Data Flow in UML - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Data Flow in UML


Moore's law addresses computations, not complexity ... specialized data parallel compiler IDEs) software to efficient embedded platforms ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Data Flow in UML

Data Flow in UML
SAGE (12 prod units)
UML (50 prod units)
PGM (20 prod
CORBA (17 prod units)
SCE (40 pr
  • Dr. Jeffrey E. Smith
  • Mercury Computer Systems, Inc.

  • Model based parallel programming alternatives
  • Focus on framework/UML Conceptualization
  • Data Parallel CORBA
  • Data Flow in UML Superstructure

Motivation From Portable HP SW for SIP - Whats
Next, Lincoln Labs
  • Moores law addresses computations, not
  • In their roadmap for advancing RT Embedded
    Software Development, they identified model-based
    development and automated mapping support as the
    key long-term technologies
  • Blue Jean datapoint

(No Transcript)
Methods to Conceptualize/Apply High Performance
Data Flow Applications
  • UML doesnt include consistent model of data flow
    yet not really
  • Translate UML diagrams to any source - might be
    an avenue of tool support worth exploring

Goals Component Reuse, Software Productivity,
Leverage Existing Investments Wider Programming
Requirements and Design
Model Behavior
Constructor (Programmer 1)
Parallel/DSP Prototypers
. . .
V/P Compilers
Executable Prototype
POSIX-Compliant API
Optimizer (Programmer 2)
POSIX-Compliant kernel
Executable Deliverable
Dynamic Compilation Can Provide a Solution
High-Level Algorithms
Collect runtime execution behavior
Work with OMG
UML with Data Flow
  • Memory usage
  • instruction and data caches
  • translation look-aside buffers
  • Control flow
  • branch probabilities
  • program traces
  • Call graphs
  • gprof statistics
  • Data dependencies
  • data-dependent control flow
  • Variable values
  • value locality
  • interprocedural dataflow
  • Hardware counters
  • pipeline stalls

Common CASE Data-Flow Machine Development
1-7 Transforms
Non-Optimized Low-Level Algorithms
Profile-Guided Optimizations
Optimized Low-Level Algorithms
Next Steps
  • Application to IR formation, fusion, template
  • Collect software productivity metrics on above
    and MITRE benchmarks
  • Experiment with optimization of UML transformed
    (through data parallel CORBA or specialized data
    parallel compiler IDEs) software to efficient
    embedded platforms
  • Work with OMG in introducing data flow, in a way
    that supports streaming high-performance,
    data-flow distributed computers
  • Examine possibility of embedding dynamic profile
    optimization into runtime system
  • Work with CASE and IDE vendor to integrate
    model-based development of efficient streaming
    high-performance, data-flow distributed computer

Trick is to
1) Discover common patterns (SCE, PAS, Par.
CORBA, ) 2) Feed this forward into standard OMG
specs 3) Simplify our own software
Action Semantics DataFlow
PAS Channel
CORBA Sequence
Data-Parallel CORBA Sequence
Data Structures
Runtime Associations
Control Flow
  • Each step is taken when the previous one finishes
  • regardless of whether inputs are available,
    accurate or complete (pull)
  • Emphasis is on order in which steps are taken

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Object/Data Flow
  • Each step is taken when all the required input
    objects/data are available
  • and only when all the inputs are available
  • Emphasis is on objects flowing between steps

UML 2.0 Superstructure RFP Excerpt
Further, the way that objects and other data flow
between parts of a system is crucial to
understanding its architecture. The UML
currently supports object/data flow only at the
lowest level of granularity not even, between
the steps in an activity graph as well as
other locations, in a contradictory way. It is
important for architects to be able to model
object and data flows between entities at a
higher level of granularity, such as classifiers
and packages as well as many other requirements
coming up.
signifies my comments
Why bring back data flow explicitly into UML?
  • With parallel computation increasingly used to
    increase computation speeds, there is interest in
    linking streaming data flow machines with a
    matching modeling paradigm
  • To bring back data flow standard developers
    have been building unique custom DFDs out of
    standard UML structure (patterns) - some CASE
    vendors added data flow at model meta-model
  • To link/integrate existing DFD toolsets with UML
    toolsets existing simulators e.g. Ptolemy
  • Functional modeling (only third left out of OMT)
    fits OO and non-OO modeling paradigm and can be
    united with other UML models SD, DSH
  • Currently addressed in piecemeal in UML (shown
    later), none of which conform to pre-existing
    modelers view (OMT view) of data flow

Why bring back data flow explicitly into UML
  • Object model defines system components, dynamic
    model (state machines) define system control but
    functional model (data flow) defines what
    computations occur in a system functional
    dependencies between processes
  • Need expressed in software process/workflow,
    defense, medical, wireless and digital video
  • Example When response to Action Semantics RFP
    was presented in OMG Plenary, diagrams were not
    done in UML (were in data flow) - reason given
    was it would take too much space in UML

Why bring back data flow explicitly into UML
(continued) ?
  • Different (yet related) underlying semantics than
    State Machines
  • "is-used-to-produce" relation
  • Can have consistent parent/child (state/substate)
    diagram from state machine point of view that
    violates data consistency model TK
  • Unique inheritance (decomposition) requirement
  • Example definition Let P be a process and D a
    composition of P. D is consistent with P iff the
    I/O relationships that are 1) specified for P
    must also hold for D and 2) not specified to hold
    for P must not hold for D TK
  • Relation to state machines A trigger (t) of a
    control process "is-used-to-produce" a response
    (r) of the same process iff there is a transition
    in the STD that is triggered by t and responds
    with r TK.
  • It is conceptually simpler for some applications
    simply a digraph together with a binary
    precedence relation.
  • It is impossible to represent continuous flow,
    especially with feedback, in a State Machine
    because of the theoretically infinite amount of
    states to represent. This is a natural modeling
    view with data transforms.
  • STDs are sequential within one machine, DFDs are

Interaction Diagrams (Sequence, Collaboration)
  • Different (yet related) underlying semantics than
    Interaction Diagrams
  • Interaction diagrams are for interaction among
  • Cannot represent interaction at a lower level
    (among methods of different classes)
  • Cannot represent interaction among systems

Why aspects of data flow are not yet supported?
  • Ambiguous order of input to processes
  • Considered difficult to unite the semantics of
    data flow models with other OO models (other
    research has proved this false)
  • Some DFDs allowed for control flow and control
    flow is duplicated in many of the dynamic models
  • Could be non-deterministic, since not all
    processes or data flows are necessarily used to
    produce the high level process outputs
  • No way to represent sequencing, iteration and
  • Considered to be included but inconsistently and

Where UML experts think data flow either exists
or would fit?
  • UML Profile for Enterprise Distributed Object
  • Activity Diagrams
  • Collaboration Diagrams
  • Action Semantics (Data flow is model element that
    acts as temporary data store between in and out
  • Data-parallel CORBA
  • Using new (data flow) patterns of existing UML
  • A UML ActivityGraph Profile for EDOC Task Model
  • Object interaction diagram (I assume this option
    is merely seconding the Collaboration Diagrams

Initial Requirements Collection
  • Establish criterion for (automatable) checking of
    (internal/external) completeness
    ooted) TK, consistency Kung, decomposition
    (inheritance), boundedness Park, determinancy
    Park, KM and termination Park, KM.
  • Elementary processes modeled, like Petri nets
    Petri, with pre and post conditions describing
    the behavior of processes.
  • Provide ability to express data dimensions and
    other data properties (in Class Diagram) and
    explicit linkage to these from Data Flow Diagram.
  • Map to rest of UML - Consistent with State
    Diagrams (events trigger "is-used-to-produce"
    relation), Action Semantics, EDOC EDOC,
    Collaborations, Activity, Class Diagrams
    (generalization and process functional
    dependencies to associations) Kung, Use Case
    Diagrams (actors) Park, RT UML (ports map to
    I/O specs) and Deployment Diagrams (see next 2
  • Provide ability to express parallelization along
    data dimensions and mapping to hardware resources
    in Deployment Diagram. Must express data
    distribution types (sequential or parallel) and
    sub types (round robin, random even, random
    statistical, first available, etc.)
  • Allow ability to specify that arrows in DFD are
    associated with (virtual) channels (see Virtual
    Interface Specification) in Deployment Diagram.

Initial Requirements Collection (cont)
  • Non-side affecting operations, or previously
    defined actions, are decomposed using functional
    models and these are generally used at the
    aggregate level SD.
  • Aggregate objects are passed as an input
    parameter and returned as an output parameter,
    allowing a process to access any object (data
    stores, object classes, or associations) with the
    parameter SD.
  • Place all control flow info in a state machine
    (to solve 4.4 and 4.5) SD.
  • Provide for data store I/O not included in action
  • Must be able to model partial objects (multiple
    partial partitions of data) described in Data
    Parallel CORBA Spec.
  • Provide method to express process synchronization
    as something external to processes (as opposed to
    state machines where this would be defined in a
    state) without knowledge of composition context.

Constraints to unify behavior, class
functional models
Initial Requirements Collection (cont)for
Modeling Streaming Data
  • Provide a uni-directional data streaming
    interface with data flow.
  • Model structured (number of dimensions, extent in
    each dimension, packing order element type) and
    unstructured global data (number of data sets,
    size of data) DRI.
  • Model object I/O requirements e.g. support for
    structured/non-structured data, dimensions,
    element types and data partitioning specification
    (e.g. indivisible or block type and for each
    dimension, maximum size, minimum number of
    required elements, modulo size, block length,
    left and right overlap specs, etc.) DRI.
  • Model data stream control e.g. push and pull of
    data, QoS based on data control (e.g. rate
    latency constraints), control data stream,
    control tagged data, etc. DRI.

Name 2
Name 1
Data Distribution (sub)Type
Input Specifications
Output Specifications
Name 3
Global Data
Associate I/O specs with port attributes
Need semantics to model data
Existing Data Flow Semantic Models
  • Petri Nets Petri
  • Kung, et al TK, Kung
  • Karp and Miller Computation Graphs KM
  • Kahn Process Networks Kahn
  • Parks Bounded Execution Parks

Completely different connection in action
semantics, EDOC, Activity Diagrams, Different
CASE vendors
  • BS D. Bhatt and J. Shackleton, A Design
    Notation and Toolset for High-Performance
    Embedded Systems Development, Lectures on
    Embedded Systems, LNCS 1494, Springer-Verlag,
    VIII, October 1998.
  • DRI Document for the DARPA Data Reorganization
    Effort,, Feb 2000.
  • EDOC Cooperative Research Centre for Enterprise
    Distributed Systems Technology, UML Profile for
    Enterprise Distributed Object Computing,
  • Kahn G. Kahn, The Semantics of a Simple
    Language for Parallel Programming, Info. Proc.,
    pages 471-475, Stockholm, Aug. 1974.
  • KM R. M. Karp and R. E. Miller, Properties of a
    Model for Parallel Computations Determinacy,
    Termination, Queueing, SIAM Journal of Applied
    Mathematics, Vol. 14, No. 6, November 1966.
  • Kung C. H. Kung, Conceptual Modeling in the
    Context of Software Development, IEEE
    Transactions on Software Engineering",
    15(10)1176-1187, Oct. 1989.
  • Parks T. M. Parks. Bounded Scheduling of
    Process Networks Technical Report UCB/ERL-95-105,
    PhD Dissertation, EECS Department, University of
    California. Berkeley, CA, December 1995.
  • Petri C. A. Petri, Kommunikation mit Automaten,
    PhD dissertation, translation by C. F. Greene,
    Supplement 1 to Technical Report RADC-TR-65-337,
    Vol. 1, Rome Labs, Griffiss Air Force Base, NY,
  • TK Y. Tao and C. Kung Formal Definition and
    Verification of Data Flow Diagrams, J. Systems
    Software, 1629-36, 1991.
  • SD S. DeLoach, Formal Transformations from
    Graphically-Based Object-Oriented Representations
    to Theory-Based Specification, PhD thesis, Air
    Force Institute of Technology, Wright-Patterson
    AFB,OH, June 1996, AFIT/DS/ENG/96-05, AD-A310 608.
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