Title: Northeast Florida Chapter Survey Results
1Northeast Florida Chapter Survey Results
2Survey Summary
- Earlier this year, we surveyed chapter members.
The purpose was two fold - Determine value of membership
- Obtain feedback on program (i.e., speaker, topic)
improvement opportunities - Although member participation in the survey was
lower than expected, valuable input was provided
by respondents. The chapter board has had an
opportunity to carefully review the survey
- The board has reached the following conclusions
based on their survey analysis - Over half of survey respondents indicated that
they do not regularly attend meetings (This is
supported by the lt20 average meeting attendance
this year) - Several factors play a part in member meeting
attendance (work schedule, topics, time of day) - Programs offered should reflect the diversity of
membership - Members must become more involved in chapter
activities for the chapter to continue to thrive.
Activities include program development meeting
attendance and leadership service
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or disclosure outside the ACP Corporation except
under written agreement
4Survey Results
- Reason for being an ACP Member
- Local benefits such as corporate recovery and
emergency preparedness division collaboration was
cited as the primary reason (90) - Other reasons expressed by respondents
- Learn best practices (68)
- Networking (63)
- Maintain certification (47)
- Did you know You can earn Continuing Education
Activity points by attending or speaking at
chapter meetings, or holding an elected position.
ACP Proprietary (Internal Use Only )Not for use
or disclosure outside the ACP Corporation except
under written agreement
5Survey Results
- Factors determining meeting attendance
- Speaker/topic and work schedule were rated most
often as Very Important by respondents - Time of day and day of week were rated most often
as Important by respondents - Time of month was rated most often as Somewhat
Important by respondents - Did you know The chapter board always welcomes
your suggestions for speakers or topics of
ACP Proprietary (Internal Use Only )Not for use
or disclosure outside the ACP Corporation except
under written agreement
6Survey Results
- Regular meeting attendance
- Yes 42
- No 58
- The reason most often cited for not attending
meetings - work schedule/conflicts
- Did you know Not only can you earn Continuing
Education Activity points by attending chapter
meetings, you make a time investment in the
premier business continuity networking
organization which allows you to learn best
practices and network with local professionals.
ACP Proprietary (Internal Use Only )Not for use
or disclosure outside the ACP Corporation except
under written agreement
7Survey Results
- Type of topics/speakers you would like to see
added to calendar of programs - Regulatory compliance
- Training staff
- Creating table top exercises
- Professionals from other sectors (e.g., FBI, DHS,
Port Authority) - DR planning
- Did you know If you have seen a presentation or
speaker at an industry conference, or know
someone at your company that may be interested in
presenting to our group, you can let any board
member know.
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or disclosure outside the ACP Corporation except
under written agreement
8Survey Results
- Suggestions to increase meeting attendance
- Offer snacks and beverages
- Group outing
- Ask for member suggestions
- Different day
- Roundtable discussions
- Invite guests from member companies (e.g., people
in other disciplines)
- Better and varied topics
- Location (vary or keep same)
- Later in day
- Vary format (breakfast or lunch)
- Ask for volunteers to host
- Ask vendor to sponsor
Did you know Guests are always welcome. If you
know of a professional in your organization that
may find a program relevant to their position or
collaboration with you, bring them along.
ACP Proprietary (Internal Use Only )Not for use
or disclosure outside the ACP Corporation except
under written agreement
9Chapter Growth Model
- The board appreciates your feedback and has
already acted on some of your suggestions,
however, your active participation is important. - Interested in serving your chapter in a
leadership position or have a great topic or
speaker to recommend? Just let us know. - Any questions or comments about the survey or
chapter operations can be directed to any chapter
board member.
ACP Proprietary (Internal Use Only )Not for use
or disclosure outside the ACP Corporation except
under written agreement