Title: I L.O. im. Mikolaja Kopernika in BielskoBiala
1I L.O. im. Mikolaja Kopernika in Bielsko-Biala
The following presentation has been created
within the confines of Socrates-Comenius
Programme Teaching Tolerance
2Clothes of Polish priests
4Ropes (cingulum)
(Polish 'komza')
6Chasuble and overlay stole in red
Its used on Martyrs Festival and on Sunday of
7Chasuble in green
Its used on regular Sundays
8Chasuble in purple
Its used during Lent and Advent
9Overlay stole
10Chasuble and overlay stole in white
Its used at Christmas and Easter
11Chasuble in gold
Its used during important ceremonies
12Chasuble in blue
Its used on St Mary's Day
13Chalice, lavabo towel, corporal and lace
16Niniejszy projekt zostal zrealizowany przy
wsparciu finansowym Wspólnoty Europejskiej w
ramach Programu Socrates Comenius.Tresci samego
projektu lub materialów nie odzwierciedlaja
stanowiska Komisji Europejskiej czy Agencji
Narodowej w danej sprawie, a w zwiazku z tym ani
Komisja Europejska, ani Agencja Narodowa nie
ponosi za nie odpowiedzialnosci. The above
project has been completed with the financial
support of the European Union and within the
confines of Socrates-Comenius Programme. Both the
themes and materials do not reflect the point of
view of the European Commission or the National
Agency. So neither theEuropean Commission nor the
National Agency bear the responsibility for the
contents of the above project.
17I Liceum Ogólnoksztalcace im. Mikolaja
Kopernika ul. Listopadowa 70
43-300 Bielsko Biala