Title: Prevention of Illicit Discharge Within Manhattan, Kansas
1Prevention of Illicit Discharge Within Manhattan,
- Ellen Calhoun, Ryan Flickner,
- A. Meredith Smythe, Kelsi Steele
- Project Overview
- Project Objectives
- National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
- Illicit Discharge
- Common Illicit Discharges
- Clean-Up Procedure
- Environmental Impact
- Employee Training
- Emergency Procedure
- Haz-Mat
- Conclusions and Recommendations
3Project Overview
- Our Service Learning project was to assist the
City of Manhattan in establishing an illicit
discharge prevention plan that fulfills a minimum
control measure established through NPDES.
4Project Objectives
- Define regulations presented in NPDES
- Develop a plan for the prevention of illicit
discharges into the stormwater sewer - Formulate a list of potential contaminants, the
actions required, and the environmental impact of
the contaminants. - Formulate a spill prevention and spill clean-up
5National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
- Established by Federal Water Pollution Control
Act (FWPCA) Amendments of 1972 - Requires that facilities that release pollutants
into waters of the US to obtain a permit - Has 4 goals
6National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
- Goal 1
- Eliminate the discharge of pollutants into
navigable waters of the United States
7National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
- Goal 2
- Protect fish, shellfish and wildlife
8National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
- Goal 3
- Provide safe water for recreational purposes
9National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
- Goal 4
- Prohibit the release of toxic discharges
10National Discharge Pollutant Elimination System
- Permit (EPA definition)
- a license for a facility to discharge a
specified amount of a pollutant into a Office of
Wastewater Management - Water Permitting
receiving water under certain conditions
however, permits may also authorize facilities to
process, incinerate, landfill, or beneficially
use sewage sludge.
11National Discharge Pollutant Elimination System
- Types of Permits
- Individual
- Customized to the specific facility
- General
- Envelop multiple facilities within a specific
category - Currently Manhattan, Kansas has neither type of
permit on record with the EPA website
12Illicit Discharge
- Any discharge into a storm water drain or
treatment plant that is not composed entirely of
storm water - Exempt items wetlands, diverted stream flows,
springs - Exempt under certain conditions foundation
drains, landscape irrigation, individual
residential care washing, sidewalk washing, as
well as flows from emergency fire fighting
13Common Illicit Discharges
- Our focus oil, grease, gasoline, paints, yard
wastes, garbage, household chemicals, and
pesticides - Cause for concern chlorinated pool water,
cigarette butts, sanitary sewer flows, commercial
car wash wastewater, construction debris, and
food wastes
14Clean-Up Procedure
- Yard Waste Compost Pile
- Garbage
- Paper Litter Recycle
- Plastic Bottles Recycle
Source http//www.bidisposal.com/images/YARDWASTE
15Clean-Up Procedure
- Motor Oil, Gasoline, Grease, Paint
- Shut off all possible ignition sources
- Transfer excess pollutant into spill proof
container. - Remove remaining residue use an absorbent such as
earth, sand, or vermiculite.
Source http//www.homedepot.com/cmc_upload/HDUS/E
Source http//www.phasmidsincyberspace.com/Pictur
16Clean-Up Procedure
- Acid/Base
- Neutralize an acid with soda ash, sodium
bicarbonate, or lime - Neutralize a base with citric acid or dilute
hydrochloric acid - Liquid Detergent
- Transfer into another container
- Remove residue with absorbents
- Flush with water
17Safety Equipment
- Safety Goggles
- Rubber or Nitrile Gloves
- Respirator
- Protective Clothing
Source http//www.dick-blick.com/items/329/07/329
Source http//www.ritop.com/information/images/ya
18Environmental Impact
- If any discharge enters the stormwater sewer
contact the National Emergency Response Center - Absorbent pillow can be used to contain the
pollutant until remediation can occur - It is important to act quickly to prevent
substantial damage to the ecosystem.
19Employee Training
- Employee training is crucial in pollution
prevention - The EPA recommends at a minimum the following in
a program - Maintenance training
- Maintenance schedules
- Long-term inspection training
- Procedure for properly disposing of waste when
removed from storm sewers - Ability to transfer knowledge through public
education - Finance planning for enough funding
20Employee Training
- Options for training procedures
- Visual posters, bulletin boards
- Verbal employee meetings, courses
- Field training hands-on demonstrations
21Employee Training
- Record process of training programs
- Senior management involvement is vital
22Employee Training
- Advantages
- Cost effective
- Easily implement able
- Able to be Duplicate/ can be standardized
- Disadvantages
- Senior management apathy
- Employee lack of motivation
- Lack of Incentives to become involved
- List all illicit disposal incidents that have
been reported but not yet investigated and place
in one of the following categories - Hazardous, affecting public health and safety
- Hazardous, affecting the environment (receiving
waters, air, etc) - Hazardous, affecting property
- Hazardous, other
- Non-hazardous, affecting public health and safety
- Non-hazardous, affecting the environment
(receiving waters, air, etc) - Non-hazardous, affecting property
- Remaining incidents
24Emergency Procedure
- Contact the Fire Department immediately with
information - Type/cause of incident
- Types of chemicals involved
- Resources available on site
- Possible injured personnel
Source http//www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/spills/inci
- Hazardous Materials Division
- Within the Kansas State Fire Marshals Office
- Supports local first responders by isolating
hazardous materials - Accidents and/or Acts of Terrorism
- Kansas Haz-Mat Response Team
- Within the state boundaries, regardless of local
government jurisdiction
- Regional Response Teams
- Coffeyville
- Colby
- Emporia
- Ford County
- Hays
- Manhattan
- Newton
- Overland Park
- Salina
- Sedgwick County
- Seward County
- Topeka
- Wellington
- Kansas State Fire Marshals Office
- Teams can respond to most areas in Kansas within
an hour or less - Can haz-mat incidents and accidents as well as
terrorist events - Chemical
- Biological
- Radiological
- Nuclear (CBRN)
- To Request a Response Team
- Call the toll-free hotline
- (1-866-KHAZMAT)
- Call the group pager
- (785-357-3261)
- website
- (www.myairmail.com)
Both hotline and website forward to the group
- Manhattan has accomplished two out of the six
minimum control measures. - Public education and outreach
- Public participation and involvement
- Recommendations to accomplish next minimum
control measure - Two or more city workers become trained in
hazardous materials protocol - Obtain a MSDS database
- Keep on hand absorbents such as sand, earth and
- Dr. Alok Bhandari, Team Advisor
- Steve Hampton, Assistant City Engineer