Title: Advancing BusinessHigher Education Partnerships
1 Advancing Business-Higher Education Partnerships
Presented by Nancy Kuhn, Esq., BHEF November
29, 2007
2Business-Higher Education Forum
- Who we are
- Fortune 500 CEOs, college and university
presidents, foundation leaders - What we do
- Work to strengthen education to enhance U.S.
competitiveness - Key initiatives college readiness success and
STEM education
3The Context for U.S. Business/Higher Education
- Global U.S. Global Advantage Shrinking
- U.S. relative ranking in higher education
attainment slipped from 7th to 10th place
internationally (OECD) - Degree gap widening (NCHEMS)
- U.S. differentials in compensation between higher
ed graduates and others 75.
4The Context for Business/Higher Education
- Domestic Troubling Domestic Trends
- Large disparities in college readiness between
whites/Asian Americans and under-represented
minorities - Too many students ill-prepared for post-secondary
education at a cost of 1B/yr in college
remediation - Shifting U.S. demographics and the increasing
importance of STEM professions translates into
need for all to receive rigorous college
preparatory core curriculum.
5The Shared Business/Higher Education Stake in
- A P-16 Continuum
- Business increasingly views educational
challenges as a P-16 continuum. - Business and higher education are consumers of
the same resource students produced by the P-12
system. - Business is also a consumer of higher educations
products its graduates. - Effective partnering with higher education
requires an holistic view of the problems and
solutions starting with P-12 and extending
through post-secondary years to successful
6BHEFs College Readiness Initiative
- A national business/higher education initiative
with 5 - strategies
- CEO engagement advocacy
- On-the-ground work in select communities
- Philanthropy institutes focused on corporate
philanthropy to college readiness success - Resource Center to disseminate best practices
- Public awareness campaign to increase demand for
college readiness and success.
7Opportunities for Collaboration
- College Readiness, Access and Success P-16
- Business and higher ed collaboration focused on
- Readiness
- improving P-12 student achievement and
- increasing public awareness and demand for
college preparatory curricula. - Access early assurance programs early
awareness programs - Success supporting student persistence and
college success.
8Opportunities for Collaboration (cont.)
- College Readiness, Access and Success P-16
- Business and higher ed collaboration focused on
- Readiness
- improving P-12 student achievement and
- increasing public awareness and demand for
college preparatory curricula. - Access early awareness programs early
assurance programs - Success supporting student persistence and
college success.
9Opportunities for Collaboration (cont.)
- College Readiness, Access and Success P-16
- Business and higher ed collaboration focused on
- Readiness
- improving P-12 student achievement and
- increasing public awareness and demand for
college preparatory curricula. - Access early awareness programs early
assurance programs - Success supporting student persistence and
college success. -
10BHEFs STEM Initiative
- Goal Double the number of college graduates in
- STEM disciplines by 2015
- Research, programmatic, and advocacy efforts to
- Attract and graduate more students in the STEM
disciplines, particularly women and
under-represented minorities. -
- Strengthen the P-12 mathematics and science
teaching workforce. -
- Advance systemic reforms that facilitate greater
student achievement in STEM. -
- Stimulate national dialogue and local,
grass-roots initiatives through alliance building
- and collaboration among business, education, and
government. -
11BHEFs STEM Initiative Strengthening the STEM
Teacher Workforce
- An American Imperative Transforming the
Recruitment, Retention Renewal of Our Nations
Mathematics and Science Teaching Workforce - A comprehensive national plan for overcoming a
projected shortfall of more than 280,000 math and
science teachers by 2015.
12An American Imperative Three Key Recommendation
- RECRUITMENT, including teacher enlistment
strategies, preparation programs, and licensure. - RETENTION, encompassing strategies and programs
to keep new teachers in the classroom and retain
experienced teachers. - RENEWAL, a focus on teacher professional
development, license renewal, and assessment of
teacher quality and student outcomes. -
13An American Imperative Key Stakeholder Roles
- Higher Education
- Invest in and strengthen teacher preparation and
professional development programs in mathematics
and science. - Expand research on effective teaching and
learning methods. - Business and Foundations
- Publicly champion policies that encourage
teaching careers in STEM. - Support effective programs.
14An American Imperative Action Steps
- National Consortium
- Convene and build a coalition of stakeholders,
including business and higher education, to
advance solutions. - Create a leadership role for business in
promoting teacher recruitment, retention, and
renewal and elevate the status of the teaching
- State Policy
- Conduct a thorough and detailed assessment of
teacher recruitment, retention, and renewal to
guide state policy. - Project demand for qualified math/science
teachers and analyze teacher retention issues.
15An American Imperative Action Steps (cont.)
- P-16 Councils
- Participate in and strengthen state and regional
P16 education councils to better coordinate
reform efforts across sectors - Focus on teacher recruitment, retention, and
renewal - Federal Policy
- Advocate for new and expanded federal policies,
e.g. - Higher Education Act
16Contact Information
- Nancy R. Kuhn, Esq.
- Director of External Relations
- Business-Higher Education Forum
- 2025 M St, N.W.
- Washington, DC 20036
- Nancy.kuhn_at_bhef.com
- www.bhef.com