Title: Localized Asynchronous Packet Scheduling for Buffered Crossbar Switches
1Localized Asynchronous Packet Scheduling
forBuffered Crossbar Switches
- Deng Pan and Yuanyuan Yang
- State University of New York Stony Brook
- Introduction
- Related work
- Localized asynchronous packet scheduling
- Simulation results
- Conclusions
- Crossbar switches have long been the preferred
structures for high speed switches and routers - Provide non-blocking capability.
- Overcome the bandwidth limitation of bus-based
switches. - Packet forwarding is simple.
- For a crossbar switch, packets may be buffered at
either - Output ports
- Input ports
- Crosspoints
- Output queued (OQ) switches only have buffer
space at the output side. - Achieve 100 throughput.
- Require speedup of N for an NxN switch.
- Input queued (IQ) switches only have buffer space
at the input side. - Require no speedup.
- Have to work with high time complexity algorithms
in order to achieve 100 throughput.
- Combined input-output queued (CIOQ) switches make
a trade-off between the crossbar speedup and the
complexity of the scheduling algorithms. - Have small fixed speedup of two.
- Achieve 100 throughput with any iterative
maximal matching algorithms. - Emulate OQ switches.
- Buffered crossbar switches are a special type of
CIOQ switches. - Each crosspoint of the crossbar has a small
buffer. - Crosspoint buffers eliminate the input and output
contention. - Buffered crossbar switches can directly schedule
and switch variable length packets.
- Previous scheduling algorithms for crossbar
switches mainly focused on fixed length packet
scheduling or cell scheduling. - At input ports, new packets are segmented into
fixed length cells. - The cells are used as the scheduling units and
transmitted across the switching fabric. - At output ports, the cells are reassembled into
original packets.
- Variable length packet scheduling, or packet
scheduling, improves the switch efficiency by
avoiding the segmentation-and-reassemble (SAR)
process. - Higher throughput.
- Shorter packet latency.
- Lower hardware cost.
- Turner Infocom06 proposed two packet
scheduling algorithms for buffered crossbar
switches. - They can provide work-conserving guarantees, or
emulate scheduling algorithms for OQ switches. - They schedule packets by imposing an order on
buffered packets. - Each crosspoint needs 2L or more buffer space,
where L is the maximum packet length.
- We consider the other side of the problem, low
time complexity and easy to implement packet
scheduling algorithms. - We present the Localized Asynchronous Packet
Scheduling (LAPS) algorithm and analyze its
performance. - Local info based
- No comparison
- Crosspoint buffer size of L
- Introduction
- Related work
- Localized asynchronous packet scheduling
- Simulation results
- Conclusions
13Related work
- Scheduling algorithms in the literature for
buffered crossbar switches are generally designed
with two possible objectives - To achieve high throughput.
- To emulate scheduling algorithms for OQ switches.
- The latter is a stronger requirement, but the
implementation of the former can be simpler.
14Related work
- Cell scheduling algorithms for high throughput
- Cell scheduling algorithms to emulate scheduling
algorithms for OQ switches - GBVOQ_OCF, GBFG_SP, MCAF-LTF
- Packet scheduling schemes
- Packet VOQ, Packet LOOFA, DPFQ
- Introduction
- Related work
- Localized asynchronous packet scheduling
- Simulation results
- Conclusions
16Localized asynchronous packet scheduling
- Structure of a buffered crossbar switch
- Ini input port
- Outj output port
- Bij crosspoint buffer
- Qij virtual queue
- The crossbar has
- speedup of two.
17Localized asynchronous packet scheduling
- Based on the locations of the packets to be
scheduled, there are three types of scheduling
involved in a buffered crossbar switch. - Input scheduling
- Crossbar scheduling
- Output scheduling
18Localized asynchronous packet scheduling
- Output scheduling has been well studied, and
various scheduling algorithms are proposed. - Output scheduling usually does not affect the
throughput performance as long as they are
work-conserving. - We use a simple FIFO algorithm for output
scheduling, which is work-conserving.
19Localized asynchronous packet scheduling
- For input scheduling,
- Select a backlogged virtual queue whose
crosspoint buffer is empty, and send its head
packet to the crosspoint buffer. - When there are multiple eligible virtual queues,
different arbitration rules can be used. - Since the crossbar has speedup of two, the packet
is sent to the crosspoint buffer with bandwidth
2R. - Crossbar scheduling is similar.
20Localized asynchronous packet scheduling
- In order to reduce the packet latency,
cut-through switching can be used on the
crossbar. - Similarly, cut-through switching can be used at
output ports.
21Localized asynchronous packet scheduling
22Localized asynchronous packet scheduling
- In input scheduling, the scheduling candidates of
an input port are only the virtual queues whose
crosspoint buffers are empty. - This restriction simplify the implementation by
enabling one bit to represent the status of the
crosspoint buffer.
23Localized asynchronous packet scheduling
- With speedup of two, LAPS achieves 100
throughput for any admissible traffic. - Define Zij(t)Qij(t)Bij(t)
- If Bij is not empty at time t, ?kZkj(t) has a
negative derivative. - If Qij is not empty at time t, ?kQik(t) ?kZkj(t)
has a negative or zero derivative.
24Localized asynchronous packet scheduling
- Assume that the traffic arrives according to a
Poisson process and the packet length follows an
exponential distribution with mean M. - Ini can be approximately modeled as an M/M/1
system, and accordingly
25Localized asynchronous packet scheduling
- Hardware implementation
- Only local info is necessary, and it is suitable
for distributed implementation and highly
scalable. - Since no comparison is necessary, the arbiters
can implemented by priority encoders, which can
make fast decisions in hardware. - Since each crosspoint buffer needs only L buffer
space, it minimize the cost for the switch.
- Introduction
- Related work
- Localized asynchronous packet scheduling
- Simulation results
- Conclusions
27Simulation results
- We have conducted simulations to verify the 100
throughput of LAPS and to measure its delay and
buffer requirement. - We consider five different LAPS implementations
- Fixed priority (FP)
- Random (RD)
- Round-robin (RR)
- Oldest packet first (OPF)
- Longest queue first (LQF)
28Simulation results
- In order to reflect the burst nature of real
network traffic, we emulate the incoming traffic
by a Markov modulated Poisson process.
29Simulation results
- We considered both uniform traffic and
non-uniform traffic. - The packet length in the simulation is uniformly
distributed between 50, 1500 bytes. - We consider a 1616 switch, and each input port
or output port has bandwidth of 1G bps.
30Simulation results
31Simulation results
32Simulation results
- Introduction
- Related work
- Localized asynchronous packet scheduling
- Simulation results
- Conclusions
- Due to the introduction of crosspoint buffers,
buffered crossbar switches can directly schedule
and transmit variable length packets. - Packet scheduling algorithms avoid SAR and are
more efficient than cell scheduling algorithms. - Higher throughput
- Shorter latency
- Lower hardware cost
- We presented the Localized Asynchronous Packet
Scheduling (LAPS) scheme. - Local info based
- No comparison
- Crosspoint buffer of size L
- We theoretically proved that LAPS achieves 100
throughput with speedup of two, and conducted
simulations to verify the results.
36Thank you!