Simplicity: Streetscape Brief - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Simplicity: Streetscape Brief


Go on holiday and pay when you come back if you really liked it. Image source: ... Gift giving can become complicated, especially if you want to give 'experience' ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Simplicity: Streetscape Brief

SimplicityStreetscape Brief
  • June 2009 - Barcelona
  • Doris Obermair / Victor Pablo

Simplicity - 1, Spain iahorro (ahorro savings) is
the first independent online site that provides a
really simple tool to compare more than 70
different banks and financial institutions
operating in Spain. The user can easily get an
overview over the different conditions and prices
charged for the most current products and
services, like current or saving accounts,
deposits or pension funds. On the one hand it
provides a simple tool to the users but it also
provides a service to bank that often have
difficulties to explain their products in a way
that makes the information comparable to the
Any relevant translations Compare and choose
between more than 70 banks and pension funds
Image source http//
Banco Santander, Spain Service hablafácil
e-plus Latin American immigrants are becoming
a key target group for many Spanish banks,
especially Santander. hablafácil, or speak
easy is an extra service provided to Latin
American clients who look for affordable mobile
communication service to talk with their families
at home. International calls from mobile phones
are still expensive, especially to non-EU
countries so we found that service (in
cooperation with E-plus) a good example for
offering a simple extra service to customers
there is no minimum consumption, if you talk to
another hablafácil client you have 10 free
minutes per month. We think it fits into
simplicity because it makes non-national
communication mobile phone easier and cheaper for
a target group that often has no PC or internet
at their respective homes, to use skype or other
free voice over IP applications.
Any relevant translations speakeasy - Talk a
lot and pay less. Speak with your people from
your mobile at the best price, only if you are
client at Santander
Image source http//
Caixa Catalunya, Spain If you are under 35
(thats what we refer as young to in Spain),
and an income level you have a good chance to
have a really hard time getting a mortgage these
days. In order to address these special target
group, Caixa Catalunya (a regional savings bank)
has develop an easy-to-apply method to take part
in a sort of rent-a-flat drawing that allocates
you a flat to rent below the current market
price. There are 5 simple steps to take 1)
register online, 2) come to a Caixa Catalunya
office to get our access code, 3) fill in our
profile and select a flat, 4) wait for the
drawing, 5) sign and get the keys if you are one
of the lucky ones. Its a clever tactic to
approach a target that is not easily eligible for
a mortgage and if they dont win you can still
try and sell them other services. But we think it
fits into the simplicity trend because it tries
to solve a tricky issue in 5 simple steps. with
some luck involved, of course.
Any relevant translations Innovative ideas for
new realities I am searching a rent that
matches with my income Social rent by Caixa
Catalunya for the youth. We adapt to you
Image source http//
CAN (Caja Navarra - Civic Banking), Spain
Caja Navarra, a Spanish savings bank says that
there is an easy way to get a more favourable
credit conditions. Just bring a somebody who
guarantees for your loan. Its almost like P2P
banking bring a friend, family member or anybody
you know who wants to open a savings deposit and
make them guarantee the loan you need to get
that new car, computer or whatever. Their deposit
makes that you will get a at a lower interest
rate. Instead of 9 you can get a 6 interest
rate for example. If you have nobody that might
guarantee your loan or credit you can look for
private creditors online, just let them know
how much money you need and what for. For some it
might simplify getting a loan in times when banks
are actually reluctant to lending.
Any relevant translations If you need a credit
come with a friend to CAM
Image source http//
ATRAPALO.COM, Spain We have already reported
about the pay-as much-as-you-want deal by the
Spanish travel portal Atrapalo. We find that it
makes decision making in economically difficult
time much easier. It give you the last push you
need to go on a holiday - the deal is only
applicable to certain packages and offers during
the month of July - even if you are not sure if
you can actually afford it in the first place.
everybody deserves a couple of days off to
forget about the daily troubles, says the text
on their web page, and we think thats a great
and simple proposition a brand can make to its
clients. Go on holiday and pay when you come back
if you really liked it.
Any relevant translations /
Entretainment at the best price. Take vacations
and pay what you like
Image source http//
Movistar, Spain -Firma Móvil Movistar has
launched a new and convenient mobile service that
allow you to sign official documents via mobile
phone, called firma móvil, including
e-government online procedures. Another
convenient service that makes life easier and
create a positive user experience with brands
through the mobile phone. Other brands or public
administration can associate this service in
order to simplify to their costumer / client
attention or communication involving signatures.
Any relevant translations She is signing. No
paper involved. Mobile and secure.
Image source http//
LA CAIXA, Barcelona, Spain CaixaMovil La Caixa,
Spains biggest saving bank has launched new
services available on mobile and smart phones. As
the use of iPhones and Blackberries advances,
banks must provide new and state-of-the-art
banking applications (SMS and Internet-based)
that run on these platforms, like open line,
my finances, the open stock market, online
tickets or an application to find the next
office or ATM. La Caixa is probably the most
advanced in terms of online mobile services and
therefore we find it a great example of how to
simplify clients lifes on the move.
Image source http//
Gas Natural, Spain Gas Natural, one of the big
utility (energy) providers in Spain has launched
an online space dedicated to help their clients
to read and understand the companys sometimes
really confusing invoices. On their web Gas
Natural explains the different items on the
invoice and how they calculate the consumption.
Any relevant translations Making your invoice
easy to understand
Image source http//
LA CAIXA, Barcelona, Spain VISA FLASH Visa Flash
is a product that makes it easier for parents to
give access to their accounts on the one hand and
control spending of their children on the other
hand. The product is targeted to parents with
teenager kids between 14 and 18 years. The text
says, that Visa Flash give you and your kids
control, convenience, security and a wide range
of services. We find it a great example for a
product that makes family bank management so much
Any relevant translations The first credit card
for your kids
Image source http//
SPANAIR, Barcelona, Spain Welcome the new
terminal 1 (T1) at BCN airport Spainair, the
Barcelona-based international airline has
launched a comprehensive on- and offline
communication campaign to explain its customers
how to access easily to the newly launched
terminal 1 at Barcelona airport. Other new
terminal openings, like the relatively new
Terminal 4 at Madrid airport did not go as
smoothly as the airlines and authorities had
wished and people complained about chaotic
conditions and bad general communication during
the first week after the opening of T4. In order
to avoid bad critics and help travellers to find
their way to the new T1 at Barcelona, Spainair
did a good job making all the relevant
information available on time. We find it a great
example of proactive brand-consumer communication
aimed to make airplane travelling a bit smoother
and more comfortable.
Image source http//
Any relevant translations New Terminal / How to
Simplicity, Spain Gift giving can become
complicated, especially if you want to give
experience - has developed a
series of profiles that make gift giving easier.
For those who are stressed out, the travel and
entertainment portal, offers relaxing gift
cards, for the intellectual friend, you will
find a series of cultural propositions and for
perfectionists there is a list of online course
you can choose from. We find those kind of
applications, that match profiles, preferences
and necessities a great tool to easily find you
way through different services and products.
Any relevant translations How is the person you
want to give a gift?
Image source
LA CAIXA, Barcelona, Spain ecoCaixa La Caixa
has developed a new line of services targeted to
eco-sensitive clients called ecoCaixa. That
includes services aimed to reduce your eco
footprint or impact, like correspondence por
email and mobile phones in order to reduce the
use of paper to a minimum. On the other hand you
can donate your puntos estrella (Caixas
fidelity program, like a bonus points every time
you use your debit / credit card) to a
environment protection program or project). We
find it an innovative example making it easier
for clients to make greener choices by using
financial services, although its just a start.
Image source http//
Bubok ( Movistar
( Juan Jose Millas (http//www.clu
foros/index.php) A collaboration between Spains
biggest mobile communication provider Movistar,
Bubok, an online book publishing site and the
writer Juan Jose Millas, make it possible to read
read short stories on the mobile phone. You can
subscribe via MMS, the first 4 captures (no more
than 40 lines) are for free, every other message
costs 50 cents. We find it a great, innovative
and simple way to promote literature on mobile
phones and communication technologies in
literature. Every Friday you can get a new
chapter of Juan José Millás stories.
Image source http//
iBICING - Bicing goes mobile bicing,
Barcelonas popular public bike rental system has
come out with a great new application that will
simplify its use considerably. You can now check
the availability of bikes on the different take
out points around town by simply sending a text
message. There is also a special application for
iPhones which you can download that gives you the
same type of information. We find it a great
example of urban computing applications, designed
to improve mobility (public and private means of
transport, or a combination of both).
Image source http//
DANONE - Activia - On package information
Danone Spain says that is has improved label
design in order to make it easier for shoppers to
identify the functional information about their
products, which as a consequence will help them
to lead healthier lives. The new labels will
help you to choose better, says the text. We
find that the campaign called useful labelling
(etiquetado útil) is quite a good example of how
to simplify decision making by improving the
visualising of any relevant consumer information.

Image source http//
BANKINTER - Simplify your financial planning
Choosing between several financial products
offered by different institutions can be a
problem, especially if you lack of specialist
knowledge, time or comparable information.
Bankinter currently runs a campaign based on the
promise of we need half an our of your attention
to change the course of your life. We have
included the example of pension and retirement
products on the web you can find, what they call
a Financial Planning Simulator that allows you
to quickly assess your current and future
financial situation in terms of financial
retirement strategies. On the one hand we think
that the campaign slogan half an our of our time
to change your financial outlook sends out a
we simplify your life message and on the other
hand, online tools like simulators can make it
easier for clients to understand complex issues
like fiancial planning.
Image source
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