Title: Probabilistic Plan Recognition from LowLevel Sensors
1Probabilistic Plan Recognition from Low-Level
- Qiang Yang, Hong Kong University of Science and
Technology - http//www.cs.ust.hk/qyang
- Joint Work with Jie Yin, Xiaoyong Chai and Dou
2Forbes Magazine 2003 Article ltltDigitally
Monitoring Momgtgt
- Eric Dishman is making a cup of tea-and his
kitchen knows it - (at Proactive Health Research lab in Hillsboro,
OR) - tiny sensors monitor the researcher's every move.
- Radio frequency identification tags and magnetic
sensors discreetly affixed to - mugs, a tea jar, and a kettle,
- plus switches that tell when cabinet doors are
open or closed, - track each tea-making step.
- A nearby computer makes sense of these signals
- if Dishman pauses for too long, video clips on a
television prompt him with what to do next. - Service
- High-tech systems to monitor and assist the
(courtesy CMU)
3Context-Aware Computing A Solution
- A central theme in context-aware computing is to
build predictive models of human behavior - Where is the user? (location estimation)
- What is she doing now? (motion-pattern
recognition) - What is his ultimate goal? (goal/plan recognition)
- Applications
- Healthcare Assisted Cognition (Washington),
Legacy Health (Oregon), - Mobile commerce Wireless information services
- Tracking in sensor networks
- Logistics
- Etc.
4Application Domain A Wireless LAN
Time t (-80 -78 -62 -37)
Time t1 (-81 -77 -64 -41)
5Radio-Frequency Based Systems
- Mobile devices receive signals propagated from
base stations - Location estimation based on signal strength
Base Station 3
Base Station 1
Time t ( 69
75 )
Time t1 ( 67
73 )
Base Station 2
6Probabilistic Goal Recognition Architecture
Prob 2
Prob 4
Intermediate states
Prob 3
Prob 1
7Static Radio Maps for Sensor Model Calibration
- Location-based sensor model relies on a static
radio map to perform online localization - a radio map is learned to estimate locations
- Inaccurate location estimation
- The signal-strength samples collected in the
online phase may significantly deviate from those
stored in the radio map.
8Problem 1 How to reduce the uncertainty in data
- Problem signal data collected at one time period
may significantly deviate from those collected at
another time period - Previous works
- Triangulation based no need to calibrate, but
inaccurate Radar 00, Ni et al. 03 - Probabilistic based (the ML method) re-collect
data at different time periods, but is labor
intensive! Ladd et al. 02 Youssef et al.
03 - Our solution
- Adaptive temporal radio maps
In Proceedings of the IEEE PERCOM 05
9RF-Based Systems
- Offline phase construct a sensor model
Pr(ojli), Pr(li),where li ? L l1 , , ln
, oj ? O o1 , , om . - Online phase apply Bayes rule for estimation
10Our Solution Adaptive Radio Maps
- Key idea adapt the radio map based on reference
points using a regression analysis
11Two-Phase Algorithm (1)
- During the offline phase (time period t0)
- At each location, we learn a predictive function
fij for the jth AP - fij indicates the relationship between
signal-strength values received at reference
points and the value received by the mobile
12Two-Phase Algorithm (2)
- During the online phase (time period t)
- Based on the signal strength received at
reference points, we compute the estimated
signal-strength vector
for each location using fij - The signal strength received by the mobile client
is referred to as - Compute the Euclidean distance Di and output the
location with minimum distance
13Critical Issue
- To learn the predictive function fij between the
signal-strength values received by the mobile
client and the reference points. - Two algorithms via regression analysis
- A multiple-regression based algorithm
- A model-tree based algorithm
14Multiple Regression vs. Model Tree
- Multiple Regression a linear function
- Model Tree a nonlinear approximation function
15Experimental Results
- Comparison of overall accuracy over different
time periods
9 groups of one-hour data the data collected at
12am are used for training and other independent
groups for testing
16Experimental Results
- Comparison of accuracy within 1.5 meters over
different time periods
17Problem 2 motion pattern segmentation to
discover actions
- Problem given a time series of signal vectors,
find semantically meaningful segments - Previous Work
- Human Labeled by hand, but labor intensive,
error-prone Peursum et al. 04 - Dynamic programming pure syntactic to minimize
fitting error but may not relate to semantics
Keogh et al. 01 - Computer Vision LDS-based but unsupervised Li
et al. 02 - Our Method
- Goal-oriented, LDS-based automatic algorithm
In Proceedings of the AAAI 05
18An Illustration Example
- The observation sequence is partitioned into 5
segments and each represents a motion pattern
19From Signal Sequences to Actions
20Motion Pattern-based Sensor Model
- Defined as a linear dynamic system (LDS)
- Where is the hidden variable, and is the
observed signal at time t. - and are Independent Gaussian noise with
covariance matrices Q and R. - and are state transition matrix and
observation matrix - The parameters of an LDS is
21Motion Pattern-based Sensor Model
- For a specific goal, assume the transition
probability among motion patterns satisfies a
first-order Markov process - The set of motion patterns and transition
probability can be further used for high-level
goal recognition
22Probabilistic Segmentation Model
- We partition an observation sequence Y into Ns
segments - Segment labels and
segmentation points
23Goal-based Segmentation Algorithm (1)
- Given a sequence Y, the model parameters can be
learned using a ML method - By introducing S and H and applying the
first-order Markov property
24Goal-based Segmentation Algorithm (2)
- Since S and H are hidden, an EM algorithm is used
to solve the ML problem - E-Step dynamic programming is used to find the
optimal S and H given the current model
parameters - M-Step Model parameters are updated by fitting
an LDS model to each segment. The transition
matrix is updated by counting the labels of
25Problem 3 How to recognize a users goals?
- Problem how to ensure that goal recognition
framework is robust? - Previous Work
- HMM and DBN based restricted to high-level
inferences Albrecht et al. 98 Han Veloso 00 - Sensor-based DBN monolithic architecture but
inflexible - Nguyen et al.03 Bui 03 Liao et al.04
- Our Method
- A two-level recognition architecture
In Proceedings of the AAAI 04
26A Two-level Recognition Model
- Sensor-to-action level a DBN model
- Action-to-goal level an N-gram model
27N-gram Model
- Given an estimated action sequence, infer the
most likely goal - By applying the Bayes Rule,
- The compact form of action sequence
28N-gram Model
- Bigram model when n 2
- Assuming the transitions between actions are
independent of action durations
29Experimental Results
- Comparison of average recognition accuracy vs.
sampling interval (8 goals)
30Problem 4 How to recognize multiple goals?
- Objective
- Infer what he is doing
- recognize his ultimate goal
actions are notdirectly observable
more than one goalis achieved
In Proceedings of the AAAI 05
31Sensor-Based Multiple-Goal Recognition
- Recognition based on sensory readings
- Multiple-goal in a single action sequence
32Plan Recognition and Goal Recognition
- Two categories of approaches
- Consistency approaches
- Formal theory of plan recognition Kau87
- Scalable and adaptive goal recognition Les98
- Probabilistic approaches
- Hidden Markov models
- Bayesian Net and dynamic BN
- Limitations
33Framework of Sensor-Based Multiple-Goal
Two-level multiple-goal recognition framework
34State Diagram
- (1) Instantiate (2) Evolve (3) Suspend (4)
35Model Instantiation
- Goal models are instantiated when the model set M
is empty or all special-goal models are in state
Sp - A default-goal model M0 is instantiated if at
least one special-goal model is created at time t - Acc( M0 ) At and M0 is added into M
- Lt( M0 ) ?0Q0(At)
- A goal model Mk is instantiated if ?kQk(At)
??0Q0(At) - Acc( Mk ) At and Mk is added into M
- Lt( Mk ) ?kQk(At)
36Environment Setting
- The environment is modeled as a space of 99
locations, each representing a 1.5-meter grid
cell. - Sensor readings contain signal strength
measurements from 8 base stations. - Sensor model construction 100 signal samples at
each location. - 11 actions and 8 special goals are modeled.
99 locations 11 actions 8 goals
37Robot Strategy-Behavior Recognition Han99
- A Behavior Hidden Markov Model (BHMM) is defined
as - N s1 , s2 , s3 , s4 the state space
- M o1 , o2 , o3 the observation space
- A aij Pr ( St1sj Stsi ) the state
transition matrix - B bi(ok) Pr ( ok St si ) the
observation probabilities - ? ?i Pr ( S1 si ) the initial state
lt N, M, A, B, ? gt
o2, o3
Observations of Go-To-Ball
Behavior HMM
38Experiment Setting
- eight goals, 850 single-goal traces
- Multiple-goal traces are synthesized
- Segments of single-goal traces are pieced
together to generate connective traces
containing multiple goals.
39Comparison Targets Evaluation Criteria
- Three algorithms
- MG-Recognizer Cha05
- SG-Recognizer Yin04
- BHMM-Recognizer Han99
- Three criteria
- Recognition accuracy
- Inference efficiency
- Measured in terms of the number of models
instantiated - Scalability
- w.r.t. the number of goals modeled
- w.r.t. the number of goals contained in a single
40An Example
- Two goals are achieved in a single trace G1
Print-in-Room2 and G2 Exit-through-Entran
41Recognition Accuracy
42Accuracy and Efficiency
- Recognition accuracy
- Inference Efficiency
43Conclusions and Future Work
- We considered four linked open problems in plan
recognition - Adaptive sensor model to reduce calibration
- Motion pattern segmentation to discover actions
- Multiple Goal recognition from signals
- Future Work
- Solve goal clustering problem
- Integrate all four modules
- test algorithms on another, larger scale sensor
data set