Can one see effective chiral restoration in the high lying baryon spectrum - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Can one see effective chiral restoration in the high lying baryon spectrum


Can one see effective chiral restoration in the high lying baryon spectrum? ... This meeting took place at a truly surreal time: election day 2000. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Can one see effective chiral restoration in the high lying baryon spectrum

Can one see effective chiral restoration in the
high lying baryon spectrum?
  • An intriguing but highly speculative idea

TDC, L. Ya. Glozman
  • Introduction
  • History of idea (a personal perspective)
  • Chiral Symmetry and its representations
  • Phenomenological Evidence
  • Baryon spectra
  • Mesons
  • Theoretical Issues

  • Ill introduce the subject in terms of my
    personal odyssey in the field
  • My experience in this field borders on the
  • My presence in the field began late in 2000 when
    serving as a referee and turning down a paper by
    soon-to-be collaborator Leonid (Lenya) Glozman.

  • I had met Lenya during the summer of 2000 at a
    workshop in Bled, Slovenia.
  • My take on him at the time was that
  • He is a very creative theorist with a real
    passion for doing physics.
  • He is also a bit of a wild man intellectually.
  • He is apt to pull together ideas from many
    different places and the different pieces do not
    always fit together very well.
  • He is very sloppy in his use of scientific
    language---often describing things using word in
    nonstandard ways. This leads to making very
    misleading statements.
  • My present take is far more positive but not
    so dissimilar in nature.

  • In Bled, Glozman talked about the problem of
    parity doublets which are prominent high in
    the baryon spectrum
  • Eg. N(1675) I(Jp) ½(5/2) , N(1680) I(Jp)
    ½(5/2-) N(1700) I(Jp) ½(3/2-) , N(1720)
    I(Jp) ½(3/2)
  • N(2220) I(Jp) ½(9/2) , N(2250) I(Jp)
  • This phenomenon not easily understood in terms of
    conventional quark models
  • He took this as an indication of chiral

  • I found the central idea intriguing, but
  • The idea was cast in terms of a quark model based
    on pion exchange which Lenya had developed with
    Dan Riska. In my view, the model was quite
    questionable and in case is totally irrelevant to
    the central issue.
  • The idea was discussed in terms of a chiral
    phase transition which occurs in the baryon
    spectrum. It was even suggested that the baryon
    spectrum was a cheaper way to study the phase
    transition then RHIC. I felt that, this was a
    profound misunderstanding of the nature of a
    phase transition which after all is a
    thermodynamic idea and cant be seen directly in
  • These were the ideas in the paper I rejected.

  • My next exposure to some of these issues was at
  • Workshop on Key Issues in Hadron Physics
  • Nov 5-10, 2000 Duck North Carolina
  • This meeting took place at a truly surreal time
    election day 2000.
  • Frank Wilczek and I watched the returns
    together and saw the great state of Florida turn
    blue then not blue.

  • In Duck, the problem of parity doublets was
    raised as an outstanding problem in the field.
    The comment was made There are no ideas to
    explain this
  • In this context I raised Lenyas idea while
    neither endorsing or criticizing it.
  • Bob Jaffe then said Glozman must be wrong. If
    chiral symmetry were responsible one would have
    chiral multiplets not parity doublets

  • He went on to say that it looks like the
    restoration of UA(1) i.e. the effect of the
    anomaly turning off and not chiral restoration.
  • On reflection it is easy to see that Bobs second
    point was wrong--- UA(1) restoration does not
    lead to parity doublets of the type seen in the
    baryon spectrum.
  • The first point, however is on the mark. One
    would generally expect full chiral multiplets as
    opposed to doublets if chiral restoration occurs.

  • In January 2001 when asked to referee Lenya
    Glozmans paper, I turned it down for the reasons
    mentioned above and noted that, In a recent
    workshop in Duck, Bob Jaffe remarked.
  • About 2 weeks later I got an e-mail from Lenya.
    He wrote that the referee quoted Jaffe and
    knowing I was at the meeting wanted to know
    exactly what Jaffe had said.
  • I repeated what Jaffe said Lenya asked what the
    representations would look like. X. Ji and I had
    worked out some of these for looking at the
    chiral phase transition I was immediately able
    to send him some multiplet structures.

  • About 20 mins. after sending this I got an e-mail
    from Lenya Ive looked in the particle data
    book and the data looks just like the chiral
    multiplets. Lets write a paper.
  • And thus are great collaborations born

  • The collaboration proceeded as might have been
  • A (slight) caricature of the writing of the
  • Glozman and thus we have a complete and
    total, 100 ironclad proof that.
  • Cohen and thus we have a faint hint of a
    whisper of the suggestion of the possibility that

Chiral Symmetry
  • The up and down quark masses in QCD (current
    quark masses) are very small mq 5 Mev which
    is much smaller than all other scales in hadronic
  • Consider a world where mq0
  • Hey Im a theorist
  • Ultimately add quark mass in perturbatively

  • In this world, QCD is invariant under
  • Or equivalently
  • Hence Chiral
  • Only term in QCD Lagrangian not invariant under
    axial transformation is the (very small) mass term

  • Chiral transformations form a group
  • Representations of the chiral group are given in
    terms of the left SU(2) and a right SU(2)
  • Eg. (½,0) means the lefthanded quarks transform
    as a doublet (spin ½) while the righthanded
    quarks transform as a singlet (spin 0)

  • QCD operators transform into one another under
    chiral transformation. Fall into representations
    under the chiral group. Eg.

Note that if we use operators with good parity
the representations are not always single irreps
of chiral group hence chiral/parity irreps.
  • Note representations generally mix parity. All
    representations of QCD operators which are not
    entirely isosinglet mix parity. Connection of
    parity multiplets to chiral symmetry is
    essential. (Glozmans initial motivation)
  • Chiral symmetry is spontaneously broken(cSB )
    the ground state of the theory (vacuum) is not
    invariant under the symmetry.

  • The evidence that chiral symmetry is
    spontaneously broken.
  • Pions are nearly massless
  • Goldstones theorem associated with each
    spontaneously broken generator is a massless
  • Pions have a non-vanishing mass because the
    quarks not massless but only very small
  • Scattering length of pions off of hadrons is very
    small empirically. If exact, Goldstone boson
    have zero scattering length.
  • Strong evidence both for approximate chiral
    symmetry of QCD and for its spontaneous breaking

  • Further evidence that chiral symmetry is
    spontaneously broken.
  • Parity doubling is not seen in low spectrum
  • Recall all chiral representations which contain
    non-isosinglets have both positive and negative
    parity members.
  • Nucleon is not nearly degenerate with N(1535) the
    lightest negative parity nucleon resonance.
  • Similarly in the meson sector the r(770) is not
    nearly degenerate with A1(1535) .
  • Glozman conjecture (2000) the observed parity
    doublets in the nucleon spectrum are a result of
    chiral restoration high in the spectrum.

  • One problem with this one expects chiral
    multiplets not mere parity doubling (Jaffe).
  • Obvious question how would it look if the
    spectrum had chiral multiplets? (TDC, L Ya
    Glozman, PR D65 (2002) 016006 Int. J. Mod. Phys.
    A17 (2002) 1327. )
  • Easy to classify for nonexotic states with
    quantum numbers made from three quarks
  • (½, 0) ? (0 , ½)
  • (½, 1) ? (1 , ½)
  • (3/2, 0) ? (0 , 3/2)
  • (Actually there is a small subtlety here in that
    usually nonexotic means made from three
    constituent quarks while chirality is based on
    current quarks)

  • Representations found by trivial group theory
    Combine 3 spin ½ objects which can be either L or
  • Physical content
  • (½, 0) ? (0 , ½) parity doublet of nucleon
  • (½, 1) ? (1 , ½) parity doublet of nucleon
    degenerate parity doublet of Ds
  • (3/2, 0) ? (0 , 3/2) parity doublet of Ds
  • Conjecture of effective chiral restoration
    high in spectrum implies that baryons will fall
    approxiamtely into these multiplets.
  • Do they?

  • Important point the effective restoration is
    not a phase transiton. It is a gradual
  • Linguistic Question what do you call this
  • Glozman Chiral restoration of the second kind
  • Cohen Effective chiral restoration high in the
  • As one goes higher in the spectra the effect of
    spontaneous cSB becomes progressively less
    important. The spectrum becomes progressively
    better described by chiral multiplets with
    increasing mass.

Phenomenological evidence
  • Very difficult to get unequivocal smoking gun
    type evidence by looking at resonances
  • The idea is qualitative How close must the
    resonances be to be nearly degenerate?
  • How many glasses of beer do you need to drink
    before convincing yourself that youve seen a
  • The ability to pick out resonances becomes
    increasingly difficult as one goes higher in the
    spectrum. Can we still find resonances when we
    are high enough for the effect to be unambigous?

  • The possibility of accidental matches
  • The spectrum becomes increasingly dense as one
    increases the mass.
  • How do we know that near degeneracies are not
    just accidents given many states in the

  • The missing state problem It is not easy to
    pick out high lying resonances. Resonances may
    exist but not yet seen.
  • How can we tell if a state needed to fill it out
    a multiplet doesnt exist or merely hasnt been
  • The absence of proof is not proof of absence
  • ---Donald Rumsfeld on Iraqs WMD

From PDG High mass baryons , 1 and 2 star
resonances in PDG ? missing states
Consistent with (½, 1) ? (1 , ½) representation
From PDG Lower mass baryons
N(1675) I(Jp) ½(5/2) , N(1680) I(Jp) ½(5/2-)
N(1700) I(Jp) ½(3/2-) , N(1720) I(Jp) ½(3/2)
Consistent with (½, 0) ? (0 , ½) representation
  • Is this compelling empirical data?
  • Glozman and thus we have a complete and
    total, 100 ironclad proof that.
  • Cohen and thus we have a faint hint of a
    whisper of the suggestion of the possibility that

  • If idea is correct should be seen in meson
    spectra as well.
  • At the time of our initial work the meson
    spectroscopy at 2 GeV was quite sketchy.
  • The states included by the PDG were insufficient
    to see patterns of chiral restoration, so we did
    not comment.
  • There has been extensive recent partial wave
    analysis of proton-antiproton data from LEAR ( A.
    V. Anisovich et al, Phys. Lett. B491 (2000)
    47.B517 (2001) 261 B542 (2002) 8 B542 (2002)
    19 B513 (2001) 281) which identified numerous
    mesons in this region.

  • These are generally still not in PDG listings.
  • How reliable are they?
  • Using these new states Lenya Glozman repeated the
    same type of analysis that was done for the
    baryons (Phys.Lett.B58769-77,2004 )
  • J1 States
  • (1/2,1/2) Reps
  • ?(0, 1--) b1(1, 1-) h1(0, 1-) ?(1, 1--)
  • 1960 25 1960 35 1965 45 1970 30
  • 2205 30 2240 35 2215 40 2150 ?
  • (0,1)(1,0) Reps
  • a1(1, 1) ?(1, 1--)
  • 1930 70 1900 ?
  • 2270 55 40 2265 40

  • J2 States
  • (0,0) Reps (0,1)(10) Reps
  • ?2(0, 2--) f2(0, 2) a2(1, 2) ?2(1, 2--)
  • 1975 20 1934 20 1950 70 1940 40
  • 2195 30 2240 15 2175 40 2225 35
  • (1/2,1/2) Reps
  • p2(1,2-) f2(0, 2) a2(1,2) h2(0, 2-)
  • 2005 15 2001 10 2030 20 2030 ?
  • 2245 60 2293 13 2255 20 2267 14

Similar for J0,3
  • How compelling is this data?
  • It is certainly suggestive

Theory Issues
  • Short of fully solving QCD for its resonant
    states, one cannot demonstrate theoretically that
    the scenario occurs.
  • Focus here will be on whether it might occur
    i.e. is the idea totally nuts?
  • Eg. Can spontaneously symmetry breaking slowly
    turn off as on goes to higher states in the

Symmetries can slowly turn off
  • Consider explicit symmetry breaking (which seems
    even less likely)
  • Consider the 2-d system H HHO VSB

  • HHo is invariant under U(2)

  • VSB is not invariant under U(2) but only under
    a U(1) this breaks degeneracy pattern into
    doublets of m.

Numerical solutions for R1, A4 in natural units
Effective U(2) Symmetry Restoration high in the
Another Example
(Scale exaggerated)
SO(4) Symmetry
Effective SO(4) Symmetry Restoration high in the
Does one expect the spectrum to exhabit effective
chiral restoration?
  • On very general grounds the answer is yes.
  • There is an important caveat, however.
  • A useful tool is the study of correlation
    functions of currents constructed from local
    gauge invariant operators with quantum numbers of
    interest. Eg.

  • This correlator is basic object in lattice QCD
    QCD sum rules.
  • Writable in a dispersion relation form

K is a kinematic factor which depends on spin of
  • Spectral density, r(s), is the square of the
    amplitude of making a physical state by acting
    with the current on the vacuum.
  • Both the continuum and resonances appear in r(s).

  • r(s), is the basic QCD tool for exploring
  • We know on very general grounds that r(s), for
    corellators for operators in a chiral-parity
    multiplet become degenerate at large s.
  • The reason is trivial the correlators can be
    expressed in an operator product expansion (OPE)
    and this is dominated by the perturbative result
    at large Q2. (Consquence of Assymptotic

  • Perturbative calculations respect chiral
    symmetry cSB is intrinsically nonperturbative.
  • At large space-like Q2 correlators of operators
    in a chiral/parity multiplet are identical.
  • Given the dispersion relation, this is only
    possible if the spectral functions are identical
    at asymptotically large s.
  • Ergo at asymptotically large s chiral/parity
    multiplets become degenerate

The key issue
  • We know that the spectrum will be chirally
    symmetric at large masses.
  • We also know at very high masses the spectrum
    looks like the QCD continuum discrete hadrons
    states are not seen.
  • Does effective chiral restoration set in a regime
    where we can still resolve hadrons?

  • We do not know a priori.
  • One can take the phenomenological situation as
    evidence that it does but at present it is
    suggestive rather than compelling.
  • Theoretically we do not have a good way to assess
    this except in one limit of QCD mesons in the
    large Nc limit.
  • At large Nc the mesons remain discrete high in
    the spectrum but the general perturbative
    argument goes thru. (CohenGlozman 2001)
  • Misha Shifman has recently analyzed the meson
    spectrum at large Nc and shown in detail how
    chiral restoration must be approached. (Shifman

  • This large Nc argument showing that the meson
    spectrum has effective chiral restoration setting
    in while hadrons are still observable tell us
    nothing direct about baryons for Nc3.
  • It is, however, a proof of principle hadrons can
    exist as discernable resonances high enough in
    the spectrum for effective chiral restoration to
    take place.
  • Whether they do for baryons at Nc3 can only be
    answered empirically

  • There is some evidence from the spectrum of
    excited baryons for effective chiral restoration.
  • Clearly, to make a more compelling case it would
    be helpful to find missing states to fill out
  • Theoretically, the spectral functions must
    exhibit effective chiral restoration, but the
    question of whether hadrons are still discernable
    in the region it occurs is open.
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