Title: Walsh Art Club
- The club is open to any Walsh student.
- You do not have to be enrolled in an art class to
participate in the art club. - The first 34 students who have pre-registered
with a signed permission slip prior to the
scheduled Tuesday activity will be invited to
- The art club will meet the second and third
Wednesday of each month. - The schedule of activities are posted on Mrs.
Pichinis web site. - The activities will be announced the week prior
to the club meeting.
- The meetings will take place in room 449.
- There will be limited space so the first 34
students to pre-register with a signed permission
slip will be eligible to attend. - Students will be placed on a waiting list. If you
unable to attend at the last minute be sure to
inform Mrs. Pichini. - Wait listed students will be invited as space
becomes available.
- The times of the meetings will be from 345 pm
until 430 pm. - Students must arrange for transportation home
from each meeting prior the scheduled activity.
- There is no fee involved in the art club.
- You may have to provide some materials for the
activities. - Stay tuned in to the announcements the week
prior to the club meeting.
7Open Art
- This is an opportunity for anyone who wants to
work on their personal art with the guidance of
Mrs. Pichini to do so. - Bring your favorite art book to share with other
artists in attendance. - Art began during the scheduled art activity may
be completed during this time.
8Open Art
- Open Art will be held in room 449.
- The art room will be open from 345 pm till 430
pm. - Open art will be available for the first 34
students to register with a signed parent
permission form the Tuesday before open art.
9Schedule at a Glance
- October 14, 2009 Mask Making
- November 11, 2009 Duck Tape Art
- December 9, 2009 Wish Boxes
- January 13, 2010 - Clay Pots
- February 10, 2010 - Silk Sun Catchers
- March 10, 2010 - Jel-ly Bowls
- April 7, 2010 Glass Etching
- May 12, 2010 Tie Dye Shirts
10Open Art Schedule
October 21, 2009 November 18, 2009 December 16,
2009 January 20, 2010 February 17, 2010 April 21
, 2010 May 19, 2010
11October Activity
Create a plaster cast mask Materials will be
provided Bring a towel and your face!
12November Activity
The perfect holiday gift ! Make a DUCK TAPE
13December Activity
Create beautiful origami boxes with special
sentiments to enclose hand made jewelry pieces.
14January Activity
Clay Pottery
15February Activity
Learn how to make beautiful silk sun catchers
Materials will be provided
16March Activity
Make a Jel-ly bowl Materials will be provided
17April Activity
Create a beautiful vase with your own art
work Early registration is required Art work
must be pre approved Materials will be provided
18May Activity
Tie Dye a Shirt Participants must supply their
own shirt or apparel to tie die
19(No Transcript)