- Are all problems programmable?
- What statement of a problem constitutes an
implementable program? - Do the specifications of a program always lead to
a program? - Is it always possible to find specifications of a
problem that lead to a program?
3Purpose of Theory of Computation
- Design a language for the mathematical
specification of computer languages in general
for all computers - Describe the workings of a general computer in
the simplest and most basic terms possible - Find a mathematical language acceptable to the
above general, basic computer
- A collection
- a,b,c A A set
- CxS (c1,s1),,(cn,sn) Cartesian
product - 0,1 Binary alphabet
- e e0 Empty set its length
- wr Reverse of w (if wwr gt
palindrome) - A Complement of A (A even nos gt
A odd nos)
- Reflexive if (a,a) ? R ? a ? S
- Symmetric if (a,b) ? R gt (b,a) ? R
- Transitive if (a,b) ? R , (b,c) ? R gt (a,c) ?
R - Equivalence relation is reflexive, symmetric
6Examples of reflexivity
- Let relation R be a lt b then a lt a R is
reflexive - Let relation R be a lt b then a is not lt a R
is not reflexive - Let set S be oaks let R be oaks ? trees then
a ? S gt a ? trees, so (a,a) ? R
7Examples of symmetry
- If R is (big,large) then a ? big gt a ?
large a ? large gt a ? big - If R is relation of synonyms then a synonym of
b gt b synonym of a so R is symmetric also
8Examples of transitivity
- If R is on top of (a,b) ? R (b,c) ? R then
(a,c) ? R R is transitive - If R is lt (a,b) ? R (b,c) ? R then (a,c) ?
R R is transitive - If R is child of (Bob, Mary) ? R (Mary,
John) then R is not transitive - If R is successor of (Bob, Mary) ? R (Mary,
John) then R is transitive
9Union, Intersection Complement
10Laws of Set Operations
- Idempotency A?A A, A?A A
- Commutativity A?BB?A, A?BB?A
- Associativity (A?B)?C A?(B?C)
- (A?B)?CA?(B?C)
- Distributivity (A?B)?C(A?C)?(B?C)
- (A?B) ? C(A?C) ?(B?C)
- Absorption (A?B)?AA, (A?B)?AA
- DeMorgans A-(B?C)(A-B)?(A-C)
- A-(B?C)(A-B)?(A-C)
- Apples ? apples apples
- Apples ? oranges oranges ? apples
- Dad ? Mom Mom ? Dad
- R is a function if ? x ? X ?! y ? Y
(x,y) ? R - There are two notations
- f X --gt Y
- f ? X x Y
- Alternate definition of a function ? x ? X
?! y ? Y ? f(x) y
For each x ? X there is a unique y ? Y
In other words, the dotted line going from x to
y1 cannot exist
- If ?y ? Y ?! x ?X then we have a Bijection or
1-1 function - If f is bijective gt ? f--1(y) x for f(x) y
- Are all problems as easily programmable?
- Consider a program to compute the integral of xn
vs a sort program - The first has constant memory requirements , the
second can be of arbitrary length - Can the implementation of a program be designed
as a program?
16Deterministic Finite Automata
- A DFA is a program to design programs that use a
constant amount of memory. - A DFA can be thought of as a tape which reads one
character at the time until the end of the tape.
Each position on the tape puts DFA in a different
state. - It can elucidate errors that may show up in a
programming problem.
17Example 1
When a customer pays for goods with electronic
money, that is with an ATM card, all
possibilities must be accounted for
- The customer may decide to pay, i.e. sends the
money to the store - The customer may cancel money is sent to bank
to be deposited in customers account - The store may ship the goods to the customer
- The store may redeem the money, i.e. the money
is sent to the bank to be given to the store - The bank may send the money to the store
Can the store ship the goods without ever getting
18DFA for previous problem
For the store
For the bank
For the customer
19Example 2Memory machine
20Example 3Parity machine
21Example 4Adding machine
1 1 1 101101 111001 1100110
States are ( i1 i2 carry) (000), (001), (010),
(011), (100), (101), (110), (111)
22Definition of a DFA
DFA A (Q, ?, ?, s, F) Q - finite set of
states ? - finite input alphabet ? -
transition function from Q x ? --gt Q s -
initial state s ? Q F - favorable, or
accepting, states F ? Q
23Applications of a DFA
- Search engines on Web can use them
- News analysts searching on-line for special
topics - Stock analysts searching for stock names
- Shopping robots searching for best price
on-line - Searching for all books on Amazon containing a
certain phrase or word - grep, egrep, fgrep in Unix
24Functioning of a DFA
- Automaton A in state q ? Q
- reads a ? ? (letter in the alphabet)
- enters state q1 ? (q, a) which is determined
completely by current state which is the
content of the current cell. - Set of all accepted input words by A is called
the language L(A) of the DFA.
25Finite State Diagram
It is a directed graph representing a DFA.
State q changing to state q1 after reading input a
A favorable state is doubly circled.
26Programs Finite State Diagrams
27Example 1
Accepts language, L(anbm)
Ex statement, statement,, if-then, if-then, ,
28Example 2
Accepts any language with 2 consecutive
as L(, a, a, )
Ex Any program with a nested pair of while
29Example 3
It will not accept two consecutive as L(, a,
a, ) (Ex no nested for loops)
It is the complement of the previous example
30Example 4
- Initial a must be followed by a to be
- Initial b can be followed by any number of as
31Example 5
L(a, bn, a, bm)
Ex one case followed by multiple statements
- In chess there are individual moves standard
patterns for the opening or end game. - Imagine that the players have reached the end
game the pieces left are BK, BQ, 1 BR, 1 BKt, 3
P WK,WQ, 1 WB, 1 WKt, 2 P. - Imagine they are in a certain configuration, that
is a certain pattern on the board. - Then the next moves can be figured out from that
point on.
33Definition of a configuration
A configuration is a composite of state (pieces
left), position (pattern on the board), input
(next moves). Ex In reading input aaaabba,
after state aaa has been reached, position q
can be reached by reading input abba (q,abba)
is a configuration towards acceptance. w is
accepted if it yields a favorable state. If
(q,w) --gt(q1,w1) then ? s ? ? w s w1 d
(q, s ) q1 then (q,w) yields (q1,w1) in one
step (q,w) yields (q1,w1) if ? a sequence of
configurations (q1,w1) (qk,wk) (q1,w1)
(q,w) , (qk,wk) (q1,w1) (qi,wi) yields
(qi1,wi1) in one step. All configurations
yield unique configurations as it is
34Example 1
A vending machine for newspapers. The cover is
released when 0.25 is reached. It does not
return money if gt 0.25 is put in.
? ( 5c, 10c, 25c )
35Examples of applications in Computer Science
- Programming sequences, branching, loops
- Pattern matching (for WWW AI)
- Lexical analysis in compilers
- Finite state machines in software specs design
- Word processors
- Design of telecommunication protocols
- Design of circuits for VLSI
- Hardware design
- Control mechanisms
36Non-deterministic Finite Automata
- Union of 2 DFAs gives a NDFA as more than 1 arrow
from any state with the same input. - For example, in pattern matching of A ? B, we may
match A or we may match B. - NDFA A ( Q,?,?,s,F )
- where ? ? Q x (? ? e) x Q is a transition
relation (q, a, p) ? ? - The empty string as input permits the
automaton to jump from one state to the other. So
after A is matched, whatever state the other
branch is at, can jump
- The ability to be in several different states at
once, can be expressed as the ability to guess
what will come next. - When a system searches for a certain sequence of
characters, such as a keyword, we can use a
sequence of states to do nothing but jump from
state to state until we find the keyword.
38Example 1Find first occurrence of keywords
Searching for the keywords Web or
Internet Finding either gets us to a favorable
39Functioning of a NDFA vs DFA
- Automaton A in state q ? Q
- reads a ? ? (letter in the alphabet)
- enters state q1 or q2 ? (q, a) which is
determined completely by current state which is
the content of the current cell.
State q changing to state q1 or state q2 after
reading input a ?b
- One input can send you to 2 different
sub-programs (matching 2 Jones in a DB) - This is useful when you build a program from
multiple sub-programs. In industry, whole teams
work on complicated programs, each member on
separate sub-programs. - In parallel programming, this represents
different threads. - NDFAs are easier to design can be changed to
No jumping from q to p Therefore no need for trap
state (q,w) can yield many different
configurations (q1, e)
Automaton that begins ends with b
42Definition theorem
- Definition A A1 that accept the same language
are equivalent. - Theorem For all non-deterministic automaton A
there exists a deterministic finite automaton A1
equivalent to A.
This NDFA is equivalent to the following
deterministic transitions
Accepting states are t r,t q,r,t Trap
state is 0
44Equivalent Deterministic Automaton
45Regular Expressions
- Regular expressions are used to
- Design a language for mathematical specification
of languages acceptable by a finite automata
(computers of all types) - Do that by a general algorithmic procedure
- To convert FA back to its specs through an
algorithmic procedure. - These are used in turn to do simulations.
46Reg. Exp. vs FA
- DFA NDFA are machine-like descriptions
- Regular Expressions are algebraic-like
47Applications of Regular Expressions
- Lexical analyzers such as Lex Flex which take
source code and convert it into tokens - Grep in Unix
- Alternative to FA notation for describing
software components - A declarative way to express which strings are
48Language for regular expressions
Some of the complex programming languages can be
obtained from simpler languages using ?, ?, ?,
concatenation Kleene stars. Concatenation of
strings u, v is uv of languages L1, L2 is
L1L2 uv u ?L1, v ? L2 Kleene Star L of
L is the infinite union e ? L ? L2 ?
L3 L w1w2 wk when wi ? L
L ? M 001, 10, 111 ? e, 001 e, 001, 10,
111 L ? M 001 LM 001, 10, 111, 001001,
10001, 111001 L for 0, 1 all strings of
0s 1s for 0, 11 all strings of 0s
1s such that 1s come in pairs L0 e L1
0, 11 L2 00, 011, 110, 1111 L3
000, 0011, 0110, 01111, 1100, 11011, 11110,
50Languages accepted by FA
Theorem If languages L M are acceptable by a
finite automaton, so are L ? M, L ? M, ? - L
(complement), L M, LM (conc), L (Kleene Star)
Suppose L accepted by
Suppose M accepted by
51 _ 2. Then L is accepted by a
FA which is the DFA equivalent of the NDFA and by
flipping favorable unfavorable states
_______ _ __ 3. L ? M (L
? M) and is accepted
__ 4. L M L ? M and is accepted
525. LM is accepted by
6. L is accepted by
53Definition of a Regular Expression
- It is a string over an alphabet
- ? ? (,), e, ?, ?,
- It is mostly used in lexical analyzers.
- ? , e, ?a ? ? ( the ground elements) are regular
expressions. - If ?, ? are regular expressions then
? ? ?, ??, ? are regular expressions by
induction - No other string is a regular expression.
54Mapping of regular expression ? to language L(?)
- L(?) ?, L(e) e, L(a) a ?a ? ?
- If ?, ? are regular expressions then
- L(? ? ? ) L(?) ? L(?)
- L(??) L(?)L( ?)
- L(?) (L(?))
- L((ab)a) w w of form abna
- Identifier in C begins with a letter may be
followed by a string of letters digits. The
identifiers can thus be expressed by the regular
expression - (a-z ? A-Z) (a-z ? A-Z ? 0-9)
- Identifiers of languages with underscores can be
expressed by - (a-z ? A-Z) ((-(a-z ? A-Z ? 0-9))
(a-z ? A-Z ? 0-9))
- Strings with alternating 0s 1s
- (01) (10) 0(10) 1(01)
- Same as starting with (01) and adding
optional 1 at beginning and optional 0 at end - (e1)(01)(e0)
- Precedence of operators in Reg. Exp. is
- , . , or by grouping with parentheses
57Regular Expression --gt FA
- For reg. exp. ( (a ? ab) ba )
- ground singletons become
- doubletons become
- (a ? ab) becomes
58(a ? ab)
Add ba
Add ( ... )
59FA --gt Reg. Exp.
Start with FA
- Replace 2 favorable states
- with 1.
- Label nodes 1 to n.
- Replace arrows from i to j from j to k with an
arrow labeled li,jlj,k
Label from 1 to 3 will be ab Label from 1 to 4
will be abb
- If there is an arrow from j to j, add label
Labels b,a from 2 to 3 will be inserted as
Labels from 1 to 4 and 1 to 7 will be replaced
by ab(ab)b ? ba
- Different arrows from i to j will be replaced by
l1 ? l2
- Single favorable state
- Number nodes
- 3 ? 2 ? 4 becomes ab from 3 to 4 1? 2 ? 4
becomes ab from 1 to 4 4 ? 2 ? 4 becomes bb - Multiple arrows from one node are replaced by a
61After 1, 2, 3
After 4
ab(bab ? bb)a
62Non-regular languages
- In the design of circuits on a chip, it is
important to know whether two automata define the
same language. This might permit to minimize the
area cost of the chip. - FA regular languages can describe programs
using a fixed amount of memory regardless of
input. This is not true for loops.
- L(anbn) ab, a2b2, a3b3, is not a regular
language because after accepting an the
automaton is in a state q and that state cannot
know what came before. So it does not know how
many bs it should accept. - A loop in a program can be represented by a
regular language or a FA if we can insert or
remove iterations without changing the nature of
the program.
64Pumping Lemma for Reg. Exp.
- For every Reg.lang. L there exists a constant n
such that every string w in L, where w gt n, we
can break w into 3 strings, w xyz - y ? e
- xy lt n
- For all k gt0 the string xykz is also in L
65Steps in proof
- Assume it is regular.
- Find the defining property of language
- Define a y such that xy lt n and wxyz
- Find a k such that xykz destroys the property of
the language - You have now found one example that is not in the
language - Therefore the language cannot be regular
66Example 1
- L(anbn) w is not a reg.lang.
- Proof
- w 2n
- Let w xyz, then if
- xy lt n, then y am for some m
- Therefore xykz anamkbn and is not in the
67Example 2
- L(1n) w w is a prime is not a reg.lang.
- Proof
- If it were a reg.lang., there would exist a prime
p gt n, such that w 1p, and w p. - Then w xyz, xy lt n
- Let y m. Then xz p-m
- Consider string xyp-mz which must then be in L.
- xyp-mz xz (p-m)y (p m) (p m)m
(m 1)(p m) - Therefore xyp-mz is not a prime.
68Example 3
- Language of palindromes is not regular.
- Proof
- If it were a regular language, then there would
exist an n every w ? L, where w gt n can be
represented as w xyz. - Consider anban. Since xy lt n, y is a substring
of an on the left. Let y am - Then w an-myban and by the Pumping Lemma
an-mykban ? L. But an-mykban an-mamkban and it
is not a palindrome.
69The closure properties of RL
- The union of 2 RLs is regular
- The intersection of 2 RLs is regular
- The complement of 2 RLs is regular
- The difference of 2 RLs is regular
- The reversal of a RL is regular
- The Kleene star of a RL is regular
- The concatenation of 2 RLs is regular
- A homomorphism (substitution of strings for
symbols) of a RL is regular - The inverse homomorphism of a RL is regular
70Equivalence Minimization of Automata
- When are 2 descriptors of a RL equivalent?
- Consequently, when can we minimize a DFA? This
would be a unique minimal DFA. - We start by asking when 2 states can be replaced
by a single state behaving like both.
71Equivalent distinguishable states
- p q are equivalent if
- ?w ?(p, w) is an accepting state iff ?(q,w)
is an accepting state - If 2 states are not equivalent, then they are
distinguishable, and one is accepting while the
other is not.
72Writing efficient FAs REs
- There many various FAs and REs that will
satisfy a language, just as there are many
different programs that will solve a particular
problem. - FAs REs are used to design VLSI chips.
- In all cases it is more efficient cost
effective to find the minimal FA or RE to
represent the problem at hand.
73State Minimization Problem
- The idea is to find the FA (or RE) with the
minimal number of states equivalent to the one
being used. - Equivalent automata are indistinguishable by the
time they get to an accepting state. That is, if
they both get accepted with the same inputs, they
are indistinguishable.
74Example 1
- State n is unreachable
- States t p are both reachable from input a and
are indistinguishable - n will be eliminated and t p will be merged
- q r are both accepted through a and reach a
dead state through b. They are indistinguishable.
75Equivalent automaton
76Example 2
- A E are both non-accepting, so input e does not
apply. - On input 1 they both go to F.
- On input 0, A goes to B E goes to H. Then on
input 1, B goes to C H goes to C. So on input
01, both A E go to C, a favorable state. - Therefore A E are equivalent.
- D F both go to C on 0
77Equivalent minimal FA
78Definition of equivalent states
States p q are equivalent if for all input
strings w, ?(p, w) is an accepting if and only
if ?(q, w) is an accepting state. Any pair of
states that are not distinguishable as they
proceed to be accepted are equivalent.
79Finding equivalent states
- Any state that is not accepting cannot be
equivalent to any accepting state. - States that reach an accepting state with the
same single input are equivalent. - States that reach an accepting state with the
same multiple input are equivalent.
80Proof of equivalency
- It is easier to show the states that are not
equivalent than the ones that are equivalent on a
very large FA. To prove they are equivalent all
inputs (0, 1, 00, 01, 11, 000, ) must be
considered. - The accepting state(s) is(are) not equivalent to
any non-accepting state - Going back one step from the accepting state(s),
the states getting there on different inputs are
not equivalent. - Going back two steps from the accepting state(s),
the states getting there on different inputs are
not equivalent. - Etc.
81Table of inequivalencesfor example 2
82Minimization of FA through tables
- Eliminate any state that cannot be reached from
the start state - Partition remaining states into equivalent blocks
so that no pair of states from different blocks
are equivalent
83Context-Free Grammars
- Some languages cannot be recognized by FAs
- Can FAs recognize legal English statements?
- Can FAs recognize the syntactical correctness of
statements in programs?
84Uses of Context-Free Grammars
- Since the 1960s CFGs have been used to turn out
parsers automatically. - They are used to describe document formats with
Document Type Definitions, DTDs used in XML for
creating Web pages. - Grammars can define languages through the use of
Parse Trees.
85Parse Tree example 1
sentence ? noun-phrase, verb-phrase noun-phrase
?(proper-noun determiner), common-noun verb-
phrase ? verb (verb, adverb)
A Parse Tree is a recursive definition of a
86Palindromes example 2
- The language of palindromes cannot be represented
by REs, but it can be defined recursively as - e, 0, 1 are palindromes
- If w is a palindrome, so are 0w0 and 1w1
- As a Parse Tree
- P ? e
- P ? 0
- P ? 1
- P ? 0P0
- P ? 1P1
0 P 0
87Definition of a CFG
- Set of symbols that form the strings of the
grammar are called terminals, ? - Set of variables, or strings, are called
non-terminals, NT - A start symbol, S ? NT
- Set of productions or rules, R
- R ? NT x (? ? NT)
- which serve to derive the terminals from the
88Derivation mechanism
- Left part of arrow always has a non-terminal
- Right part of arrow has a sentential form
- A sentential form v is one-step derivable from
sentential form u - u ? v if u xAy and v xzy and A ? z is in the
rules R - v is derivable from u, u ? v, if there exist a
sequence, called a derivation, - u0, ,un uu0 and vun and u0?u1,
u1?u2,,un-1?un - The language L(G) generated or derivable in a
grammar is defined as - L(G) w w ? ?, S ? w
89Example 3 - a pseudo-language
Example of a pgm
Inst ? Assign Inst-phrase END Assign ? (Id)
( )(Id) (op) (Id) Id ? (a-z A-Z) (0-9
a-z A-Z) op ? - Inst-phrase ?
If-phrase If-else-phrase If-phrase ?(IF) (
condition) condition ? (Id) (Cond-op)(Inst)
Cond-op ? lt gt lt gt If-else-phrase ?
(If-phrase) (ELSE) (Inst)
Id Id Id Id Id Id IF (Id lt gtlt gt
Id) Inst ELSE Inst END
90Example 4
Let grammar G have non-terminals NT S, Np,
Vp, Ap, N, V, A and terminals ? big, stout,
John, bought, white, car and rules, or
productions S ? NpVp Np ? N ApN e Ap ? ApA
e Vp ? VNp A ? big stout white N ? John
car V ? bought
- Strings generated by G
- John bought car
- John bought big car
- big stout John bought big white car
- big stout car bought big white car
91Different derivations of a sentence
Given S John bought car we can have
derivation S ? NpVp ? NVp ?John Vp ? John
bought Np ? John bought N ? John bought
car or S ? NpVp ? NpVNp ? NVNp ? NVN ? NVcar
? N bought car ? John bought car Both
derivations give the same result and can best be
described in a parse tree. All derivations with
same parse tree are equivalent. We can always
replace leftmost non-terminal, called leftmost
derivations, or we can always replace the
rightmost non-terminal, called rightmost
derivations. CFG derivations are
92Parse tree for example 4
93Parse trees for abc
They are not equivalent. That is why we need a
precedence rule for algebraic expressions. Factors
are parenthesized expressions that cannot be
broken down. Terms are expressions that cannot be
broken down by the or - operators, such as
ab. A parser will accept only leftmost or only
rightmost derivations.
1. Parsers were the first applications of CFG 2.
The YACC command in Unix is a CFG that creates
either a tree or a piece of object code. It
allows to state the precedence of operators
in expressions. 3. XML (Extensible Mark-up
Language) was the precursor is a superset
of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), a language
with which Web pages are created, both require
a DTD (Document Type Definition) which is a
CFG describing the tags allowed.
95Pushdown Automata
FA can easily be expressed as derivations, so
that any FA can be expressed as a CFG ??(a,s)
s1 can be expressed as s ? as1 However, there
are non-regular, context-free languages such as
L(anbn). If we add a stack to a FA such that
every time it reads a b it pops an a, then it
does not need to remember how many as there
96Stack operation
Finite state control
Accept/ reject
97Example - language of palindromes
- Take the language of palindromes of even length
- Lwwr wwr w is in (0,1)
- q0 is the state that represents a guess that
we are not yet in the middle. In state q0 we read
input symbols push them onto the stack. - At any time we guess that we have seen the
middle go to state q1. Here the right part of w
will be on top of the stack and the left part on
the bottom. - In state q1 we compare input symbols with the
symbol at the top of the stack. If they do not
match, the guess was wrong this branch dies. - If the input symbol matches the symbol on the
top of the stack, we start popping until the
stack is empty enter an accepting state.
98Example for w1111
(q0,1111,a0) (q0,111,1a0) (q1,1111,a0) ?
(f,1111,a0) (q0,11,11a0) (q1,111,1a0) ?
(q1,11,a0) (q0,1,111a0) (q1,11,11,a0)
(f,11,a0) (q0,e,1111a0) (q1,1,111a0)
(q1,1,1a0) (q1,e,1111a0) (q1,e,11a0)
(q1,e,a0) (f,e,a0)
99Definition of Pushdown Automata
P (Q, ?, ?, s0, a0, ?, F) where Q is a finite
set of states ? is the input alphabet ? is the
set of stack symbols s0? Q is the initial
state a0 is the start symbol needed at bottom of
stack to get to a
favorable state after stack has been
emptied ?(s,a,X s?Q, a???e, X??) is the
transition relation with output (p,S p?Q, S is
string of symbols replacing X on top of stack)
F?Q is the set of favorable states.
100PDA for language of palindromes
- P ( Q , ? , ? , s0, a0,
?, F ) - P (s0,s1,f, 0,1, 0,1,a0, s0, a0, ?, f)
- Originally in state s0 the stack contains a0 and
we input 0 or 1 - ?(s0,0,a0) (s0,0) and ?(s0,1,a0)
(s0,1) - Reading another 0 or 1 we obtain transitions
?(s0,0,0) (s0,00), ?(s0,0,1) (s0,01),
?(s0,1,0) (s0,10) and ?(s0,1,1) (s0,11) - We can go from state s0 to state s1 on input e
?(s0,e,a0) (s1,a0) ?(s0,e,0) (s1,0)
and ?(s0,e,1) (s1,1) - In state s1 we match input symbols to stack
symbols ?(s1,0,0) (s1,e) and ?(s1,1,1)
(s1,e) - After emptying the stack of input we are left
with a0 in it, and e takes us to a favorable
state s2 ?(s1,e,a0) (f,a0)
101PDA for Lanbn)
- Q s0,s1,f , ? a,b, ? a, F f
- ? (s0,e,e) (s1,a0)
- ? (s1,a,e) (s1,a)
- ? (s1,a,e) (s1,a)
- ? (s1,b,a) (s1,a0)
- ? (s1,e,a0) (f,e)
102PDA for La,b
- Language with the same number of as and bs
- Q s0,s1,f , ? a,b, ? e, a0 , F f
- ? (s0,e,e) (s1,a0)
- ? (s1,a,a0) (s1,aa0)
- ? (s1,a,a) (s1,aa)
- ? (s1,a,b) (s1,e)
- ? (s1,b,a0) (s1,ba0)
- ? (s1,b,b) (s1,bb)
- ? (s1,b,a) (s1,a0)
- ? (s1,e,a0) (f,e)
103Transitions accepting abbbaaaabb
104Acceptance by empty stack
In the last example, we reached the end when the
stack was empty. In the example, we did not reach
a favorable state. This is called a PDA that
accepts input strings by empty stack rather than
by a favorable state, and it is described by P
(Q, ?, ?, s0, a0, ?) Theorem There is an
algorithm that accepts a string by empty stack
rather than by favorable state, and the two
algorithms are equivalent.
105CFG ? PDA
- Theorem
- Given any CFG, G, there exists an algorithm that
constructs a PDA, A, such that L(A) L(G) - Proof
- Let A have 2 states, s0 and f.
- Push s0 onto the stack.
- If topmost symbol on stack is N, a non-terminal,
A picks rule N?w in G and replaces N on the top
of the stack by w. - If topmost symbol on stack is T, a terminal, A
advances to next symbol if it matches T, it pops
top of the stack.
- Transitions
- ? (s0,e,e) (f,s0)
- ? (f,e,N) (f,w) for each rule N ? w in
grammar G - ? (f,T,T) (f,e) for each terminal T
106Example 1 for CFG ? PDA
Grammar G with following rules S ? e S ? aSa S ?
bSb For language L wwr w ?a,b
- Transitions of PDA for CFG A is
- ? (s0,e,e) (f,S)
- ? (f,e,S) (f,aSa)
- ? (f,e,S) (f,bSb)
- ? (f,e,S) (f,e)
- ? (f,a,a) (f,e)
- ? (f,b,b) (f,e)
107PDA ? CFG
Theorem Given any PDA, A, there exists an
algorithm that constructs a CFG, G, such that
L(G) L(A) Proof Consider a simple PDA
accepting by empty stack. A simple PDA is one
where every transition replaces the top of the
stack. For any transition ?(s,a,?) --gt (q,?) Let
? be A1, A2, , An. These represent the popped
symbols. Then the transition ?(s,a,?) --gt (q,?)
can be replaced by ?(s,e,A1) --gt (sA1,e)
?(sA1,e,A2) --gt (sA1A2,e)
?(sA1An-2,e,An-1) --gt (sA1A2An-1,e)
?(sA1An-1,e,An) --gt (q,?)
108- The grammar can now be defined by the following
rules - For every s?Q, S --gt s0, a0, s
- For every s,q?Q, every a?? ? e, A??, if
?(s,a,A) --gt (q,e), then s,A,q --gt a - For every s,q?Q, every a?? ? e, A??, if
?(s,a,A) --gt (q,B1B2Bk) then - s,A,qk --gt aq,B1,q1 q1,B2,q2... qk-1,
109RL ? PDA ? CFG
Theorem Every Regular Language is context
free. Proof Given a FA, A, accepting a
language, L. View A as a PDA that does not use
its stack. Therefore L is accepted by a
PDA. Because every PDA ? CFG, every Regular
Language, or FA, is context free.
110Languages that are not Context-Free
Take language S --gt uAz --gt uvAyz --gt
uvxyz Then it must be true that A --gt x and A
--gt vAy Then we can derive further, getting S
--gt uAz --gt uvAyz --gt uv2Ay2z --gt uv3Az3z --gt ..
--gt uvnAynz Now we can define a type of Pumping
Lemma for context-free languages
111Pumping Lemma for Context-Free Languages
Lemma Let G (?, NT, R, S) be a context-free
grammar. Then there exists a number n such that
any string w ? L(G) with length w ? n can be
written as w uvxyz for some strings u, v, x, y,
z ? ?, and such that 1. v gt 0, or y gt 0 2.
vxy ? n 3. For any k ? 0, uvkxykz ? L(G)
112Example 1
Show that the language L akbkck k 0, 1, 2,
is not context-free. Proof If it is
context-free, let w anbncn with length w
3n Let w uvxyz with length vxy ? n Then vxy
contains only as and bs, or only bs and
cs. If vxy contains only as and bs, then v or
y contains at least one symbol. Then the string
uv2xy2z contains more than n as, or more that n
bs But the number of cs is still the same.
Therefore the string is not in the language.