depending on s A B,, there are 3 different cases
24- Case 1. rAB 1
- rA and rB are perfectly positively correlated
- Return E(rp ) w1 E(rA) w2 E(rB)
- RiskWeighted average of risk of two component
assets -
25In this case, the Investment Opportunity Set
looks like
E (Rp)
As Bs portion w2 rises,
E (Rp)
Portfolio 1 0.9 A 0.1B
26- Case 2. rAB -1
- rA and rB are perfectly negative correlated
Return E (rp) w1 E(rA) w2 E(rB) - Riskweighted difference between risks of two
assets -
27In this case, the Investment Opportunity Set
looks like
As Bs portion w2 rises,
E (Rp)
E (Rp)
Portfolio X a A b B Perfect Hedge
Portfolio 1 0.9 A 0.1B
28Perfect Hedge Portfolio P which has zero market
risk- At what ratio should A and B be mixed?
- Two equations and two unknowns
- sp I w1 sA - w2 sB I 0
- w1 w2 1
- Solve for w1 and w2
29Case 3. Generally 1lt rABlt 1 Imperfect
Correlation between A and Bs returns
- Return E (Rp ) w1 E( RA) w2 E( RB )
- Risk
30In this case, the Opportunity Set Looks
LikeNote that the expected value of the
portfolio is the linear function of the expected
rates of returns of the assets, and the standard
deviation is less than the weighted average
unless r AB 1.
E (Rp)
E (Rp)
Portfolio 1 0.9 A 0.1B
31Prove sp lt w1 sA w2 sB in general
- Square the both sides.
- The above is, sp2 versus (w1 sA w2 sB)2
- First, left-hand side-
- Recall sp2 w12 sA2 w22 sB2 2 w1 w2 rAB sA
sB - Second,-right hand side-
- w12 sA2 w22 sB2 2 w1 w2 sA sB
- w12 sA2 w22 sB2 2 w1 w2 x 1x sA sB
- The comparison boils down to rAB versus 1.
- Recall rAB is equal to or less than 1.
- Thus, the left-hand side is equal to or less than
the right-hand side.
323) Efficient Frontier the upper part of
investment opportunity set is superior to the
lower part
Minimum Variance Portfolio
33What if there are more than 2 risky-assets?Gener
al Case of Mean Variance Approach
- Risk or SD is given by the square root of
34 What if there are more than one set of risky
assets? Step 2. Get the Best Results of Combing
a pair of risky assets, and get their envelope
curve for Efficient Frontier
35 Combining Market-Risk- Free
Lending/Borrowing, and Risky Asset
- Risk Free Asset (rf , 0)
- Correlation coefficient with any other asset 0
- Portfolio which mixes Risk free asset and Asset A
at w1 to w2 - return w1 rf w2 E(rA)
- market risk w2 sA
- - This is on a straight line between Risk free
asset and Asset A
36With Market-Risk-Free Borrowing/Lending, the
Efficient Frontier is a Straight Line
37Application Question 1 Should a Canadian
investment include a H.K. stock?
- H.K. has currently depressed stock market
- H.K. stocks have lower rates of returns and a
higher risk (a larger value of SD) compared to
the Canadian Stocks. - What would the possible benefit for a Canadian
fund including a H.K. stock(with a lower return
and a higher risk)? - surely, more comparable investment options
- Maybe, a possibility of some new superior options
- Show this on a graph
38 Application Question 2 How much of foreign
stocks a Canadian should include in his portfolio?
100 International Stock(MSCI World Index)
Minimum Risk Portfolio 76 of MSCI and 24 of TES
100 Canadian Equities(TSE 300)
Source About 75 Foreign Content Seems Ideal
for Equity Portfolio, Gordon Powers, Globe and
Mail, March 6, 1999
39Application Question 3 As you are mixing more
and more assets, the Mean-Variance Risk of the
portfolio falls
Total risk sp
Unique (Diversifiable) Risk
Market (Systematic) Risk
of assets
40 Appliation Example XYZ Fund
415. Choice of Optimum Portfolio for an Individual
- Tangent Point of
- Efficient Frontier of Portfolios Return and
Risk -
- Individual Customers Indifference Curve
showing his Risk Preference (- Attitude towards
Risk and Return)
42Risk Preference of Client may vary
- Risk-Averse vs Risk-Loving
Indifference Curves
43 In case there is no risk-free asset, we can
choose the Optimum now.
44What will be the graph of choice like for the
case with Market-Risk-Free Lending/Borrowing and
Risky Assets?
45Answer Choice depending on Preference in case
where risk-free lending and borrowing is possible
46 Tobins Separation Theorem
- The investment decision of which portfolio of
risky assets to hold is separate from the
financing decision of how to allocate investment
between the risky assets and the risk-free
assets. - In other words, there is one optimal portfolio
of risk assets for all investors. - Of course, a risk-loving person will hold more of
risk-free assets, and a risk-averse person will
hold more of risky assets. However, for both, the
best relative combination of different risky
assets is the same - - financial advisors should recommend the same
proportion of risky assets in clients portfolio - - In reality, this is not the case
475. Capital Asset Pricing Model
- Improve on Mean-Variance Approach
- Risk Premium depends on Assets Systematic Risk
only - Systematic Risk is measured by b
- Co-movement of Return on an asset and the
Market Portfolio (index).
481) Why is b a superior measure of market risk
than Mean-Variance s?
RA and Rm over time
RB and Rm over time
sB1 bB -1 Extremely Desirable Asset for
Portfolio Diversification
sA1 bA1 Typical Asset
49Comparison of SD and b
- Beta of CAPM model
- -Measuring only the portion of fluctuations of
the rate of returns which move along with the
Market - -Measuring only
- Systematic Risk
- Standard Deviation
- (lt- Mean-variance)
- -Measuring the entirety of fluctuations of the
rate of returns over time - -Measuring
- Systematic and
- Non-systematic risks
50 Two Component of Market Risk
- Systematic Risk
- changes in price of an asset when the entire
market (prices) moves. - Market-wide Risk
- Foreseen Risk
- Non-diversifiable Risk
- risk premium for it.
- Non-systematic Risk
- unrelated to the entire market movement
- Firm-specific Risk
- Idiosyncratic Risk
- Unforeseen Risk
- Diversifiable Risk
- No risk premium for this
51Market Pays Risk Premium only on Systematic
- Anybody can remove unsystematic risk by portfolio
diversification - -gt positive deviation of one asset may offset
negative deviation of another asset - If the market pays risk premium on non-systematic
risk, nobody would try hard to diversify his
portfolio - -gt risk premium on non-systematic risk would
discourage due diligence for portfolio
52- b measures the degree to which an asset's returns
covaries with the returns on the overall market,
or the relative market risk of an asset to the
typical market to the market portfolio (market
index) as a whole - b 2 means that this asset has twice as much as
variation in price as the market index as a
whole. - Thus this asset is twice as risky as the
market portfolio. - -b lt1 Defensive
- 1 Typical
- gt1 Aggressive
53 Some Canadian Examples in the Stock Market
- Cetricom 2.92
- Clearnet 1.77
- Air Canada 1.66
- Noranda 1.57
- BCE 1.22
- Chapters 1.01
- Bank of Nova Scotia 1.03
- Bombardier 0.68
- Hudsons Bay 0.58
- Loblaw 0.35
- Source Compustat, Feb 2000
542) Market Risk by b
553) Risk Premium
Beta x Market Portfolios Risk Premium
4) Required Rate of Return on this Asset
565) Security Market Line(SML)
ri - rf
Slope of SML ( rM rf )/ bM risk premium /
risk risk premium per unit of risk price of
(a unit of) systematic risk
rM - rf
bM 1 bi
57Intuitionthe slope of the CML indicates the
market price of risk
- Suppose that the Market Portfolio has 12 of
expected returns and 30 of standard deviation.
The risk free rate on a 30-day T-Bills is 6.
What is the slope of the CML? - -gtAnswer 20 (0.12-0.06)/0.30
- -gt The market demands 0.20 percent of additional
return for each one percent increase in a
portfolios risk measured by its s.
58Security Market Line (SML) Visual Presentation
of CAPM model
Required Yields or Expected Rates
bM 1
59 Numerical Example
- Suppose that the correlation coefficient between
Inert Technologies Ltd and the stock market index
is 0.30. The rate of return on a 30-day T-Bill
is 8. Overall, the rates of return on stocks
are 9 higher than the rate of return on T-Bills.
The standard deviation of the stock market index
is 0.25, and the standard deviation of the
returns to Inert Technologies Ltd is 0.35. - What is the required rate of return on a Inert
Technologies Ltd stock? - Covariance rAB sA sB
- Thus the covariance 0.3 x 0.35 x 0.25 0.02625
- Beta covariance / variance of market portfolio
0.02625/(0.25)2 0.42 - Required Rate 0.08 0.42 (0.09) 0.117
606) Evidence Regarding the CAPM Ex-Post or Actual
Ri may differ from ex-ante or required Ri or E
(Ri )
- Note that e is random unexpected error, or
unsystematic risk, idiosyncratic risk. - e has an average value of 0 it is diversifiable
risk - The market does not pay any risk premium for this
as it cannot be anticipated and it can be
61 Undervalued?
- Suppose that X is observed ex-post as having the
following rate of return and risk. What does this
Security Market Line