The Size - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Size


1. The Size & Performance Holy Grail. UNCOVERED & DECIPHERED! 2 ... as your final meal of the previous day and consume only the pre-workout snack ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Size

The Size Performance Holy Grail

Clues Were Separated, Discovered Strung Together
  • Mechanisms of muscle protein synthesis (MPS)
    within our control
  • Energy substrate saturation
  • Volumizing
  • Nutrient timing and composition
  • Hormonal manipulation by diet
  • Amino acid signaling
  • Unaccustomed exercise
  • Training focus capacity
  • Vasodilation blood flow in out of muscles
  • Strength size reciprocation
  • New key takeaway
  • All are potentially unique, synergistic
    additive contributors to MPS

Nutrient Timing CompositionGreatest outcome is
predicated on arrangement formulas
  • Hitting MPS from all angles
  • Ingesting known effectors of each mechanism at
    ideal times around food unaccustomed exercise
  • Diet management of hormones (primarily insulin)
  • Delicate balance in maximizing the anabolic
    starter hormone and blunting cortisol
  • Design diet to amplify all effectors and allow
    their contribution to be (1) unique, (2)
    additive, (3) synergistic
  • Pre/post quick digestion food strategy that
    leverages metabolic windows
  • Proper normal meal patterning
  • New key takeaway
  • Gradual activation of all may overwhelm the
    bodys natural tendency to plateau because the
    opportunity for anabolism is always there when
    unaccustomed exercise is the stimulus

Basic Food Plan Basic to Maximize Hormonal
  • Pre post-training/event snacks
  • Your pre-training snack should be consumed 10-40
    minutes before activity post snack immediately
    after WO/ or 30min post AAX. The pre/post snack
    is usually in liquid form but you may substitute
    based on preference, venue and/or convenience,
    any of the appropriate Apex foods. All Apex bars
    and shakes meet the necessary quick digestion
    criteria. (CHO higher than P with low fat)
  • Large pre post training/event meals
  • Pre-event meal to be eaten approximately 2-3
    hours before your major activity post 2HRS
    post training based on post supplement ingestion
  • Early morning training
  • If you train soon after rising and have no time
    for complete digestion of a large meal, make sure
    you consume a large pre-training type meal as
    your final meal of the previous day and consume
    only the pre-workout snack with designated
    supplements before your workout
  • New key takeaway
  • Normal feedings patterns ( 3-6 normal meals)
    containing the same foods and supplements will
    not deliver the same result (i.e. there is no
    catch up for what takes place in the post
    training metabolic window)

23 experienced recreational bodybuilders
resistance training for 10 weeks all things
equal except timing Greater gains in all areas
(fiber size, LBM, body mass, strength, reduction
in fat mass) Cribb et al Nov 2006
Changes in lbs from beginning to end
Changes in lbs from beginning to end
Each pre post meal (CHO, P low fat)
contained 5.5gms creatine
Changes in CSA (micrometers2) from beginning to
Anabolic Amino Xtreme PositioningNew and unique
prolonged signal tissue components diet
induced hormone sensitive
  • As a stand-alone (unique continuous MPS
  • Hard training athletes not wanting quick weight
    gain but need rapid muscle tissue recovery
  • e.g. all track, basketball, most baseball,
    wrestlers, boxers, runners, cyclists, etc. based
    on frequent events/training sessions
  • All older exercisers/athletes
  • When aging and peaked performance resist
  • Physique competitors especially during prolonged
    negative energy balance (dieting)
  • Older adults to help stave-off sarcopenia
    (age-related muscle loss)
  • Doctor approval
  • New key takeaway
  • Timed presence in the extra-cellular space of a
    newly discovered AA composition may continue to
    deliver a MPS signal when all else has expired
  • An essential component in a unique stacking
    sequence for experienced adult strength,
    performance and size exercisers/athletes

NO Xtreme Positioning Energy substrate
saturation volumizing focus work capacity
vasodilation early strength size reciprocation
  • As a stand-alone (cell volume, strength focus)
  • Serious strength, performance size
    exercisers/athletes not concerned with rapid
    increasing muscle weight
  • e.g. functional power athletes (e.g. Track
    Field), bodybuilders, power lifters, serious
    recreational exercisers, etc.
  • Anyone using NO booster-type products seeking
    greater results
  • Proprietary glycerol powder
  • Functional doses of known cognitive and cell
    volume enhancers
  • 2-scoops 6gms creatine analogs 300mgs
  • New key takeaway
  • May enhance all signals through vasodilation and
    mental stimulation
  • An essential component in a unique stacking
    sequence for experienced adult strength,
    performance and size exercisers/athletes

STACKED! Controlling Maximizing MPS Creating
the Green-house Effect
  • The formula in a nutshell unaccustomed training
    always sets muscle remodeling in motion, and
    since we now know that many MPS mechanisms are
    unique and can be additive, one would-- through
    strategic diet augmentation and
    modulations--gradually maximize each individual
    mechanism of protein synthesis. This includes
    the strategically timed delivery of the newly
    discovered pattern of AAs into the
    training-induced anabolic windows in order to
    continue progress
  • At the very least, you will give your body the
    nutritional capacity needed to reach new heights.
    In keeping the muscle building machinery turned
    on, youre maximizing the stimulus for each
    unique mechanisms contributions to MPS. And if
    proper training and attitude are in place during
    this protocol, you may accelerate and continue
    training-induced results until who knows when?
    Now you know how the watch works and what time it
    is--go for gold!

Final Add Apex Volumizer
  • Goal simply a later addition of more creatine
    and known volumizers
  • Total energy substrate saturation
  • Maximize cell volume MPS signaling
  • Later addition allows a better mental and
    structural adaptation to the rapid gains

The Seasonal Anabolic Stacking Procedure MPS
mechanisms have been shown to interact and be
additive therefore the athletes goal is to
safely maximize each MPS mechanisms contribution
to adding muscle or enhancing performance in
order to accelerate and continue training-induced
results (see handout for detailed instructions)
NO XtremeGoal, Rationale Benefits
  • The Goal of this unique product is to provide
    specific substrates that have the ability to
    increase blood and necessary nutrient flow to
    muscles in order to maximize the training
    response. This leads to greater gains in
    strength, size and/or performance
  • Rationale the base proprietary blend contains
    compounds that work synergistically to increase
    blood flow (vasodilation). The greater blood flow
    to skeletal muscle would theoretically increase
    the delivery of oxygen, energy and rebuilding
    nutrients, while hastening the removal of waste
    products. This would lead to a potential strength
    improvement, less muscle breakdown, and greater
    net protein synthesis, especially if combined
    with an appropriate dose and timed delivery of
    specific amino acids (Anabolic Amino Xtreme).
    Synergistic ingredients are known muscle and
    energy enhancers (e.g. creatine and caffeine)
  • Benefit summary may provide
  • Vasodilation (increased blood flow - the pump)
  • Rapid movement of nutrients in and waste products
    out of muscles
  • Muscle force production
  • Better, stronger workouts
  • Recovery
  • Anti-catabolic (decreasing stresses from
  • Enhances nitric oxide (NO) production and the
    muscle pump
  • Enhances nutrient delivery to muscle
  • Enhances lactic acid removal from muscle
  • Improves workout focus and training capacity

Anabolic Amino Xtreme Goal, Rationale Benefits
  • Goal Supply the proper amino acid combination
    that has been shown to increase exercise-induced
    protein synthesis (when compared to normal
    feeding alone or other AA combinations). Then
    deliver it at ideal times in order to maximize
    intense training-induced specific windows of
    opportunities for anabolism throughout the day.
    Proper ingestion would maximize the unique muscle
    protein synthesis mechanism thats activated
    through the feeding of specialized amino acids
    (AA). This would potentially lead to greater
    strength and size gains, especially when
    exercise-induced results have stabilized (i.e.
    reached the training plateau).
  • Rationale it has been well demonstrated that a
    specific pattern of specialized AA feeding
    stimulates protein synthesis independently of all
    other mechanisms.
  • Benefit summary may provide
  • Continual Recovery Signaling
  • Highly anabolic signaling proteins synthesis by
    being present in the blood stream at ideal times
    and in proper proportions
  • Components incorporated into muscle proteins
  • Greater increases in muscle protein synthesis
  • Greater increases in lean mass
  • Greater increases in strength
  • Accelerates changes in body composition
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