Title: Storage Containers
1Chapter 1 Introduction to Object Technology
Storage Containers -General -Vectors (3
slides) -Lists -Maps ADTs (2 slides) Classes -D
eclaration -Private/Public Sections (3
slides) time24 function addTime()
Scope Resolution Operator Rectangle Class (4
slides) API -Constructor -Operations -randomNumbe
r Class (2 slides) Generating Random
Numbers String Functions and Operations (6
slides) Summary Slides (9 slides)
2Storage Containers ( General )
3(No Transcript)
4Storage Containers ( Vectors)
- A vector has all of the nice indexing features of
an array along with the ability to dynamically
grow to meet demand.
// output elements of v for (i 0 i lt
v.size() i) cout ltlt vi ltlt " "
5Storage Containers ( Vectors)
- A vector is a "super-array, meaning all familiar
array algorithms work. - You also have the freedom to to grow or shrink it.
6Storage Containers ( Vectors)
- Vectors allow for direct access to their elements
through an index, but are not efficient storage
structures for - insertion of items at arbitrary positions in a
list. - deletion of items at arbitrary positions in a
7(No Transcript)
8Storage Containers ( Lists )
- list container
- each element has a reference that identifies the
next item in the list. - Adding a new item involves breaking a link in the
chain and creating two new links to connect the
9Storage Containers ( Maps )
- maps use a tree structure to store data.
- A is a container that stores elements as
nodes emanating from a root.
10A search tree holding airbill numbers
- The tree holds 8 elements. Any search requires at
most 3 movements along a path from the root.
11Abstract Data Types
- ADT Operation Description
- operationName Action statement that specifies
the input parameters, the type of operation on
the elements of the data structure, and the
output parameter - Preconditions Necessary conditions that must
apply to the input parameters and the current
state of the object to allow successful execution
of the operation. - Postconditions Changes in the data of the
structure caused by the operation.
12Abstract Data Types( time24 Class )
- duration(t) Time t is an input parameter.
Measure the length of time from the current time
to time t and return the result as a time24
value. - Precondition Time t must not be earlier than the
current time
13Classes( Declaration )
14Classes ( Private/Public Sections)
- The public and private sections in a class
declaration allow program statements outside the
class different access to the class members.
15Classes ( Private/Public Sections)
- Public members of a class are the interface of
the object to the program. - Any statement in a program block that declares an
object can access a public member of the object
16Classes ( Private/Public Sections)
- The private section typically contains the data
values of the object and utility functions that
support class implementation. - Only member functions of the class may access
elements in the private section.
17Runtime execution of the time24 function
18Scope resolution Operator
- The symbol "" signals the compiler that the
function is a member of the class. - The statements in the function body may access
all of the public and private members of the
class. - The operator allows you to code a member
function like any other free function.
returnType classNamefunctionName(argument
list) ltC statementsgt
19(No Transcript)
20(No Transcript)
21(No Transcript)
22(No Transcript)
23API( Constructor )
24API ( Operations )
25API ( randomNumber Class)
26API ( randomNumber Class)
27Generating Random Numbers
The loop generates 5 integer random numbers in
the range 0 to 40 and 5 real random numbers in
the range 0 to 1. int item, i double
x for (i 0 i lt 5 i) item
rndA.random(40) // 0 lt item lt 40 x
rndB.frandom() // 0.0 lt x lt
1.0 cout ltlt item ltlt " " ltlt x
28String Functions and Operations
29String Functions and Operations
30String Functions and Operations
31String Functions and Operations
32String Functions and Operations
33String Functions and Operations
34Summary Slide 1
- A data structure is a systematic way of
organizing and accessing data. -
Programmer-defined data structures bundle data
with operations that manipulate the data. -
The structures, called containers have
operations to access, insert, and remove items
from the collection.
35Summary Slide 2
- - Arrays have some limitations
- fixed size.
- No automatic growth to meet the needs of an
application. (Solution -gt Use Vector Containers) - insertion and deletion inside the array requires
the costly movement of data either to the right
or to the left. (Solution -gt Use List Containers) - - Efficient access to an element requires
knowledge of its position in the list.
36Summary Slide 3
- Abstract Data Types (ADTs) are a model used
to understand the design of a data
structure. - ADTs specify the type of data
stored and the operations that support the data.
- Viewing a data structure as an ADT allows a
programmer to focus on an idealized model of the
data and its operations.
37Summary Slide 3a
- - An ADT provides simple and clear description
of - the input to an operation.
- the action of the operation.
- its return type.
- - Preconditions Part of the description of an
operation. A listing of the conditions that must
apply in order for the operation to execute
successfully. - - Postconditions Indicate changes to the
object's data caused by the operation. Necessary
because operations often alter the value of data.
38Summary Slide 4
- The private section of a class contains the
data and operations that the public member
functions use in their implementation. - The
splitting of a class into public and private
parts is known as information hiding. - A class
encapsulates information by bundling the data
items and operations within an object.
39Summary Slide 5
- The implementation of C class member
functions is different from the implementation
of free functions. - Each function name must
include the class scope operator that
designates class membership. - The constructor
is a special function with no return type.
- The constructor initializes the data members
of the class by using its initialization list.
40Summary Slide 6
- - A member function can be implemented inside
the class declaration by using inline code. - The semicolon () in the function prototype is
replaced by the function body. - The compiler inserts the statements in the
function body in place of the function, avoiding
the function call and return mechanism. - - The process provides efficiency at the expense
of increased code size.
41Summary Slide 7
- Application Programming Interface - Allows
other programmers to use the public interface of
the class without having to view the technical
details of the class declaration or
42Summary Slide 8
- - C provides two approaches to string
handling. - Older Method
- C-style string - a character array that
designates the end of the string by using the
NULL character. - Used by the C programming
language and older C programs. - 2) Modern Method
- string class - provides a large public
interface containing many useful operations. - - Example I/O operations.