Title: To create Traveler Account in SWABIZ:
1- To create Traveler Account in SWABIZ
- Logon to www.swabiz.com. Click on Traveler
2Enter CSUSMs SWABIZ ID 99026336, your personal
Rapid Rewards (required) and your Rapid Rewards
Password. Forgot your password? Click on
Forgot your password? link. Dont have a Rapid
Rewards number? Click on Create an Account and
Enroll in Rapid Rewards link.
3Enter CSUSMs SWABIZ Company ID 99026336.
4Choose home or business address for mailing
5Enter your email address and create a Rapid
Rewards password
6(No Transcript)
7Skip the Internal Reference Number and click on
Next Step button at bottom of page.
8Print your Rapid Rewards Enrollment card and
save this number for your records. Click on
Add Travel Preferences.
9Skip the Credit Card pages and click on Next
Step button at bottom of page.
10Skip the Rental Car and Hotel section and click
Next Step on bottom of page.
11Enter your home airport and create frequent trips.
12Once your Traveler Account has been set up, you
can make reservations for yourself or your
department if you are an approved proxy.