Title: Introduction to Curvelets
1Introduction to Curvelets
- Authors Emmanuel Candès and David Donoho
- Story-teller ? Julia Dobrosotskaya
2Edges discontinuities across curves
- Synthesis edge location is known in advance,
representation adapted respectively - Analysis edge location is unknown two
approaches arise - Adaptive (Lagrangian representation constructed
using the full knowledge of the structure and
adapting to the structure perfectly) - Non-adaptive (Eulerian fixed, constructed once
and for all).
32D edge-adapted schemes (unpublished attempts)
- Adaptive triangulation aims to represent a
function by partitioning the plane into a
sequence of triangular meshes, refining them from
stage to stage, and using piecewise linear
functions with such triangular supports as
building elements - Adaptively warped wavelet transformation- here
the object is deformed to obtain only horizontal
and vertical edges, then tensor-product wavelets
are used. - Both good for image synthesis. Analysis-?
4Quantifying rates of approximation
5Surprise Despite common belief that adaptive
representation is essentially more powerful than
fixed non-adaptive, it turns out that there is a
fixed non-adaptive technique essentially as good
as adaptive representation from the point of view
of asymptotic m-term approximation errors.
6An Important Precedent a case where a
non-adaptive scheme is roughly competitive with
an ideal adaptive scheme
- f - piecewise polynomial P pieces, deg ?D.
- Adaptive piecewise polynomial approximation
- Need to keep P (D1) coefficients and P-1
breakpoints for exact reconstruction. - Non-adaptive wavelet approximation by Daubechies
compactly supported wavelets - View f as a digital signal f(i/N), i1,..,N
(information kept up to scale 1/N) - C log2N P (D1) coefficients needed.
7Failure of Wavelets on Edges
- f smooth on 0,12 away from a discontinuity
along a C2 curve ? - Grid of squares 2-j ? 2-j has O(2j) squares
intersecting ? - At level j each wavelet is localized near the
corresponding square - Wavelet coefficient is controlled by
- Therefore, there are about 2j coefficients of
size about 2-j - Nth largest wavelet coefficient is of size about
8Point and Curve Discontinuities
- A discontinuity point affects all the Fourier
coefficients in the domain. - Hence the FT doesnt handle points
discontinuities well. - Using wavelets, it affects only a limited number
of coefficients. - Hence the WT handles point discontinuities well.
- Discontinuities across a simple curve affect all
the wavelets coefficients on the curve. - Hence the WT doesnt handle curves
discontinuities well. - Curvelets are designed to handle curves using
only a small number of coefficients. - Hence the CvT handles curve discontinuities well.
9Curvelet Transform
- The Curvelet Transform includes four stages
- Sub-band decomposition
- Smooth partitioning
- Renormalization
- Ridgelet analysis
10Sub-band Decomposition
- Dividing the image into resolution layers.
- Each layer contains details of different
frequencies - P0 low-pass filter.
- ?1, ?2, band-pass (high-pass) filters.
- The original image can be reconstructed from the
sub-bands - Energy preservation
11Sub-band Decomposition
12Sub-band Decomposition
- Low-pass filter ?0 deals with low frequencies
near ??1. - Band-pass filters ?2s deals with frequencies near
domain ??22s, 22s2. - Recursive construction
- ?2s(x) 24s? (22sx).
- The sub-band decomposition is simply applying a
convolution operator
13Sub-band Decomposition
- The sub-band decomposition can be approximated
using the well known wavelet transform - Using wavelet transform, f is decomposed into
S0, D1, D2, D3, etc. - P0 f is partially constructed from S0 and D1,
and may include also D2 and D3. - ?s f is constructed from D2s and D2s1.
14Sub-band Decomposition
- P0 f is smooth (low-pass), and can be
efficiently represented using wavelet base. - The discontinuity curves effect the high-pass
layers ?s f. Can they be represented efficiently? - Looking at a small fragment of the curve, it
appears as a relatively straight ridge. - We will dissect the layer into small partitions.
15Smooth Partitioning
16Smooth Partitioning
- A grid of dyadic squares is defined
- Qs all the dyadic squares of the grid.
- Let w be a smooth windowing function with main
support of size 2-s?2-s. - For each square, wQ is a displacement of w
localized near Q. - Multiplying ?s f with wQ (?Q?Qs) produces a
smooth dissection of the function into squares.
17Smooth Partitioning
- The windowing function w is a nonnegative smooth
function. - Partition of the energy
- The energy of certain pixel (x1,x2) is divided
between all sampling windows of the grid. - Example
- An indicator of the dyadic square (but not
smooth!!). - Smooth window function with an extended compact
support - Expands the number of coefficients.
18Smooth Partitioning
- Partition of the energyReconstruction
- Parserval relation
- Renormalization is centering each dyadic square
to the unit square 0,1?0,1. - For each Q, the operator TQ is defined as
- Each square is renormalized
20Before the Ridgelet Transform
- The ?s f layer contains objects with frequencies
near domain ??22s, 22s2. - We expect to find ridges with width ? 2-2s.
- Windowing creates ridges of width ? 2-2s and
length ? 2-s. - The renormalized ridge has an aspect ratio of
width ? length2. - We would like to encode those ridges efficiently
- Using the Ridgelet Transform.
- Developed by E. Candes in PhD thesis, 1998
- System of analysis is based on ridge functions
- Continuous ridgelet transform
- with a reproducing formula and Parceval relation
- Frames giving stable series expansions (special
discrete collections of ridge functions)
22The Ridgelet Transform
- (Ortho-)ridgelets are an orthonormal set ?? for
L2(R2) (introduced by D. Donoho, 1998).
- Divides the frequency domain to dyadic coronae
??2s, 2s1. - In the angular direction, samples the s-th corona
at least 2s times. - In the radial direction, samples using local
23The Ridgelet Transform
- The ortho-ridgelet element has a formula in the
frequency domainwhere, - ?i,l are periodic wavelets for -?, ? ).
- i is the angular scale and l?0, 2i-11 is the
angular location. - ?j,k are Meyer wavelets for ?.
- j is the ridgelet scale and k is the ridgelet
24Ridgelet Sampling Motivation
- Behavior of FT of functions with
singularities along lines - FT decays slowly along associated lines through
the origin in the frequency domain - Constant radius arc in the frequency domain
encounters a Fourier ridge when crossing the
line of slow decay - Ridgelet sampling uses wavelets in angular
direction in order to capture the ridge by few
wavelets - In the radial direction the Fourier ridge is
oscillatory, this is captured by local cosines.
25Ridgelet Analysis
- Each normalized square is analyzed in the
ridgelet system - The ridge fragment has an aspect ratio of
2-2s?2-s. - After the renormalization, it has localized
frequency in band ??2s, 2s1. - A ridge fragment needs only a very few ridgelet
coefficients to represent it.
26Digital Ridgelet Transform (DRT)
- Unfortunately, the (current) DRT is not truly
orthonormal. - An array of n?n elements cannot be fully
reconstructed from n?n coefficients. - The DRT uses n?2n coefficients for almost perfect
reconstruction - Still some research can be done
27Curvelet Transform
- The four stages of the Curvelet Transform were
- Sub-band decomposition
- Smooth partitioning
- Renormalization
- Ridgelet analysis
28Image Reconstruction
- The Inverse of the Curvelet Transform
- Ridgelet Synthesis
- Renormalization
- Smooth Integration
- Sub-band Recomposition
Roy Lichtenstein In The Car 1963
Original Image (256?256)
Adding Gaussian Noise
Noise Reduction using Curvelet transform.
Adding Gaussian Noise
Noise Reduction using Curvelet transform.
Curvelet Transform
WT Thresholding
- 1 E.J. Candès and D.L. Donoho. Curvelets A
Surprisingly Effective Non-adaptive
Representation for Objects with Edges Curve and
Surface Fitting Saint Malo 1999 - 2 D.L. Donoho and M.R. Duncan. Digital Curvelet
Transform Strategy, Implementation and
Experiments Technical Report, Stanford
University 1999 - 3 Graphical examples fromJean Luc Starks
homepage http//www.cs.technion.ac.il/zdevir/ - and Zvi Devirs homepage
- http//www-stat.stanford.edu/jstarck/