Title: Getting to know the visitors
1Where nature plays the first violin
- Getting to know the visitors
- to the multivision show and exhibition
- in the visitor center at the National Park
2Summative Evaluation in the visitor center of
the National Park JasmundOverview of data
- Data collection took place in August 2004
- Questionnaires, In-depth interviews and tracking
were used - Visitors to both the multivision and exhibition
were questioned/interviewed - 406 people participated in the summative
evaluation - Project sponsored by the Federal Agency for
Natural Protection (BfN) in Bonn and WWF
Deutschland, Bremen/Frankfurt
3Which of the descriptions below best describe
your reasonfor visiting the National Park
Jasmunds visitor center today?
- I wanted to experience something about the
landscape, animals and plants in the National
Park - I was on an outing and decided to come by to
check the visitor center out - I was curious to see what there was to see in the
visitor center - I had heard about the visitor center previously
and wanted to see it for myself - I only found out about the visitor center when I
visited the Königsstuhl
4Abbildung Nr. 1 - BesucherErklärung zum Besuch
zum BesucherzentrumWas hat Sie dazu bewegt,
heute das Besucherzentrum im Nationalpark
Mehr als ein Antwort möglich
5Who accompanied you on this visitto the National
Parks visitor center?
- Partner
- Family members
- Friends / relatives / acquaintances
- Travel group
- School class
- I came by myself
- Other
6Abbildung Nr. 2 BesucherBesuchergruppen zum
BesucherzentrumSind Sie in Begleitung gekommen?
n191, keine Schulklassen vorhanden
7How did you find out about the visitor center?
- Newspaper
- Information in my hotel / pension
- Tourist Office / Spa Headquarters
- Internet
- National Parks brochure
- Here in the National Park (On Königsstuhl or
Hagen Parking lot) - Recommendation
- Guidebook / Tourist broschure
- Other
8Abbildung Nr. 3 - BesucherInformationsquelle zum
BesucherzentrumWie haben Sie vom Besucherzentrum
n246, mehr als eine Antwort möglich
n237, mehr als eine Antwort möglich
9What did you do during your visit to the National
Park today?
- I saw the multivision-show
- (Do you also plan to visit the exhibition?)
- I visited the exhibition
- I visited the Königsstuhl
- I walked / hiked in the National Park
- Other
10Abbildung Nr. 4 - BesucherAktivitäten, die beim
Besuch im NP unternommen werdenWas haben Sie
heute im Nationalpark erlebt / unternommen?
11Approximately how much time did you spend in the
visitor center?
- ½ hour
- 1 hour
- 1 ½ hours
- 2 hours
- 2 ½ hours
- 3 hours
- 3 ½ hours
- 4 hours
- 4 ½ hours
12Abbildung Nr. 5 - BesucherLänge des Besuches im
BesucherzentrumWie viel Zeit haben Sie insgesamt
im Besucherzentrum verbracht (zirka)?
13We would like to ask you a couple of questions
about you personally
- Sex
- Age
- In which federal state do you live?
- What level of schooling have you completed?
- What kind of activities do you participate in
which are related to nature topics? - I look at animal films / TV and movies
- I research information on nature on the internet
- I listen to the radio about nature topics
- I like to walk / hike / go camping / bicyle in
nature - I read magazines about nature
- I visit parks, botanical gardens, zoos
- I read books on nature
- I belong to a environmental organization
- Other activities
14Abbildung Nr. 6 - BesucherGeschlecht
15Abbildung Nr. 7 - BesucherAltersgruppen
16Abbildung Nr. 8 - BesucherWohnsitz der Besucher
17Abbildung Nr. 9 - BesucherBildung Alle Befragte
n 379
18Abbildung Nr. 11 - BesucherFreizeitaktivitäten
in Bezug auf das Thema NaturWelche der folgenden
Aktivitäten in Bezug auf das Thema Natur
treffen auf Sie zu?
Anzahl Antworten
19What insights do the data from visitors offer for
the visitor center?
- Potential for further audience development
- Nature of the visitor center experience
- Necessity to improve marketing / PR efforts
20Visitors are using the visitor center in a
different way than the planners had intended
- The multivision and exhibition are perceived by
the visitors as separate offerings, not as a
whole experience - The multivision experience and the exhibition
experience appear to attract different kinds of
audiences - Time plays a different role for the visitors to
the multivision and the exhibition visitors - The exhibition has a high attracting and holding
21There is a need to optimizethe effectiveness of
the communication with visitors in and outside
of the National Park Jasmund
- A large majority of the visitors only discover
the visitor center when they are in the parking
lot or see the building on their way to the
Königsstuhl - Orientation and signage in park needs to be
improved - Marketing / PR efforts need to be more effective
outside the National Park - boundaries
- Visitors are coming to the park with very
different expectations - The communication needs to appeal these
different visitor groups and reflect their - needs
- Visitors - especially visitors to the exhibition
- are talking positively about their experience
Word-of-mouth is working! -
22Who is zephyrus?
23Contact Information
zephyrus danklstraße 30, d-81371 munich /
germany tel 49 - 89 - 74 66 30 51 fax 49 -
89 - 74 66 30 50 e-mail zephyrus_at_compuserve.com w
ebsite www.zephyrus.net
24Thank you