Title: Our dreams have lost some grandeur coming true
1Our dreams have lost some grandeur coming true
- Bryan Beaton
- Language Instructor
- English Language Centre
- Hong Kong Polytechnic University
2Our dreams have lost some grandeur coming true
So the years spin by and now the boy is twenty
though his dreams have lost some grandeur
coming true There'll be new dreams
maybe better dreams and plenty before the
last revolving year is through Joni Mitchell The
Circle Game
3Our dreams have lost some grandeur coming true
- Background
- The Process Our team - our methods
- The Product Find the Features - hands on
- The Response Summary of student feedback
- Where do we go from here? Discussion - your
reactions, ideas, vision
- English for Academic Purposes (EAP)- over 4000
new students each year - a team of enthusiastic teachers- a site which
would demonstrate IT capabilities - Educational Development Centre- MegaWeb
project 90 of students experience web teaching
at some level
5Background - E.A.P.
- Unit 1 - Studying at University
- Unit 2 - Participating in Academic Discussion
Groups - Unit 3 - Researching and Writing Academic Essays
- Unit 4 - Structuring Academic Writing
- Unit 5 - Using Sources
- Unit 6 - Expression and Style in Academic Writing
- Unit 7 - Improving your Academic Writing
- Unit 8 - Giving Oral Presentations
6The Process - mid-March to mid-July last year
- each ELC team member rated all Tasks in all units
of the EAP Coursebook - scale of 1 to 5 do-able and valuable?
7(No Transcript)
8The Process - mid-March to mid-July last year
- each ELC team member rated all Tasks in all units
of the EAP Coursebook - scale of 1 to 5 do-able and valuable?
- ELC team members proposed web adaptations-
individual work with group review - ELC reps met with EDC technical team- we
provided the content, the EDC did all technical
9The Product
10Student Feedback
- Two surveys
- My observations
- Conclusions and conjecture
11September 2000
12Problems cited
- Access I could not log on to the PolyU server
- Time-consumed I need to use 40 minutes to
download the software RealPlayer so I think it
waste my time. The website loading is too slow,
so I waste my PNET cost. Some words were miss,
so I need to listen once again (more ). - Equipment My computer is out of order so I
need to go to the computer centre, but the
computers there have no sound. Therefore I used
the transcript. - Sound quality I couldnt hear clearly
13November 2000
14My Observations
- Students were so unimpressed with speed and
accessibility in Week 1, they never wanted to
invest the time to access the system again. - Students who would ordinarily complete homework
which can be collected in class reported that
they didnt have time to complete web-based
tasks. - Even E.I.E. students found going to the web to do
homework too much trouble. - A surprising number of students report a desire
for engaging pictures, animation and sound
effects. Perhaps web-based tasks have to
meet much higher expectations than
paper-based assignments.
15Conclusions and conjecture
- For language-learning, PolyU students prefer
teaching and learning situations which involve
direct interpersonal contact. - Adaptation to web-based learning will require
(1) a significant reduction in the technological
obstacles to fast, reliable access(2)
improvements in content delivery modes, and(3)
changes in learner expectations and motivation - Until fundamental issues (of access and pedagogic
value) are addressed, there is no point in
expanding these materials.
16Where do we go from here?If we put aside
technological concerns (assuming they will
disappear over time) how do we produce
pedagogically valuable materials?
- Does web-based teaching fit in our world? -
delivery of supplementary or core materials? -
part of interactive on-line teaching? - Can / how can teachers produce and / or use
web-based materials?
17The End