Title: CS 306
1CS 306
- Unit 3
- Work and The Workplace
2CS 306
- A guest worker program that provides seasonal and
hard-to-find-labor is in the news. - What are the pros and cons of such Program?
What is an H1-B Visa? Does anyone oppose it? Why?
3CS 306
- A guest worker program that provides seasonal and
hard-to-find-labor is in the news. - What are the pros and cons of such Program?
H1-B Sponsors
4CS 306
- How long do you spend answering e-mail everyday?
- Time Management
Pros Cons
5CS 306
- Were you surprised to learn that there is no
constitutional right to privacy at work? - Things That Are Not In the U.S. Constitution
- Right to Privacy
- Privacy
6CS 306
- National ID
- Biometrics Pinned to Social Security Cards
Are you in favor to have such ID? Why
Who is opposing it? Name them? Background
7CS 306
- Brain Circulation
- How High-skill Immigration Makes Everyone Better
New Immigrant Entrepreneurs
Transnational Entrepreneurship
A new Model of Globalization
A new Policy Environment
8CS 306
- The New Face of the Silicon Age
What really Happens here? What happens to
American Programmers?
9CS 306
- The New Face of the Silicon Age
Who is Jairam?
What does she do?
Where is the University of Pune?
What is the firms name?
According to the research firm Gartner, how many
white-collar job will depart U.S in the next 15
years? Equivalent to how much in US?
10CS 306
- Computer Software Engineer
Significant Point
Nature of the Work
Working Conditions
Training, Other Qualifications, and advancement
Employment Job Outlook Earnings Related
11CS 306
- 14. The Computer Evolution
Computer and Workers 80s 70s
PC Diffusion and Wage Effects 1984-2001 82.3 -
2001 42.7 W/O
Implication Causal impacts Necessary
12CS 306
- 14. The Computer Evolution
Presentation Components of the Computer Unit
13CS 306
- Making yourself Understood
In an age of technology, writing skills are more
important than ever.
Manager must increasingly rely on persuasion
and inspiration
The good, the Bad and the Ugly The power of the
The rise of instant messaging suggests that worse
is to com. The new Language of Business The
return of the Punctuators
The power of Words The opportunity 12 Habits of
Effect Writers Writers block is a luxury that
executives cannot efford
14CS 306
- Privacy, Legislative, and Surveillance Software
Protecting the corporation while respecting
employee privacy an old puzzle made more
complex with new software.
Workplace Privacy A The quality or state of
being apart from company or observation B
freedom from unauthorized intrusion ltones right
to privacygt.
Federal Privacy Legislation in the
workplace Result by AMA page 69 Table 1 52
monitored 22 have terminated an employee for
violation email policy
15CS 306
- Privacy, Legislative, and Surveillance Software
Workplace monitoring has existed for a long time
in one form or another and will undoubtedly
continue to proliferate and become increasingly
sophisticated as technology advances.
Along with the ever-increasing exploitation of
technology in the workplace has become the
capability for employers to see and measure
nearly every aspect of company usages.
Company Electronic Communication
Policy Monitoring Software
16Negative and Positive Rights, or Liberties and
claim rights
- Negative Rights or Liberties, are rights to act
without interference. - Negative and Positive Rights
- They include right to live (no one can kill
you), be free from assault, use your property,
use your labor, skills, and mind to create goods
and services and to trade with other people in
voluntary exchanges. First Amendment of the U.S.
Constitution, are negative rights.
17Negative and Positive Rights, or Liberties and
claim rights
- The (Negative) Right to access to Internet is so
obvious in free countries that we do not even
think of it, but communist countries, it is
restricted or denied - Claim rights or positive rights, impose an
obligation on some people to provide certain
things for others. - A positive right to a job means that someone must
hire you regardless
18Negative and Positive Rights, or Liberties and
claim rights
- A positive right to a job means that someone must
hire you regardless of whether they voluntarily
choose to, or that it is right, or obligatory,
for the government to set up job programs for
people who are out of work. - Negative rights and positive rights often