21 Corinthians 919-22 (NKJ)
- 19 For though I am free from all men, I have made
myself a servant to all, that I might win the
more - 20 and to the Jews I became as a Jew, that I
might win Jews to those who are under the law,
as under the law, that I might win those who are
under the law
3- 21 to those who are without law, as without law
(not being without law toward God, but under law
toward Christ), that I might win those who are
without law - 22 to the weak I became as weak, that I might win
the weak. I have become all things to all men,
that I might by all means save some.Â
4 The Lord Jesus commissioned His disciples to
preach the gospel to every nation.
The Result? Those who have turned the world
upside down have come here also (Acts 176)
What strategy did these believers utilize to see
such incredible results in their time?
5 God has already promised that the earth will be
filled with the knowledge of His glory as the
waters cover the sea.
In Matt. 2414 the Lord Jesus triumphantly
proclaimed that the gospel of this Kingdom will
be preached to all nations.
6 1 Cor. 919 I have made myself a servant to
all, that I might win the more. This
statement reveals perhaps the most basic
and most powerful com-ponent of a winning
7Power Of People Group Thinking
- Matthew 105 reveals instructions Jesus gave His
disciples that constituted His strategy for that
day. Amazingly the first thing He tells them is
where not to go and who not to reach! - He commanded them to focus, concentrate on the
lost house (oikos) of Israel.
9 A people group can be defined as follows the
largest group within which the gospel can flow
along natural lines without encountering barriers
of understanding or ac-ceptance due to culture,
language and geography.
In other words it is what can also be called a
homogeneous group.
10 Within the large group setting of a city or
nation, there are many different people groups
that will require different strategies to reach.
The church cannot ig-nore these differences.
In a city we have various people groups
government officials night guards high school
stu-dents, etc.
11 The strategy of reaching a night guard will be
vastly different from the one required to reach a
government official, and even more vastly
different from the one required to reach high
school students.
12Example - Nairobi Lighthouse Church
- Extreme Weekend
- (Target People Group Nairobi City Teens)
- Soccer Cell Group Hockey Cell Group
- Praying with and for our Govern-ment Officials
13 One of the key advantages of a
people-group-thinking based strategy is that once
people get born again, conservation is almost a
natural end result.
People already have significant relationships
established through bonding.
14 Most evangelistic strategies are ineffective
because they are no more than programs to be
An effective strategy, like those the apostle
Paul and other first century believers employed,
seeks to understand the target people group
before planning any ministry.
15Matthew 244-14
In these scriptures the Lord describes the
prevailing circumstances in the last days.
16Proactive Evangelism
From our perspective in the church, the last
days are going to be a time of unparalleled
crises. People will be searching for someone
who has an answer to whats going on. Entire
communities will be looking for a leader.
17 In proactive evangelism, we anticipate these
things and train our members to be ready to
minister to people with different needs.
One thing the American church realized from
the September 11th tragedy is how desperate and
open people are when facing citywide, indeed
national tragedy.
18Characteristics of Our Time
A. Various strong Deceptions B. War and its
destructions both physically and
emotionally C. Many natural calamities D. Very
full prisons because lawlessness will
19E. Offence and hate F. Great Fear G.
Multiplied plagues and pestilences
20Holistic Evangelism
Some argue that we must always preach the gospel
and focus on nothing but the gospel. Others say
the main thing is to show Gods love through
works of mercy. A strategy that integrates both
the works of mercy and the proclamation of the
gospel is of prime importance.
21Examples Nairobi Lighthouse Church
Crusade Outreaches/Cell Involvement (We have seen
up to 55 conservation as a result of this
strategy.) Points of Contact (New homes opened
up, access given in places we would never had had
the opportunity to impact utilizing traditional
22 Seed Projects (A project organized and
funded entirely by the cell group that is
completed in one day, displaying the love of
Christ to our communities.)
23Our Strategy