Title: Applying UML to Simulation Development
1Applying UML toSimulation Development
- Paul Gustavson
- SimVentions
- What is your role?
- Developer?
- Manager?
- User / Sponsor?
- Other?
- What are your project goals?
- Bug-free software?
- Software delivered on-time?
- Maintainable / extensible?
- Fulfills requirements?
- Better team collaboration?
- Under budget?
- People buy it!
- What are the Hurdles?
- Lack of understanding
- Of requirements
- Among team members
- Lack of communication
- Separation
- Low/No collaboration
- Lack of skill set
- Lack of funds
- Lack of time
- Lack of tools
- Changing requirements/demands by the customer
- Ad hoc development
One diagram
- 7 source files
- 940 lines of code
4The UML
- Vastly underutilized
- Reasons why people avoid it
- Something new to learn
- Too much time / effort
- Use of RAD IDEs
- Tools are too expensive
- Dont understand the benefit / payoff
- Dont know how to mold it into their process
5What it takes
- Policy / Process
- Roles
- Roadmap
- Communication
- Tools, templates and techniques.Â
- CapabilityUnderstanding Vision Purpose!
Productivity increases when a team has purpose!
6UML Process
Corrective Actions
- There is no UML process.
- UML cannot be used effectively without
application to a process.
Borlands Application Lifecycle Management
7Applied to the FEDEP
Model Composability
System Composability
Plug Play Systems
Arrival Trigger
Greeting Message
Seating Message
Food Order Request Message
Food Order Response Message
Waiting (reading paper)
Food Served Trigger
Finished Eating Trigger
Check delivered trigger
Payment Message
Customer left Trigger
9UML as
3110 Tom Gullion lttom.gullion_at_borland.comgt
- Martin Fowler suggests UML is commonly used in
three ways - UMLAsSketch
- UMLAsBlueprint
- UMLAsProgrammingLanguage
- see www.martinfowler.com/bliki/
10UML Diagrams
Borland Together Edition for Visual Studio
11UML 2.0 Diagram Taxonomy
- All diagrams refined some updated while others
are new
OMG 2003
12Other Things To Try / Consider
- Dog eared rectangles lt-notes
- Color UML (post-it pastels)
- Stereotypes / Profiles
- Patterns !
- OCL Object Constraint Language
- Use XMI to move between UML tools (1.4)
- Version Control Class Diagrams
- Take advantage of LiveSource (once you reach
Blueprint) - Look at MDA
13Recommended Reading
- Martin Fowler, UML Distilled Applying the
Standard Object Modeling Language (3rd Edition),
Addison-Wesley, 2004. - Joseph Schuller, SAMS Teach Yourself UML in 24
Hours (3rd Edition), SAMS, 2004. - Grady Booch, Ivar Jacobson, James Rumbaugh, The
Unified Modeling Language User Guide,
Addison-Wesley, 1999. - Alistair Cockburn, Writing Effective Use Cases,
Addison-Wesley, 2001. - MY STUFF
- - Understanding and Using Patterns
- - Fitting the UML into your Development Process
- Both will be made available at my blog
14Addendum Slides
153106 Gundars Osvalds Systems of Systems
Architect The Boeing Company
Architecture Framework Relationships
Zachman FW
Architecture Frameworks
Architecture Framework
Bridged ZF
Modeling Methods
Object Oriented
Structured Analysis (Functional)
Object Oriented
e.g., IDEF0
e.g., OMG UML
Chesapeake Chapter INCOSE OOSEM WG
16Types of Design Patterns
- What the system will represent,
- the assumptions limiting those representations,
and - the capabilities needed to satisfy the users
identifies the need to represent structural
elements of our design.
structuraldesign patterns
identifies the creational limitations and
capabilities upon those structural
representations, which are needed for
realistically modeling our system.
creational design patterns
identifies the behavioral capabilities needed of
the conceptual entities being represented within
the problem space.Â
behavioral design patterns
17Structural Patterns
18Examples Adapter Pattern
- matches an existing object beyond your control
to a particular interface. - A system has the right data and behavior but the
wrong interface. The Adapter provides a wrapper
with the desired interface.
- Examples
- DIS to HLA RPR FOM adapters
- DoD HLA 1.3 to IEEE 1516 adapters.
19Examples Bridge Pattern
- designed to separate a classs interface from its
implementation allowing you to vary or replace
the implementation without changing the client
- Example
- SOMs Federates
- SOM identifies intrinsic capabilities of federate
- Federate supports capabilities identified by SOM
- Interface BOM provides the abstraction serving as
the class interface, - Encapsulated BOM provides the implementation.
20Examples Composite Pattern
- used to form a collection of objects.
- Examples
- Mega-BOM is used to represent a composite of IF
- This composite is used to formulate the model
representation for - a federation (akin to a FOM),
- a federate (akin to a SOM), or
- an aggregation of elements or HLA object classes.
21Examples Facade Pattern
- used to wrap a set of complex classes into a
simpler enclosing interface.
- Example
- Dynamic Link Compatibility (DLC) API effort
- Focused on creating a common interface to support
the various RTI implementations that are
currently in existence.
This will allow a federate to plug into
virtually any RTI implementation using the DLC
API calls rather than having to recode to support
various RTI implementations as is often the case
22Examples Flyweight Pattern
- used to help manage large numbers of class
instances (i.e. entities) within a simulation.
- Example
- By identifying the common attributes of the
classes representing the entities within a
simulation, a common class can be defined, - any differences in attributes among the various
classes can be maintained as extrinsic data
passed in as arguments (using mechanisms such as
HLA Interactions).
This approach is currently being investigated to
support instance aggregation within the
simulation community.
23Creational Patterns
24Abstract Factory
- Used to provide an interface for creating
families of related or dependent objects without
specifying their concrete classes
25Behavioral Patterns
26Examples Strategy Pattern
- Used to define a family of algorithms,
encapsulate each one, and make them
interchangeable. - Strategy lets the algorithm vary independently
from clients that use it. - The selection of an algorithm that needs to be
applied depends upon the client making the
request or the data being acted upon. - It separates the selection of algorithm from
the implementation of the algorithm. - It allows for the selection to be made based
upon context 5. .
- Example
- Dead Reckoning algorithm
27Chain of Responsibility
- Used to avoid coupling the sender of a request to
its receiver by giving more than one object a
chance to handle the request. - Chain the receiving objects and pass the request
along the chain until an object handles it.