Title: A Quick Glance At Demographic and FinanceRelated Information
1A Quick Glance At Demographic and Finance-Related
- Educating Illinois Task Force
- Spring 2007
3 4International Comparison Higher Education
Participation and Completion
Source National Center for Public Policy and
Higher Education based on data from the
Organisation of Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD). Data are for 2003.
5International Comparison Higher Education
Source National Center for Public Policy and
Higher Education based on data from the
Organisation of Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD). Data represent the
percentage of adults with an associates degree
or higher in 2003.
6Participation Rates U.S. and Illinois
- 38 percent of the 18 to 24 year old population in
the United States (civilian, noninstitutionalized)
was enrolled in college in fall 2004 - 25.4 percent of the 18 to 24 year old population
from low-income families in the United States
were enrolled in college in fall 2004.
Participation rate for Illinois 25.7 percent - Gap in college participation rates between
students from low income families and students
from all families 12.6 percent widest gap
since fiscal year 1993.
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11Preparation and Participation Illinois
- 82 percent of 18-24 year olds had a high school
diploma in 2006 5 percent a GED - 10 percent of low-income 8th graders scored at or
above proficient on national assessment exam in
math - Eighth graders scoring at or above proficient
on the national assessment exam in 2006 - 29 in math
- 31 in reading
- 27 in science
12Preparation and Participation Illinois
- 42 percent chance for young adults (age 19) to
enroll in college (2006) - 6.2 percent high school drop out rate
- 75 percent high school graduation rate
- 35 percent of 18 to 24 year olds were in enrolled
in college in 2006 - For every 100 Chicago Public School students
- 54 graduate from high school by age 19
- 19 enter a four year college
13Student Migration
- 78,957 number of Illinois high school graduates
who enrolled in college or university in fall
2004. - 24 percent of the total number of Illinois high
school graduates enrolled in a college or
university out-of-state in fall 2004 (19,183) - 8,675 number of students from other states that
entered an Illinois college or university in fall
2004 - Illinois one of only six states with net
out-migration consistently ranks as second
highest negative exporter (New Jersey highest) - Illinois migrants primarily go to institutions
located in states bordering or near to Illinois
Iowa, Wisconsin, Indiana, Missouri (largest
14Student Migration
- Illinois student migrants typically attend large,
nationally-ranked public research universities
with a Big Ten culture - Students look for quality and prestige, and then
look for institutional fit - Decisions for those who migrate out-of-state
centers on getting the lowest overall cost - Illinois students attending out-of-state
institutions typically attend institutions that
award high institutional grants and scholarships
15- State Funding for Higher Education
- And Other Budget Related Information
16State of IllinoisFiscal Year 2007 General Funds
17State Tax AppropriationsChanges by Agency
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20Future Pressures for New State Funds
- Health Care
- Governors Initiatives
- Costs for retirees
- Retirement
- 43 billion in unfunded liability highest in
nation - 613 million required in FY2008, 661 million in
FY2009, and 709 million in FY2010 - Elementary and Secondary Education
- Medicaid/Medicare
21State Capital Improvements FY2008
- Illinois Higher Education
- 1.8 billion requested by colleges and
universities 607 million recommended by IBHE - Huge backlog of capital needs at colleges and
universities as well as for state agencies - Illinois State University
- 203 million requested
- 4.3 million recommended by IBHE for planning
Fine Arts Complex Renovation Governors budget
includes 44 million for planning and renovation - No new funding for capital since FY2004
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23Fall 2005 Salaries
- Administrative/Professional
- Average salaries approximately 8 percent above
average salary for staff in comparable positions
at similar institutions. - Civil Service
- Average salary for civil service staff lags
average salary for all civil service staff at
other public universities by 5.1 percent - Average salary for civil service staff exceeds
the average salary for civil service staff at
other public universities who work in job titles
in which Illinois State has employees by 1.2
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26Higher Education Public Policy GroupsCurrent
- Spellings Commission
- A Test of Leadership charting the Future of
U.S. Higher Education - Recommendations focus on improving access,
affordability, and accountability - National Conference of State Legislatures
- Reform of Higher Education among top ten issues
for 2007 session - Transforming Higher Education National
Imperative State Responsibility, NCSL (October
2006) among reports recommendations - Clear State goals
- Hold institutions accountable
- Rethink funding, student aid
- Reduce student borrowing and debt
- Recommit to access and success