Saturday, September 26, 2009
- MONDAY BLOCK DAY (DAY 1 schedule 1,conf. 3,5)
- TUESDAY BLOCK DAY (DAY 2 schedule 2,conf. 4,6)
- BLOCK DAY Periods 1,3,5 with shortened class
times for all students. (see next slide).
Students not testing released 920am. - THURSDAY AIMS SCIENCE test
- BLOCK DAY Periods 2,4,6 with shortened class
times for all students.(see next slide). Students
not testing released at 1124am. - FRIDAY Traditional day all classes, on regular
bell schedule.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
- AIMS Testing Schedule for April Testing
- AIMS tests are on Wednesday, April 1st (Math) and
Thursday, April 2nd (Science), 2009. - Math will include ALL 10th graders and 11th and
12th graders retaking and students testing to
exceed. - Science will include ALL 10th graders and 9th
graders who are in biology or honors biology. -
Math - Wednesday, April 1st All students Zero
Hour 630am 720am Period 1 725am
800am Period 3 805am 840am Period 5
845am 920am Testing 925am 1055am Lunch
1100am 1140am Testing 1145am
214pm Students who are not testing will be
released to buses at 920am. All students not
testing must leave campus.
Science - Thursday, April 2nd All
students Zero Hour 630am 720am Period 2
725am 841am Period 4 846am
1002am Period 6 1007am 1124am Lunch
1129 am 1209pm Testing 1214pm
214pm Students who are not testing will be
released to buses at 1124am. All students not
testing must leave campus.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
- School News
- Please congratulate Scott Boisvert Ariel Wiley
on their success at the AZ Junior Science
Humanities Symposium this weekend. Scott won 1st
place and will present his science research via
power point at the national competition in
Colorado, April 29-May 3rd. Ariel won 3rd place
and will also advance to the national symposium
and compete in the poster presentation
competition. 3/30/09Jahr
Saturday, September 26, 2009
- School News
- The WGAZ State Championships was yesterday at
the Coliseum (Arizona State Fairgrounds). The
results were wonderful! - The colorguard finished 5th in Scholastic A,
which is a fantastic end to their season!
Including only three Open Class groups, the guard
was 8th in the state of Arizona! That's a great
accomplishment. - The drumline continued with what we are now
calling a "dynasty"! They finished in 1st place
in Open class, which puts them in 1st place
overall out of all AZ high schools! Amazing job!
This is now three consecutive state
championships (two in Open Class)! The drumline
is not quite done yet, as we have a few weeks to
prepare for World Championships in Dayton, Ohio.
- Also, please mark your calendars for April 6th at
7pm, when we will be putting on our final show in
Arizona with both the colorguard and the drumline
in the Basha Gymnasium. Its a great way to
finish the season for all of our great fans,
friends and families. - Thank you and we hope to see you at our show on
the 6th! Kozacek
Saturday, September 26, 2009
- School News
- 4.0 students Some of you got a yellow sheet
saying there was a 4.0 practice April 3rd. - Wrong
- An announcement will be made next week about a
4.0 Award Ceremony Practice.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
- School News
- Fee for AP TESTING Balance due by 04/17/2009, pay
in F2. Rodriquez - Are you in ITS? If so make sure you stop by D108
anytime after school between March 30-April 3 to
update your ITS Points. Schwartz
Saturday, September 26, 2009
- Teen Court Our last court session of the year is
next Thursday, April 2nd at 3 p.m.. Please come
and help us have a fantastic end to a great year!
If you need transportation, contact Ms. Police
ASAP. See you there! Audra Police
Saturday, September 26, 2009
- School News
- It is time to choose a graduation song!
- So here is what the Grad committee needs you to
do - Pick a song that is appropriate for school and
that represents the 2009 Senior Class. - Print out the full lyrics along with the artists
name, song name, and your student ID. - Give the lyrics to Anita Nisonger in the office
by Friday, April 3rd _at_ 230pm.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
- School News
- One Enchanted
- Evening
- Prom April 11, 2009
- Where Hyatt Regency (Phoenix)
- Time 800pm 1100pm
- Tickets 35 w/activity card 45 w/o activity
card. Buy tickets before, during lunches, or
after school. Prices change after March 28th.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
- School News
- Today, Monday March 30, 2009 is the day for Basha
to be "GREEN - Or BLUE... USE the
Blue receptacles -
- ALL classrooms and
departments. - WE Are Looking for your
CLEAN TRASH. - Use the Blue bins you see all around campus for
your CLEAN trash. We are collecting our - "ONE DAY OF TRASH," TODAY! Let the sculpture
begin! What will we find?
Saturday, September 26, 2009
- School News
- Attention Students
- Summer School will be held at Hamilton High
School from June 8th- June 26th. To view course
offerings, the summer catalog is now available
online under www.cusdcommunity.com. There is
Online registration , but you will need your
counselor's approval prior to signing up. See Ms.
Schimel in the counseling office to make an
Saturday, September 26, 2009
- School News
- Hey juniors and seniors....NAU is hosting an
information night on Tuesday, March 31st at the
Hilton off of the 60 and Alma School.700. Are
you interested in attending? If so you can sign
up for that event on line at http//home.nau.edu
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
- School News
- Students who would like to tour the EVIT campus
on Tuesday, March 31st can sign up with Mrs.
Schimel in the guidance office. If you have any
questions please see Mr. Barber.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
- School News
- Attention Senior Vision Bound Participants...the
clock is ticking to get your hours turned into
the Chandler Education Foundation (CEF). They
are due on April 1st, no exceptions. We do not
accept the hours here, you must give them
directly to CEF. There are extra volunteer hour
papers at Mrs. Schimel's desk should you need
more, or just need the address to turn in your
paperwork. 3/25/09 Scaringelli
Saturday, September 26, 2009
- Summer Programs
- Summer Programs What's Hot?
- High school students ages 15 -17
- 2009 C.U.R.E Leadership Corps is a non-profit,
human relief organization that identifies,
collects, sorts, and distributes donated and
surplus medical supplies for communities all over
the world. If you are interested in attending a
4 week volunteer action program this summer to
learn, serve and change the world see Ms Phillips
in the Career Center. 3/24/09
Saturday, September 26, 2009
- Summer Programs
- Discover Summer at Gateway Community College
- Students who will be entering Grades 11 12 next
year and this year seniors are encouraged to
apply! - Healthcare Academy Medical Radiology, Physical
Therapist Assisting, medical transcription,
Respiratory Care, Nuclear medicine Technology and
Surgical Technology. - Internship Academy Learn and earn! Earn three
college credits and gain valuable career
experience while you job shadow an industry
Saturday, September 26, 2009
- Summer Programs
- Summer at Gateway Community College cont.
- Automotive Academy Explore career opportunities
in the automobile industry and Learn about
Gateway's partnership with Toyota, Honda and
Nissan - Business Academy Earn up to 5 college credits in
Introduction to Business and Developing a
Business Plan. Learn what it takes to start your
own business. - Future Builders Academy earn 3 college credits
while you work alongside construction industry
professionals on a build project. - Visit the Career Center for details! 3/24/09
Saturday, September 26, 2009
- Sports
- Tuesday, March 31, 2009
- 345pm - 530pm Varsity Baseball (North) Home
- 345pm -530pm 9th/JV Baseball (North) Away
- 700pm - 830pm Varsity Softball (Chaparral _at_
Horizon Park) Away - 400pm - 530pm 9th/JV Softball (North) Home
- 330pm - 530pm Boys Varsity Tennis
(Corona) Away - 330pm - 530pm Girls Varsity Tennis
(Corona) Home - 400pm - 515pm Varsity Boys Volleyball
(Brophy) Home - Wednesday, April 1, 2009
- 330pm - 500pm Boys/Girls Track (Mountain
Pointe) Home - 400pm - 515pm Boys Volleyball (Ironwood) Home
- 500pm - 700pm Varsity Softball (St. Marys _at_
Horizon Park) Away
Saturday, September 26, 2009
- Sports
- Basha will be hosting the first annual girls
powder puff football game on Thursday April 2nd
at 7 PM on the main football field. It will
feature the best of the junior girls agianst the
best of the seniors. Bragging rights are at
stake. Come out and support your team.
Concessions will be open.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
- Career Center
- San Tan Credit Union is offering a 500.00 per
semester scholarship for students who will be
attending an In state university of community
college. Student and or immediate family member
must be a member of San Tan Credit Union.
Applications available in the Career Center.
Deadline April 10th 3/30/09
Saturday, September 26, 2009
- Career Center
- ASU Morrison institute for Public policy
Deadline March 31 - Chandler Education Foundation Senior Scholarships
Deadline March 31 - Lyon's Club Scholarship Deadline April 1st
- Chandler Service Club Deadline April 1st
- 3/27/09
Saturday, September 26, 2009
- Career Center
- Road Trip for Freshman and Sophomores Monday
May 4th! The ASU Tempe campus is offering a day
aimed at students who are low income or students
who will be the first to attend college in their
families. Your day will consist of fun workshops,
a brief campus tour and lunch at one of our
residential dining facilities. Seating is limited
and you must pick up a permission slip in the
Career Center and have it signed and returned no
later than - April 17th!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
- Career Center
- Road Trip for Juniors! National Hispanic College
Fairs is hosting their annual college Fair on
Monday, April 27 at Grand Canyon University.
Participants include but not limited to Academy
of Art University, Anthem College/The Bryman
School, Arizona School of Massage Therapy,
Arizona State University, Central Arizona
College, Chandler Gilbert College, DeVry
University, Empire Beauty School, Everest
College, Glendale College, Johnson Wales
University and Rochester Institute of Technology,
University of Wyoming and Nevada , Universidad
del Valle de México, Campus Hermosillo. Seating
is limited and you must pick up a permission slip
in the Career Center and have it signed and
returned no later than April 17th! 7/24/09
Saturday, September 26, 2009
- Career Center
- IMPORTANT Current AIMS scholars will continue to
receive their award provided they meet the
renewal criteria below. Any change in the status
of the program is pending Arizona Board of
Regents approval and would only impact incoming
freshmen for fall 2010. - This scholarship was established by the Arizona
Board of Regents to recognize Arizona high school
students for outstanding academic achievement as
demonstrated though high school courses and test
scores (AIMS). It is commonly referred to as the
"AIMS" scholarship. For more information and
questions about eligibility, visit the Web sites
provided or contact your high school counselor. - Amount ASU Resident Tuition
- Information posted on the ASU Scholarship Web
Site 3/24/09
Saturday, September 26, 2009
- Library
- Take a college level class and discover
university life at ASU. The Arizona State
Scholars Program is an enrichment program
offered by Arizona State University specifically
for academically eligible high school seniors.
Eligibility is based on GPA, Class Rank, Test
Scores, high school scheduled and involvement in
other programs. A formal presentation on the
scholars program will be held on Tuesday, April 7
- 630 - 700pm. in the Basha Library. For
additional information please contact Meredith
Romito Librarian/Instructional Specialist
480-782-2850. 3/24/09
Saturday, September 26, 2009
- Library
- Prepare for Prom
- If your planning on that special day, whether it
be prom, graduation or another special event you
cant miss this! Epic Salon will be providing a
free workshop to get you up on the hottest hair
and makeup styles of 2009. Learn about skin
prep, makeup application and the latest hair
trends. Free goodies from the salon will be given
out to all participants. Check - out their website at epicsalonaz.com. Please
register online at chandlerlibrary.org or call
Alexis at 480.782.2850 - Wednesday, April 1st 6pm-7 30pm
Saturday, September 26, 2009
- Library
- First Friday Poetry Slam
- Hang out at the Basha Library every first Friday
of the month for our First Friday events. This
month we will have a Poetry Slam you can
participate in. Express yourself with a poem or
song. Share who you are with your fellow peers
and listen to what your friends and classmates
have to say about their lives today. We will be
providing free drinks and snacks. Join us for a
cool time...Friday, April 3rd 215 - 315