Mark 14 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mark 14


Then came the Day of Unleavened Bread, when the Passover must be killed. ... And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the Feast of Unleavened Bread to ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Mark 14

Mark 14
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  • "For as Jonah was three days and three nights in
    the whale's belly so shall the Son of man be
    three days and three nights in the heart of the
  • Matthew 1240

  • "For as Jonah was three days and three nights in
    the whale's belly so shall the Son of man be
    three days and three nights in the heart of the
  • Matthew 1240

April 32 AD Nisan

Lambs Taken Jesus Presented
Jesus on Cross
Passover/ Lambs Killed
Unleavened Bread
Unleavened Bread
Passover Meal
11 12 13
14 15 16
Jesus Passover Seder Gethsemane
Passover/ Lambs
Unleavened Br
Firstfruits Resurrection
Unleavened Bread
  • Then came the Day of Unleavened Bread, when the
    Passover must be killed. And He sent Peter and
    John, saying, Go and prepare the Passover for
    us, that we may eat.

Mark 1412
  • Luke 227-8

April 32 AD Nisan

Lambs Taken Jesus Presented
Jesus on Cross
Passover/ Lambs Killed
Unleavened Bread
Unleavened Bread
Passover Meal
11 12 13
14 15 16
Jesus Passover Seder Gethsemane
Passover/ Lambs
Unleavened Br
Firstfruits Resurrection
Unleavened Bread
  • "Then they led Jesus from Caiaphas to the
    Praetorium, and it was early morning. But they
    themselves did not go into the Praetorium, lest
    they should be defiled, but that they might eat
    the Passover."
  • John 1828

April 32 AD Nisan

Lambs Taken Jesus Presented
Jesus on Cross
Passover/ Lambs Killed
Unleavened Bread
Unleavened Bread
Passover Meal
11 12 13
14 15 16
Jesus Passover Seder Gethsemane
Passover/ Lambs
Unleavened Br
Firstfruits Resurrection
Unleavened Bread
  • "Therefore, because it was the Preparation Day,
    that the bodies should not remain on the cross on
    the Sabbath (for that Sabbath was a high day),
    the Jews asked Pilate that their legs might be
    broken, and that they might be taken away."
  • John 1931

  • And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the
    Feast of Unleavened Bread to the Lord seven days
    you must eat unleavened bread. On the first day
    you shall have a holy convocation you shall do
    no customary work on it.
  • Leviticus 236-7

April 32 AD Nisan

Lambs Taken Jesus Presented
Jesus on Cross
Passover/ Lambs Killed
Unleavened Bread
Unleavened Bread
Passover Meal
11 12 13
14 15 16
Jesus Passover Seder Gethsemane
Passover/ Lambs
Unleavened Br
Firstfruits Resurrection
Unleavened Bread
  • "Therefore, because it was the Preparation Day,
    that the bodies should not remain on the cross on
    the Sabbath (for that Sabbath was a high day),
    the Jews asked Pilate that their legs might be
    broken, and that they might be taken away."
  • John 1931

  • Now when the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene,
    Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought
    spices, that they might come and anoint Him. Very
    early in the morning, on the first day of the
    week, they came to the tomb when the sun had
  • Gk Sabbaton plural
  • Mark 161-2

April 32 AD Nisan

Lambs Taken Jesus Presented
Jesus on Cross
Passover/ Lambs Killed
Unleavened Bread
Unleavened Bread
Passover Meal
11 12 13
14 15 16
Jesus Passover Seder Gethsemane
Passover/ Lambs
Unleavened Br
Firstfruits Resurrection
Unleavened Bread
  • Follow the Cross
  • Betrayal Arrest - Mark 1443-52

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  • Follow the Cross
  • Betrayal Arrest - Mark 1443-52
  • Trial by Annas (ex-high priest) - John 1812-23
  • Trial by Caiaphas Sanhedrin - Mar 1453-65
  • Peter Denies his Lord - Mar 1466-72
  • Jesus formally condemned - Mark 151
  • Near sunup Mat 271
  • Judas suicide - Matt 273-10
  • Jesus Before Pilate (1st) - Mark 151-5
  • Jesus Before Herod - Luke 236-12
  • Jesus Before Pilate (2nd) - Mark 156-10
  • Jesus Before Pilate (3rd) Mark 1511-15

  • Follow the Cross
  • Jesus scourged, Mocked Mark 1516-19
  • Jesus led to Golgotha - Mark 1520-23

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  • Follow the Cross
  • Jesus scourged, Mocked Mark 1516-19
  • Jesus led to Golgotha - Mark 1520-23
  • Crucified Him Mar 1524
  • First three hours (9-noon) - Mark 1524-32
  • Father forgive them(Luke)
  • Today you will be with me in Paradise(Lu)
  • Woman behold your son(John)

  • Follow the Cross
  • Jesus scourged, Mocked Mark 1516-19
  • Jesus led to Golgotha - Mark 1520-23
  • Crucified Him Mar 1524
  • First three hours (9-noon) - Mark 1524-32
  • Last three hours (noon-3) - Mar 1533-37
  • My God, My God, why..forsaken Me
  • I thirst (Jn)
  • It is finished (Jn)
  • Father into Your hands, I commit My Spirit (L)

  • Follow the Cross
  • Jesus scourged, Mocked Mark 1516-19
  • Jesus led to Golgotha - Mark 1520-23
  • Crucified Him Mar 1524
  • First three hours (9-noon) - Mark 1524-32
  • Last three hours (noon-3) - Mar 1533-37
  • Death of Christ - Mark 1538-41
  • Burial of Jesus - Mark 1542-46
  • Women watch prepare - Mark 1547

  • Galatians 614
  • The Cross cancels all other boasting

  • I thank God that I baptized none of you except
    Crispus and GaiusFor Christ did not send me to
    baptize, but to preach the gospel, not with
    wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should
    be made of no effect.
  • 1Cor 114-17

  • I thank God that I baptized none of you except
    Crispus and GaiusFor Christ did not send me to
    baptize, but to preach the gospel, not with
    wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should
    be made of no effect.
  • 1Cor 114-17

  • For Jews request a sign, and Greeks seek after
  • 1Cor 122-24

  • For Jews request a sign, and Greeks seek after
    wisdom but we preach Christ crucified
  • 1Cor 122-24

  • For Jews request a sign, and Greeks seek after
    wisdom but we preach Christ crucified, to the
    Jews a stumbling block and to the Greeks
    foolishness, but to those who are called, both
    Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the
    wisdom of God.
  • 1Cor 122-24

  • For Jews request a sign, and Greeks seek after
    wisdom but we preach Christ crucified, to the
    Jews a stumbling block and to the Greeks
    foolishness, but to those who are called, both
    Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the
    wisdom of God.
  • 1Cor 122-24

  • And I, brethren, when I came to you, did not come
    with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring
    to you the testimony of God. For I determined not
    to know anything among you except Jesus Christ
    and Him crucified.
  • 1Cor 21-5

  • And I, brethren, when I came to you, did not come
    with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring
    to you the testimony of God. For I determined not
    to know anything among you except Jesus Christ
    and Him crucified.
  • 1Cor 21-5

  • I was with you in weakness, in fear, and in much
    trembling. And my speech and my preaching were
    not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in
    demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that
    your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but
    in the power of God.
  • 1Cor 21-5

  • I was with you in weakness, in fear, and in much
    trembling. And my speech and my preaching were
    not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in
    demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that
    your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but
    in the power of God.
  • 1Cor 21-5

  • Galatians 614
  • The Cross cancels all other boasting
  • The Cross is my boast
  • The Cross inoculates me to the world

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