Title: Outline
- Recap
- Knowledge Representation I
- Textbook Chapters 6, 7, 9 and 10
2Some KR Languages
- Propositional Logic
- Predicate Calculus
- Frame Systems
- Rules with Certainty Factors
- Bayesian Belief Networks
- Influence Diagrams
- Semantic Networks
- Concept Description Languages
- Nonmonotonic Logic
3In Fact
- All popular knowledge representation systems are
equivalent to (or a subset of) - Logic (Propositional Logic or Predicate Calculus)
- Probability Theory
4Propositional Logic
- Syntax
- Atomic sentences P, Q,
- Connectives ? , ?, ?, ?
- Semantics
- Truth Tables
- Inference
- Modus Ponens
- Resolution
- Resolution
- Complexity
? ? ? ?? ?
- Sound ?? implies ?
- Complete ? implies ??
6Propositional Logic SEMANTICS
- Multiple interpretations
- Assignment to each variable either T or F
- Assignment of T or F to each connective via defns
Note (P ? Q) equivalent to ? P ? Q
7FOL Definitions
- Constants a,b, dog33.
- Name a specific object.
- Variables X, Y.
- Refer to an object without naming it.
- Functions father-of
- Mapping from objects to objects.
- Terms father-of(father-of(dog33))
- Refer to objects
- Atomic Sentences in(father-of(dog33), food6)
- Can be true or false
- Correspond to propositional symbols P, Q
- Literal u or ?u, where u is a variable
- Clause disjunction of literals
- Formula, ?, conjunction of clauses
- ?(u) take ? and set all instances of u true
simplify - e.g. ?((P, ?Q)(R, Q)) then ?(Q)P
- Pure literal var appearing in a formula either as
a negative literal or a positive literal (but not
both) - Unit clause clause with only one literal
- valid tautology always true
- satisfiable sometimes true
- unsatisfiable never true
1) smoke ? smoke 2) smoke ? fire 3) (smoke ?
fire) ? (?smoke ? ?fire) 4) smoke ? fire ? ?fire
?smoke ? smoke valid
? smoke ? fire satisfiable
? (? smoke ? fire) ? (?smoke ? ?fire)
(smoke ? ?fire) ? ? smoke ? ?fire valid
- Backward Chaining (Goal Reduction)
- Based on rule of modus ponens
- If know P1 ?... ? Pn and know (P1 ?... ? Pn )gt
Q - Then can conclude Q
- Resolution (Proof by Contradiction)
11Student-Prof Example
- Some students like all professors. No student
likes any tough professors. Thus, no professor
is tough.
12Unification and Substitution
- Substitution
- a set of pairs sxa, yb
- Instance of a substitution
- Fp(x,y,f(a)), Fsapplying s on Fp(a,b,f(a)
- Replacement is simultaneous txa,yx
- Composition of Substitutions st?
- Unifier a substitution that makes two
expressions the same - Most General Unifier MGU is a smallest unifier
- Example unify p(f(x), h(y), a) and p(f(x), z, a)
13Normal Forms (Chapter 9, page 281)
- CNF Conjunctive Normal Form
- Conjunction of disjuncts (each disjunct
(P ? Q) ? R (P ? Q) ? R
?(P ? Q) ? R
?P ? ?Q ? R
(?P ? ?Q) ? R
(?P ? R) ? (?Q ? R)
14Removing Existential
- Skolem Constants (page 281)
- Skolem Functions (page 282)
15Conversion to Normal Form
- Remove implications
- Move negation inwards
- Standardize variables
- Move quantifiers left
- Skolemization (every body has a heart)
- Distribute and, ors
- Clausal Form
- Refutation Complete
- Given an unsatisfiable KB in CNF,
- Resolution will eventually deduce the empty
clause - Proof by Contradiction
- To show ? ? Q
- Show ? ? ?Q is unsatisfiable!
17Resolution Refutation Procedure
- Page 281 of text
- Negating theorem
- Normal Form Conversion
- Derive an empty clause
- Answer Extraction
18Student-Prof Example
- FOL sentences
- Conclusion clause negate
- Use refutation to prove.
19Finding Answers
- Fathers father is a grandfarther
- John is Kens father
- Larry is Johs father
- Question who is Kens grandfather?
20Application Logic Programming
- Prolog (page 304)
- Sequence of sentences
- Horn clauses
- Queries
- Negation as failure
- Distinct names distinct objects
- Built-in predicates for math, etc.
- Example membership function
21Logic Programming (page 304)
- Defining membership
- member(X, XL).
- member(X, YL) - member(X,L).
- How does Logic Programming Systems find answers?
22Semantic Networks (page 317)
- Graphically represent the following
- Birds are animals
- Mammals are animals
- Penguins are birds
- Cats are mammals
- Birds fly
- Penguins dont fly
- Animals are alive
- Animals dont fly
- Birds have two legs
- Mammals have 4 legs
- Semantic Networks have
- Properties
- Subset links
- Member links
Procedure GSAT (CNF formula ?, max-restarts,
max-climbs) For i 1 to max-restarts do A
randomly generated truth assignment for j
1 to max-climbs do if A satisfies ? then
return yes A random choice of one of best
successors to A successor means only 1
(var,val) changes from A best means making
the most clauses true