Title: Learning to Establish Academic Priorities
1Learning toEstablishAcademicPriorities
A Probation Recovery Workshop
2Welcome to LEAP!
- LEAP is an opportunity to become acquainted with
information that will assist you in getting back
on solid academic ground. You will assess your
priorities, develop new strategies, take
advantage of some new learning tools and
resources, and develop a plan to reach your
academic goals.
3Welcome to LEAP!
- As you go through the presentation, we hope you
will be able to assess what may not have worked
for you in the past and what changes to make in
the future.
HELP is available!
4Welcome to LEAP!
After completing workshop materials, you will
schedule an appointment with
Ms. Gayle E. Wood Assistant to the Director of
Admissions and Records, Retention Services GN107
-- 539-7160 gwood_at_pstcc.edu
5What is LEAP!
- LEAP is an academic intervention program that
offers you tools and strategies to help you get
off academic probation and on with your academic
goals. - LEAP will provide you with the necessary
information to assist you in making wiser choices
in your studies.
6Workshop Content
- Factors Contributing to Academic Difficulty
- Goal Setting
- Areas in Which You Need Help
- What It Means to be on Academic Probation?
- How to Calculate Your GPA
- Reverse Your GPA
- Semester Priorities
- Time Management
- Campus Resources
7Factors Contributing to Academic Difficulty
Materials Needed Worksheet A
- Identify what happened during the semesters in
which you experienced academic difficulty.
Include any other issues we may have missed on
your worksheet.
8Goal Setting
Materials Needed Worksheet B
- Identify some of your long- and short-term
academic and career goals. This exercise will
help you understand more clearly your reasons for
being in college.
9Areas In Which You Need Help
Materials Needed Worksheet C
- Pellissippi State has a number of resources to
help you succeed in college. You must first
identify areas in which you need assistance, then
locate sources of help.
10What It Means to Be on Academic Probation
You are on academic probation if
Total Hours Attempted 14 and under Over
14-26 Over 26-40 Over 40-48 Over 48-56 Over 56
Minimum Required GPA No minimum 1.0 1.4 1.7 1
.9 2.0
11What It Means to Be on Academic Suspension
- You will be placed on academic suspension at the
end of the probationary term UNLESS you meet the
cumulative standard on the previous screen or
earn a 2.0 GPA for that term.
12What Does It Mean to Be on Academic Suspension?
If you are placed on academic suspension, you
will stay out of college for the term of the
suspension. You may appeal your suspension
through the Admissions and Records office. If
your appeal is approved, conditions will be set
for readmission to the college.
13How to Calculate Your GPA
Materials Needed Worksheet D
Add your Quality Points (32). Divide 32 by the
number of hours you took (14). Your Grade Point
Average is 2.286.
14GPA Calculator
Access the online GPA Calculator below. Use this
calculator to determine the number of credit
hours and grades needed to raise your GPA to 2.0
(or higher).
Student GPA Tools http//www.mtsu.edu/records/gpa
15Reverse Your GPA
- The easiest way to reverse your GPA is to retake
classes in which you earned a D or F grade.
Material Needed Worksheet E
16Steps Toward GPA Recovery
- Material Needed Handout 1
Follow these suggestions as you work toward
improving your GPA. You may choose to access the
How to Improve My GPA PowerPoint presentation.
17Time Management
- How do you spend your time?
- How should you spend your time?
- What changes are you willing to make in how you
spend your time?
Materials Needed Worksheet F
- Finding adequate study time can be difficult for
college students.
18Campus Resources
- Pellissippi State has a number of services and
resources designed to help students achieve
success. Services are offered at times convenient
to most students schedules. Call or drop in to
find out how a specific office might be of
assistance to you.
Materials Needed Handout 2
19Fall 2004 Academic Calendar
- August 30 Classes Begin
- September 10 Last day for a 75 refund
- September 24 Last day for a 25 refund
- October 17-19 Fall Break
- October 22 Midterm
- November 5 Last day to drop/withdraw
- November 8-19 Priority Registration for Spring
- December 11 Last Day of Classes
20Now What Do I Do?
21- Schedule an appointment with
- Ms. Gayle Wood
- Office GN 107
- Phone 539-7160
- E-mail gwood_at_pstcc.edu
All worksheets MUST BE COMPLETED prior to the
appointment with Ms. Wood. Bring all completed
materials with you to the appointment.
22Midterm Review
- Once your semester has begun, contact Ms. Wood
should you need to adjust your schedule, discuss
study tips, etc. - Remember to schedule a midterm review meeting
with Ms. Wood.