Another poll ruins Federal Election suspense - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Another poll ruins Federal Election suspense


Another poll ruins Federal Election suspense... The next day (January 23, 2006) several million Canadian voters cast their votes ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Another poll ruins Federal Election suspense

Another poll ruins Federal Election suspense.
  • On January 22, 2006 the research firm SES
    sampled 1,200 Canadians on their voting
    intentions in the upcoming Federal election.
    These were the results of the poll
  • Conservative 36.4
  • Liberal 30.1
  • NDP 17.4
  • Bloc Quebecois 10.6
  • Green/Other 5.6
  • The company claimed these estimates accurate to
    within /- 3 percentage points 19 times out of

The next day (January 23, 2006) several million
Canadian voters cast their votes as follows.
  • Conservative 36.3
  • Liberal 30.2
  • NDP 17.5
  • Bloc Quebecois 10.5
  • Green/Other 5.5
  • Q. How could SES Research, with a tiny sample of
    1200 predict with amazing accuracy the voting
    behavior of several million Canadiansand ruin
    much of the suspense on election night?
  • A. With careful sampling techniques!!!

And a more recent poll ruins Provincial Election
  • On October 8, 2007 the research firm SES sampled
    800 Ontarians on their voting intentions in the
    upcoming Provincial election. The results of the
    poll are below (actual election results on
    October 10 in brackets)
  • Conservative 30.5 (31.4)
  • Liberal 42.6 (42.1)
  • NDP 17.5 (17.1)
  • Green/Other 9.4 (8.1)
  • The company claimed that these estimates were
    accurate to within /- 5 percentage points 19
    times out of 20.and they were correct!!!

A short and painless history of sampling
  • Sampling has developed in step with political
    polling elections allow researchers to test
    sampling designs.
  • The infamous Literary Digest Presidential poll (a
    huge sample that was embarrassingly wrong in its
    Presidential prediction).
  • Gallup from quota to probability sampling.
  • Probability Sampling A sample will be
    representative of the population from which it is
    drawn if all members have a known (to the
    researcher), non-zero chance of selection.

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  • In addition to problems with sampling people who
    are convenient to the researcher, a
    researchers personal biases (conscious
    unconscious) may affect selection in ways that
    make the sample unrepresentative of the
  • Sampling bias means those selected into the
    sample are NOT typical or representative of the
    larger population from which they have been
    chosenand usually the population that the
    researcher wants to generalize results to!

Basic Principles Concepts in Sampling.
  • A sample is representative if sample
    characteristics closely resemble population
  • This can only happen if ALL members of the
    population have a known, non-zero chance of being
    selected into the sample (probability samples).
  • EPSEM samples ensure that all members of the
    population have an equal-chance of being
  • Probability samples are always more
    representative than non-probability samples and
    allow researchers to estimate the margin of error
    (e.g. / - 3 percentage points 19 times out of

Concepts in Sampling.
  • Element Sampling unit about which information
    is to be collected analyzed (unit of analysis).
  • Population Set of all elements that exist at
    the time of study (spatially temporally
  • Sampling Unit An entity of entities considered
    for selection at some stage of the design. In
    single sampling designs the unit element are
    identical. In complex designs, there can be
    different units (e.g., 1st stage cities 2nd
    stage blocks 3rd stage household 4th
    stage adults in households).
  • Sampling Frame The list(s) of sampling units
    from which a sample is to be selected.
    Multi-staged sampling designs will have multiple
    sampling frames.

Simple Random Sampling (SRS)
  • Simple random sampling (SRS) is the basic
    probability design and is incorporated at some
    stage in ALL probability sampling designs.
  • Each unit has an n / N chance or probability
    of being selected into the sample.where n
    the size of the sample and N the size of the
    population. (e.g., n 500 N 300,000
    chance of being selected is 500 / 300,000
  • With SRS, you need an accurate and complete
    sampling frame.each element in the population of
    interest is listed once and only once!

Summary of Probability Sample Designs.
  • Simple Random Sampling Assign a unique number
    to each sampling unit select sampling unit
    numbers using a random number table or generator.
  • Systematic Random Sampling Determine the
    sampling interval select the first unit
    randomly, select remaining units using interval
  • Stratified Random Sampling Determine strata
    select from each stratum a random sample
    proportionate (or disproportionate) to the size
    of the stratum in the population of interest.
  • Multi-stage Area Sampling Determine the number
    of levels or areas and from each level or area
    select randomly.

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Systematic Sampling.
  • The researcher selects every k element from the
    sampling frame after a random start. (e.g., you
    want to select a sample of 100 persons from a
    population of 10,000. After a random start
    between 1 and 100, you will select every one
    hundredth individual..(k N / n 10,000 / 100
    100).where k is the sampling interval N
    is the size of the population and n is the
    size of the sample.
  • If your random starting number was 14, you will
    pick the 14th person on your list, followed by
    the 114th person, followed by the 214th person,
    and so on until you have drawn your sample of 100

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Stratified Sampling.
  • Stratified sampling can improve the
    representativeness of our sample by ensuring
    that different groups in the population are
    adequately represented in the sample.
  • You draw a specified number / percentage of
    elements from subgroups in the populationknown
    as strata.
  • Common strata age groups, education levels,
    ethnic groups, language groups, political
    affiliation, gender, occupational groups.
  • Randomly select your sample within strata.

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More on Stratified Sampling..
  • For example, the student population of a college
    is 1000. Of these, 700 (70) are from Ontario,
    200 (20) are from other provinces, and 100
    (10)are from outside Canada.
  • With stratified sampling we could ensure that in
    a sample of 100 students, we obtain 70 (70) from
    Ontario, 20 (20) from other provinces, and 10
    (10) from outside Canada by randomly selecting
    within these three strata.
  • This is known as proportionate stratified

And even more on Stratified Sampling.
  • For example, if a population of executives in a
    major company were 10,000, and 7000 were male and
    3000 were femalewe could divide the population
    into two strata listing all male and female
  • And then use proportionate or disproportionate
    stratified sampling to construct our sample.
    With proportionate stratified sampling our sample
    would be 70 male and 30 female with
    disproportionate stratified sampling our sample
    could be 50 male and 50 female.

Multi-stage or cluster sampling.
  • This design assumes that any population can be
    regarded as comprising a hierarchy of sampling
    units (e.g., a university can be broken down into
    faculties, departments, sections and classes
    Canada can be broken down into provinces,
    counties or regions, cities, city blocks, and
  • With cluster sampling we randomly sample down the
    hierarchy of sampling units in a population of

More on multi-stage or cluster sampling.
  • Compile a list of all cities in Ontario and
    randomly select cities from this list.
  • Within each of the selected cities, compile a
    list of all residential city blocks and randomly
    select a number of residential city blocks.
  • Within each of the selected residential city
    blocks, compile a list of all households and
    randomly select our sample of households.

And more on multi-stage or cluster sampling.
  • Can save you a lot of money!
  • Especially useful when it is difficult to put
    together an adequate sampling frame.
  • Mechanics of cluster sampling are
  • On the downside, the selection of clusters
    depends on the goals of the study, population
    distribution, and elements to be studied.
  • Generally produces the least representative of
    the probability designs..and hence the least
    accurate sample estimates.

Non-Probability Sample Designs.
  • Chance of population element being selected into
    sample is unknownas is the representativeness.
  • Cheaper, easier to implement designs, suited to
    preliminary studies of small populations.
  • Purposive sampling sample is drawn based on the
    experience judgement of researcher(s).
  • Quota sampling a non-probability analogue to
    stratified samplingresearcher selects a quota of
    respondents for the sample in a non-random way.
  • Convenience sampling accidental samplingit is
    anything but random.avoid accidents.
  • Snowball (Referral) sampling initial members of
    the sample used as informants to find other

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Measurement and Questionnaire Design
  • A common challenge for all social research
    methods is accurate measurement.
  • Questionnaires are the most common measurement
    instrument in the social sciences.not only in
    survey research but in experimental designs,
    focus groups, and participant observation.
  • Conceptual definitions are linguistic or verbal
    definitions of concepts Operational definitions
    are the set of procedures, activities or
    questions that researchers develop to empirically
    measure concepts.

Conceptual Dimensions of Alienation
  • Powerlessness Behaviors cannot determine
  • Meaninglessness Minimal standards for clarity
    in thinking are lacking.
  • Normlessness Socially unapproved behaviors are
    required to get socially approved goals.
  • Isolation Devaluing of goals beliefs that are
    highly valued.
  • Self-estrangement Behaviors inherently
    unrewarding to you, and unrelated to self-image
    and/or self-development.

Operationalizing Alienation
  • Seeman developed survey questions that measured
    the 5 conceptual dimensions of alienation. A
    series of questions were designed to measure
    powerlessness, meaninglessness, isolation,
    normlessness, and self-estrangement.
  • Example To measure powerlessness, Seeman asked
    the following question Suppose your city was
    considering a bylaw that you believed to be
    unjust or harmful. What do you think you could

More on operationalizing alienation
  • If you made an effort to change this bylaw, how
    likely is it that you would succeed?
  • If such a case arose, how likely is it that you
    would try to do something else about the bylaw.
  • Would you try to influence a politician?

Still more on operationalization
  • Survey questions operationalize our
    concepts.transform abstract concepts into
  • Operationalization enables us to test hypotheses.
  • Operationalization brings theoretical concepts
    into the real world where we can measure it,
    discover causes effects, test ideas

  • Measurement is the process where we map
    phenomena using numbers or values.
  • Questionnaires, map social phenomena using
    numbers that correspond with responses to (the
    values and value labels in SPSS)
  • What is your current religious affiliation?
  • 1. Protestant
  • 2. Catholic
  • 3. Jewish
  • 4. Muslim
  • 5. Other

Types of Measurement
  • Nominal Measurement Assign numbers to social special order
  • 1 5 3 2 4

  • (Phenomenon)
  • What religion are you? 1. Catholic

  • 2. Protestant

  • 3. Jewish

  • 4. Muslim

  • 5. Other

Types of Measurement
  • Ordinal Measurement Measures social phenomenon
    that can be rank-ordered or sequenced in terms of
    more or less of the phenomenon being measured.
  • 1 2 3 4 5

  • (Phenomenon)
  • How often do you attend religious services?
  • 1. Never
  • 2. A few times a year
  • 3. Once a month
  • 4. Once a week
  • 5. More than once a week

Types of Measurement
  • Interval Measurement Measures social phenomenon
    on the basis of equal underlying intervals on the
    measurement scale.
  • 0 1 2 3 4
    5 (Range)

  • (Phenomenon)
  • Please indicate your overall level of
    approval for the government of Ontario.
  • 0 -------- 1 -------- 2 -------- 3
    -------- 4 -------- 5
  • Do not approve
    Total Approval
  • .where the meaning of 0 is arbitrary or
    created by the researcher.

Types of Measurement
  • Ratio Measurement Measures social phenomenon on
    the basis of equal underlying intervals on the
    measurement scale with a non-arbitrary zero
  • 0 1 2 3 4

  • (Phenomenon)
  • How many siblings do you have?
  • ____
    Number of siblings

More on Measurement.
  • Ratio-level variables contain the most
    information . So can always measure down from
    ratio to interval, ordinal, or nominal through
    recoding variables in SPSS.
  • Nominal ordinal measures have less information
    so we cannot recode nominal or ordinal variables
    up to the interval or ratio level. However, by
    summing nominal or ordinal values from 2
    variables, you can create an index that
    increases the level of measurement for the
    variable measured by the index.
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