Title: 18 Explains Gods plan to rescue us
11-8 Explains Gods plan to rescue
us 9-11 Exhibits Gods plan through
2How can both be true? I am helpless in saving
myself. I have free will to make choices.
3In the presence of Christ, I speak with utter
truthfulness - I do not lie - and my conscience
and the Holy Spirit confirm that what I am saying
is true. My heart is filled with bitter sorrow
and unending grief for my people,
4my Jewish brothers and sisters. I would be
willing to be forever cursed - cut off from
Christ! - if that would save them.
5Exodus 3232 - Moses, Lord, if it be possible,
blot this sin from their lives, but if not, blot
me out of your book.
6Specific Privileges given to Israel
7They are the people of Israel, chosen to be Gods
special children. God revealed His glory to them.
He made covenants with them and gave his law to
them. They have the privilege of worshiping
him and receiving his wonderful promises.
8Their ancestors were great people of God, and
Christ himself was a Jew as far as his human
nature is concerned. And He is God, who rules
over everything and is worthy of eternal praise!
Amen. Well then, has God failed to fulfill his
promise to the Jews?
9Isaiah 558-9 - My ways are not your ways, and
my thoughts are not your thoughts. As the heavens
are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher
than your ways, and my thoughts higher than
your thoughts. GOD
10Three Guiding principles on how God works 1.
Pedigree doesnt matter to God.
11No, for not everyone born into a Jewish family is
truly a Jew! Just the fact that they are
descendants of Abraham doesnt make them truly
Abrahams children.
12For the Scriptures say, Isaac is the son through
whom your descendants will be counted, though
Abraham had other children, too.
13Three Guiding principles on how God works 1.
Pedigree doesnt matter to God. 2.
Salvation is always based on a divine
14This means that Abrahams physical descendants
are not necessarily children of God. It is the
children of the promise who are considered to be
Abrahams children.
15For God had promised, Next year I will return,
and Sarah will have a son.
16Three Guiding principles on how God works 1.
Pedigree doesnt matter to God. 2.
Salvation is always based on a divine
promise. 3. Salvation is not predictive
by a good/bad formula.
17This son was our ancestor Isaac. When he grew up,
he married Rebekah, who gave birth to twins. But
before they were born, before they had done
anything good or bad,
18she received a message from God. (This message
proves that God chooses according to his own plan,
19not according to our good or bad works.) She was
told, The descendants of your older son will
serve the descendants of your younger son. In
the words of the Scriptures, I loved Jacob,
but I rejected (hated) Esau.
20Not predictive John 38 Just as you can hear
the wind but cant tell where it comes from or
where it is going, so you cant explain how
people are born of the Spirit.
21Luke 1426 - Unless a man hate his father and
mother and brother and sister and wife and
children and houses and land, and even his own
life, he cannot be my disciple.
22Hate Love Less
23What can we say? Was God being unfair? Of course