Ministry to Students in the Church - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ministry to Students in the Church


Sunday School. Youth services. Parachurch youth activities. Homeschooling ... They are slaves, too, of their passion...If the young commit a fault, it is ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Ministry to Students in the Church

Ministry to Students in the Church
  • CE 511

What Is Youth Ministry?
  • Fun Game time?
  • Fellowship Time?
  • Baby-sitting?
  • Entertainment?
  • A Diversion for Parents?
  • A Mandate from God?

Scriptural Mandate
  • Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD is
    one! You shall love the LORD your God with all
    your heart and with all your soul and with all
    your might. These words, which I am commanding
    you today, shall be on your heart. You shall
    teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk
    of them when you sit in your house and when you
    walk by the way and when you lie down and when
    you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on
    your hand and they shall be as frontals on your
    forehead. You shall write them on the doorposts
    of your house and on your gates. (Deut. 64-9

Who Is Greatest In Gods Kingdom?
  • He (Jesus) called a little child and had him
    stand among them. And He said, 'I tell you the
    truth, unless you change and become like little
    children, you will never enter the kingdom of
    heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like
    this child is the greatest in the kingdom of
    heaven. And whoever welcomes a little child like
    this in my name welcomes Me. But if anyone causes
    one of these little ones who believe in Me to
    sin, it would be better for him to have a large
    millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned
    in the depths of the sea.' (Matthew 182-6)

What Is Youth Ministry?
  • Primarily our task in youth ministry is to
    approach each adolescent as a uniquely designed
    and gifted masterpiece of the Creator (Chap
    Clark 2001, 49).

What Is Youth Ministry?
  • God especially loves youth (of all ages)
  • Because of their humble spirit, they are the
    greatest in His kingdom.
  • Adults are encouraged to bring youth to Jesus
  • while their hearts are still tender
  • before their world has hardened them against
    spiritual realities.

What Is Youth Ministry?
  • "Effective evangelism in the world starts with a
    vision for reaching kids.
  • -Pastor Ryan Frank,
  • Sweetser, IN

What Is Youth Ministry?
  • Engagement of Christian Community
  • We need to facilitate partnership among church,
    missions, family, and Christian social agency
  • Our world presents huge obstacles to the
    spiritual growth of young people. We need to
    realize the need to work together to help teens
    grow strong in Christ for a lifetime.

What Is Youth Ministry?
  • Sunday School
  • Youth services
  • Parachurch youth activities
  • Homeschooling
  • Private Christian Schools
  • What else?

What about You-- the Youth Minister?
  • The difference between those who thrive in youth
    ministry and those who collapse under its weight
    lies in the substance of our foundations have we
    built a ministry on theological bedrock, or on
    the shifting sand of cultural relevance? (Kenda
    Dean 2001, 15).

What about You-- the Youth Minister?
  • To fail to name our theological priorities in
    ministryour theological rocks, if you
    willtempts both vocational infidelity and
    professional impotence (Kenda Dean 2001, 17).

Who are youth?
  • Youth ministry for much of the 20th century
    meant ministry with high school and, more
    recently, with junior high students. Today a
    youth may be any young person between the onset
    of puberty and fully individualized adulthood.
    During this period in the life cycle, adolescents
    must acquire an identity, a coherent sense of
    self that hangs together over time and persists
    throughout multiple social roles (Kenda Dean
    2001, 21-22).

Who are youth?
  • adolescence begins in biology and ends in
    culture (Clark 2001, 45).

Who are youth?
  • They are passionate, irascible, and apt to be
    carried away by their impulses. They are slaves,
    too, of their passionIf the young commit a
    fault, it is always on the side of excess and
    exaggeration for they carry everything too far,
    whether it be their love or hatred or anything
    else. They regard themselves as omniscient and
    are positive in their assertions this is, in
    fact, the reason for their carrying everything
    too far-- Aristotle

Why youth and theology?
  • theological reflection keeps the practice of
    youth ministry focused on God instead of on us
    (Dean 2001, 29).
  • Adolescents traffic in theology every single
    day (Dean 2001, 29).

Why youth and theology?
  • it is important that we not understand
    practical theology as something church
    professionals do. Jesus calls all Christians
    (youth included) into ministry therefore Jesus
    calls all Christians (youth included) to be
    practical theologianspeople who try to better
    understand how God works in Christian section so
    that our practices may cooperate with Gods work
    more fully (Kenda Dean 2001, 33).

Why youth and theology?
  • If you are involved in ministry, you are called
    to be a practical theologian, for you are making
    divine revelation relevant and coherent to a
    specific cultural setting (Clark 2001, 60).

What about our methodolgy?
  • Our message must never change, but in seeking to
    care for and reach the coming generations, our
    methods must change (Chap Clark 2001, 43).

What about our methodology?
  • Our message must never change, but in seeking to
    care for and reach the coming generations, our
    methods must change (Chap Clark 2001, 43).

What Is Youth Ministry?
  • Sunday School
  • Youth services
  • Parachurch youth activities
  • Homeschooling
  • Private Christian Schools
  • What else?

What Is the churchs role?
  • The church is not intended to be a large
    organization with several smaller, more specific
    congregations who happen to gather on a Sunday
    morning. The local church is instead called to be
    a living, connected, caring community of people
    who love Jesus Christ and are committed to loving
    and serving God in their fellowship and in the
    world (Chap Clark 2001, 61).

What Is the churchs role?
  • Youth ministry, then, is not an appendage of the
    body it is rather an expression of the whole
    body caring for a specific group. Adolescents
    need an adult community who will love them
    appropriately and with great care. This is the
    call of the church. Young adolescents need
    several second families, and middle adolescents
    need a safe place to explore peer relationships
    while knowing that there are many others in the
    wings committed and available to them. Older
    adolescents need to know that they matter to the
    other adults in the community. Youth ministry is
    everybodys job (Clark 2001, 61).

What Is the churchs role?
  • . . .youth ministry that is void of educational
    componentsboth those that initiate young people
    into the faith and mature those who have grown up
    in the faithshould not be considered genuine
    youth ministry either (Cannister 2001, 77).

Discussion Time
  • What are some of the avenues of childrens
    ministry that you have been involved in?
  • In what capacity?
  • What was the effectiveness of this program and
    of your involvement?

  • Read
  • Starting right Thinking theologically about
    youth ministry. - Chapters 6-13
  • Be prepared to discuss
  • Present Practices of Youth Ministry
  • Bring notes from your experiences

  • Cannister, Mark W. 2001. Youth ministrys
    historical context The education and evangelism
    of young people. In Starting right Thinking
    theologically about youth ministry, ed. Kenda
    Creasy Dean, Chap Clark, and Dave Rahn, 77-90. El
    Cajon, CA Youth Specialties Academic.
  • Clark, Chap. 2001. The changing face of
    adolescence A theological view of human
    development. In Starting right Thinking
    theologically about youth ministry, ed. Kenda
    Creasy Dean, Chap Clark, and Dave Rahn, 41-61. El
    Cajon, CA Youth Specialties Academic.
  • Dean, Kenda Creasy, and Ron Foster. 1998. The
    Godbearing life The art of soul tending for
    youth ministry. Nashville, TN Upper Room Books.
  • ________. 2001a. Theological rocksFirst things
    first. In Starting right Thinking theologically
    about youth ministry, ed. Kenda Creasy Dean, Chap
    Clark, and Dave Rahn, 15-23. El Cajon, CA Youth
    Specialties Academic.
  • ________. 2001b. Fessing up Owning our
    theological commitments. In Starting right
    Thinking theologically about youth ministry, ed.
    Kenda Creasy Dean, Chap Clark, and Dave Rahn,
    27-39. El Cajon, CA Youth Specialties Academic.
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