Title: CSTAR II Interchange Format
1CSTAR II Interchange Format
Presented by
- Lori Levin
- and
- Donna Gates
2Interchange Format Design
The CSTAR II Interchange Format was designed and
developed by all of the CSTAR II partners CMU,
3Multilingual Interlingual Machine Translation
- Instructions
- Delete sample document icon and replace with
working document icons as follows - Create document in Word.
- Return to PowerPoint.
- From Insert Menu, select Object
- Click Create from File
- Locate File name in File box
- Make sure Display as Icon is checked.
- Click OK
- Select icon
- From Slide Show Menu, Select Action Settings.
- Click Object Action and select Edit
- Click OK
4Advantages of Interlingua
- Avoid the n-sqared problem for all-ways
translation. - Mono-lingual grammar development teams.
- Add a new language easily and automatically get
all-ways translation to all previous languages.
5Design Criteria of the Interchange Format
- Instructions
- Delete sample document icon and replace with
working document icons as follows - Create document in Word.
- Return to PowerPoint.
- From Insert Menu, select Object
- Click Create from File
- Locate File name in File box
- Make sure Display as Icon is checked.
- Click OK
- Select icon
- From Slide Show Menu, Select Action Settings.
- Click Object Action and select Edit
- Click OK
- Based on speakers intent, not literal meaning.
- Domain independent framework with domain-specific
parts. - Simple and reliable enough to use - at
multiple research sites.
- with widely varying type of parsers - and generators
6Domain Actions Extended, Domain-Specific Speech
- Instructions
- Delete sample document icon and replace with
working document icons as follows - Create document in Word.
- Return to PowerPoint.
- From Insert Menu, select Object
- Click Create from File
- Locate File name in File box
- Make sure Display as Icon is checked.
- Click OK
- Select icon
- From Slide Show Menu, Select Action Settings.
- Click Object Action and select Edit
- Click OK
- Examples
- crequest-informationavailabilityroom
- agive-informationpersonal-data
- cgive-informationtemporalarrival
7Task Oriented Sentences
- Instructions
- Delete sample document icon and replace with
working document icons as follows - Create document in Word.
- Return to PowerPoint.
- From Insert Menu, select Object
- Click Create from File
- Locate File name in File box
- Make sure Display as Icon is checked.
- Click OK
- Select icon
- From Slide Show Menu, Select Action Settings.
- Click Object Action and select Edit
- Click OK
- Perform an action in the domain.
- Are not descriptive.
- Contain fixed expressions that cannot be
translated literally.
8Components of the Interchange Format
- Instructions
- Delete sample document icon and replace with
working document icons as follows - Create document in Word.
- Return to PowerPoint.
- From Insert Menu, select Object
- Click Create from File
- Locate File name in File box
- Make sure Display as Icon is checked.
- Click OK
- Select icon
- From Slide Show Menu, Select Action Settings.
- Click Object Action and select Edit
- Click OK
- speaker a (agent)
- speech act give-information
- concept availabilityroom
- argument (room-type(single double),
- timemd12)
- Instructions
- Delete sample document icon and replace with
working document icons as follows - Create document in Word.
- Return to PowerPoint.
- From Insert Menu, select Object
- Click Create from File
- Locate File name in File box
- Make sure Display as Icon is checked.
- Click OK
- Select icon
- From Slide Show Menu, Select Action Settings.
- Click Object Action and select Edit
- Click OK
- no thats not necessary
- cnegate
- yes I am
- caffirm
- and I was wondering what you have in the way of
rooms available during that time - crequest-informationavailabilityroom
- my name is alex waibel
- cgive-informationpersonal-data
(person-name(given-namealex, family-namewaibel)
) - and how will you be paying for this
- arequest-informationpayment (methodquestion)
- I have a mastercard
- cgive-informationpayment (methodmastercard)
10Examples Price and Temporal Arguments
- Instructions
- Delete sample document icon and replace with
working document icons as follows - Create document in Word.
- Return to PowerPoint.
- From Insert Menu, select Object
- Click Create from File
- Locate File name in File box
- Make sure Display as Icon is checked.
- Click OK
- Select icon
- From Slide Show Menu, Select Action Settings.
- Click Object Action and select Edit
- Click OK
- However the rate for the double is one thirty
four ninety five per night - agive-informationpriceroom (room-typedouble,
) - For eighty four dollars the two double beds
- agive-informationpriceroom
- (
) - So the tenth through the fourteenth
- agive-informationtemporal
- (
price(quantity134.95, per-unitnight)
price(quantity84, currencydollar)
time(start-timemd10, end-timemd14)
11More Examples
- Instructions
- Delete sample document icon and replace with
working document icons as follows - Create document in Word.
- Return to PowerPoint.
- From Insert Menu, select Object
- Click Create from File
- Locate File name in File box
- Make sure Display as Icon is checked.
- Click OK
- Select icon
- From Slide Show Menu, Select Action Settings.
- Click Object Action and select Edit
- Click OK
- So when Im leaving on the twenty first
- seven thirty p.m. would I have to
- cgive-informationtemporal (whoI,
) - Im now arriving on June sixth
- cgive-informationtemporalarrival (whoI,
) - Theyre going to be arriving on the twelfth
actually in the morning - cgive-informationtemporalarrival
- ( whothey,
time(md21, 1930)
time(june, md6)
time(md12, morning)
12Final Release
- Instructions
- Delete sample document icon and replace with
working document icons as follows - Create document in Word.
- Return to PowerPoint.
- From Insert Menu, select Object
- Click Create from File
- Locate File name in File box
- Make sure Display as Icon is checked.
- Click OK
- Select icon
- From Slide Show Menu, Select Action Settings.
- Click Object Action and select Edit
- Click OK
- May 1999
- Speech acts 54
- Concepts 84
- Arguments 118
13Speaker Tag
Client says Do you take credit cards?
crequest-informationpayment (methodcredit-card)
Agent says Will you be paying with a credit
card? arequest-informationpayment
14 Speech Acts Examples
- accept
- acknowledge
- acknowledge-action
- affirm
- affirm-action
- apologize
- closing
- delay-action
- end-action
- give-certainty
- give-information
- Ill take that, Sounds good
- Okay, Sure, Yeah
- Here you go, This is it
- Yes, That is correct
- Yes, please do, Go ahead
- Sorry, Im sorry
- Bye, See you next week
- Ill get back to you on that
- Thats all for now
- Im sure
- I have 2 singles available
15Speech Acts Examples
- greeting
- greeting-nice-meet
- greeting-request
- greeting-response-bad
- greeting-response-good
- greeting-welcome
- introduce-self
- introduce-topic
- negate
- negate-action
- not-understand
- Hello, Good morning
- Nice to meet you
- How are you
- Im not good
- Im fine
- Welcome to Pittsburgh
- This is Brian, Best Western
- About that flight
- No
- No, dont
- I dont understand
16Speech Acts Examples
- offer
- offer-information
- offer-repeat
- please-wait
- reject (e.g., offer)
- request-action
- request-affirmation
- request-certainty
- request-delay-action
- request-information
- request-introduce-self
- How about it?
- Let me get you the information
- Let me repeat that
- Just a minute, Let me see
- No, I dont want that
- Can you reserve that for me?
- Is that correct?
- Are you sure?
- Can I get back to you later?
- Do you accept visa?
- Who am I speaking with?
17Speech Acts Examples
- request-knowledge
- request-neg-affirmation
- request-repeat
- request-suggestion
- request-verification
- return-from-delay
- suggest
- thank
- verify
- welcome
- x-exclamation
- Do you know?
- Is that bad?
- Could you repeat that?
- Which hotel should I get?
- Right?, That was 40 dollars?
- Im back
- How about a single?
- Thank you very much
- Yes, that is 40 dollars.
- Youre welcome
- That is beautiful! (ETRI only)
18Speech Acts Examples
(Meta-Demo Speech acts)
- testing
- testing-problem
- testing-start
- testing-stop
- testing-proceed
- testing-request-proceed
- testing-ready
- testing-present
- testing-request-present
- Testing 1 2 3, This is a test
- We have a problem
- Lets start
- Lets stop
- Go ahead!
- Would you go first
- Ready here
- We are here, CMU is on line
- Are you there?
19Some concepts
- Actions change, reservation, confirmation,
cancellation, help, purchase, view, display,
preference - Attributes availability, price, temporal, price,
location, size, features etc. - Objects room, hotel, flight, tour, event,
attraction, web-page etc. - Other arrival, departure, numeral,
expiration-date, payment
20Using Concepts to Represent Information Focus
Is there a hotel in Pittsburgh? crequest-informat
ionavailabilityhotel (locationpittsburgh)
Is the hotel in Pittsburgh? crequest-information
locationhotel (locationpittsburgh)
21Topic vs Focus
The Hilton Hotel is in Verona. agive-information
locationhotel (hotel-namehilton,
The hotel in Verona is the Hilton Hotel.
(hotel-namehilton, locationverona)
22Complex Arguments
- multiple values room-type(double, non-smoking)
- a non-smoking double
- coordination room-type(single double)
- a single and a double
- quantity room-type(double, quantity2)
- two double rooms
- price price(currencydollar, quantity50,
per-unitnight) - fifty dollars per night
- time time(md5, tuesday, july, 1998, 1600,
afternoon) - Tuesday July 5, 1998 at 400 in the afternoon.
23Complex Arguments(continued)
- time-interval time(start-time(md5, july),
end-timemd10) - from July 5th to 10th
- duration duration(time-unitday, quantity9)
- for nine days
- frequency
- frequency(time-unithour, quantity2)
- every two hours
- frequency(time-unithour, quantity2)
- two times per hour
- price price(currencydollar, quantity50,
per-unitnight) - fifty dollars per night
- lists of characters spellingm, i, l, l, e, r
- m i l l e r
24The Interchange Format Database
d.u.sdu olang X lang Y Prv Z
sdu-in-language-Y on one line d.u.sdu olang X
lang E Prv Z sdu-in-English on one
line d.u.sdu IF Prv Z
dialogue-act-on-one-line d.u.asdu comments
your comments d.u.asdu comments go here
61.2.3 olang I lang I Prv IRST telefono per
prenotare delle stanze per quattro
colleghi 61.2.3 olang I lang E Prv IRST Im
calling to book some rooms for four
colleagues 61.2.3 IF Prv
IRST crequest-actionreservationfeaturesroom
(for-whom (associate,
quantity4)) 61.2.3 comments dial-oo5-spkB-roca0
25The Interchange Format Database
English Dialogues English Sentences Korean
Dialogues Korean Sentences Italian
Dialogues Italian Sentences Japanese
Dialogues Japanese Utterances Distinct Dialogue
36 2466 70 1142 5 233 124 5887 554 (310 agent,
244 client)
26Unresolved Problems
- Instructions
- Delete sample document icon and replace with
working document icons as follows - Create document in Word.
- Return to PowerPoint.
- From Insert Menu, select Object
- Click Create from File
- Locate File name in File box
- Make sure Display as Icon is checked.
- Click OK
- Select icon
- From Slide Show Menu, Select Action Settings.
- Click Object Action and select Edit
- Click OK
Comparative Constructions
Scope (negation and modifiers)
Relative Clauses
Descriptive Sentences
27Expressivity vs Simplicity
- If it is not expressive enough, components of
meaning will be lost. - If it is not simple enough, it cant be used
reliably across sites.
- The database includes about 550 distinct dialogue
acts. - About 60 dialogue acts cover about 70 of the
data. - About 5 of unseen data wasnt covered (as
judged by human experts)
29Consistency of use across sites
- Successful international demo.
- After testing English-Italian and English-Korean,
Italian-Korean worked without extra effort. - Inter-coder agreement 70-85.
- Cross-site evaluation same as intra-site
evaluation 60 spoken 75 transcribed.