Title: Sampling and Connection Strategies for PRM Planners
1Sampling and Connection Strategiesfor PRM
- Jean-Claude Latombe
- Computer Science Department
- Stanford University
2Original Problem
3The Solution Probabilistic Roadmap (PRM)
free space
4The SolutionProbabilistic Roadmap (PRM)
free space
5The New Issues
- Where to sample new milestones?? Sampling
strategy - Which milestones to connect?? Connection strategy
- Two-stage sampling
- Build initial roadmap with uniform sampling
- Perform additional sampling around poorly
connected milestones - Coarse Connection
- Maintain roadmaps connected components
- Attempt connection between 2 milestones only if
they are in two distinct components -
7Multi-Query PRM
8Single-Query PRM
9Multi-Query PRM
- Multi-stage sampling
- Obstacle-sensitive sampling
- Narrow-passage sampling
10Multi-Stage Strategies
- Rationale
- One can use intermediate sampling results to
identify regions of the free space whose
connectivity is more difficult to capture
11Two-Stage Sampling
Kavraki, 94
12Two-Stage Sampling
Kavraki, 94
13Obstacle-Sensitive Strategies
- Rationale
- The connectivity of free space is more difficult
to capture near its boundary than in wide-open
14Obstacle-Sensitive Strategies
- Ray casting from samples in obstacles
- Gaussian sampling
Amato, Overmars
Boor, Overmars, van der Stappen, 99
15Multi-Query PRM
- Multi-stage sampling
- Obstacle-sensitive sampling
- Narrow-passage sampling
16Narrow-Passage Strategies
- Rationale
- Finding the connectivity of the free space
through narrow passage is the only hard problem.
17Narrow-Passage Strategies
- Medial-Axis Bias
- Dilatation/contraction of the free space
- Bridge test
Amato, Kavraki
Baginski, 96 Hsu et al, 98
Hsu et al, 02
18Bridge Test
19Comparison with Gaussian Strategy
Bridge test
20Other Examples
21Running Times
22Comments (JCL)
- The bridge test most likely yields a high
rejection rate of configurations - But, in general it results in a much smaller
number of milestones, hence much fewer
connections to be tested - Since testing connections is costly, there can be
significant computational gain - More on this later .
23Single-Query PRM
- Diffusion
- Adaptive step
- Biased sampling
- Control-based sampling
24Diffusion Strategies
- Rationale
- The trees of milestones should diffuse
throughout the free space to guarantee that the
planner will find a path with high probability,
if one exists
25Diffusion Strategies
- Density-based strategy
- Associate a sampling density to each milestone in
the trees - Pick a milestone m at random with probability
inverse to density - Expand from m
- RRT strategy
- Pick a configuration q uniformly at random in
c-space - Select the milestone m the closest from q
- Expand from m
Hsu et al, 97
LaValle and Kuffner, 00
26Adaptive-Step Strategies
- Rationale
- Makes big steps in wide-open area of the free
space, and smaller steps in cluttered areas.
27Adaptive-Step Strategies
- Shrinking-window strategy
Sanchez-Ante, 02
28Single-Query PRM
- Diffusion
- Adaptive step
- Biased sampling
- Control-based sampling
29Biased Strategies
- Rationale
- Use heuristic knowledge extracted from the
workspace - Example
- Define a potential field U and bias tree growth
along the steepest descent of U - Use task knowledge
30Biased Strategies
- Rationale
- Use heuristic knowledge extracted from the
workspace - Example
- Define a potential field U and bias tree growth
along the steepest descent of U - Use task knowledge
31Control-Based Strategies
- Rationale
- Directly satisfy differential kinodynamic
constraints - Method
- Represent motion in state (configuration x
velocity) space - Pick control input at random
- Integrate motion over short interval of time
Kindel, Hsu, et al, 00 LaValle and Kuffner, 00
32The New Issues
- Where to sample new milestones?? Sampling
strategy - Which milestones to connect?? Connection strategy
33Connection Strategies
- Multi-query PRMs ? Coarse connections
- Single-query PRMs ? Lazy collision checking
34Coarse Connections
- Rationale
- Since connections are expensive to test, pick
only those which have a good chance to test
collision-free and to contribute to the roadmap
35Coarse Connnections
- Methods
- Connect only pairs of milestones that are not too
far apart - Connect each milestone to at most k other
milestones - Connect two milestones only if they are in two
distinct components of the current roadmap (? the
roadmap is a collection of acyclic graph) - Visibility-based roadmap Keep a new milestone m
if - m cannot be connected to any previous milestone
and - m can be connected to 2 previous milestones
belonging to distinct components of the roadmap
Laumond and Simeon, 01
36Connection Strategies
- Multi-query PRMs ? Coarse connections
- Single-query PRMs ? Lazy collision checking
37Lazy Collision Checking
- Rationale
- Connections between close milestones have high
probability of being collision-free - Most of the time spent in collision checking is
done to test connections - Most collision-free connections will not be part
of the final path - Testing connections is more expensive for
collision-free connections - Hence Postpone the tests of connections until
they are absolutely needed -
38Lazy Collision Checking
Sanchez-Ante, 02
39Lazy Collision Checking
Sanchez-Ante, 02
40Possible New Strategy
- Rationale
- Single-query planners are often more suitable
than multi-querys - But there are some very good multi-query
strategies - Milestones are much less expensive to create than
connections - Pre-compute the milestones of the roadmap, with
uniform sampling, two-stage sampling, bridge
test, and dilatation/contraction of free space to
place milestones well - Process queries with single-query roadmaps
restricted to pre-computed milestones, with lazy
collision checking
41Application to Probabilistic Conformational